Tansy parasites: how to take a medicinal plant


  1. How to use tansy
  2. When you can not use tansy
  3. The use of tansy to children

Tansy has long worms and other parasites has been used in folk medicine, and due to their properties was even named "glistnik". The tansy contains bitter substances, are antagonists of parasites and forcing them to leave the body. To achieve the desired effect in the fight against parasites, It is important to know, how and how much to take tansy in a particular case.

Пижма от паразитов как применять
The tansy contains bitter substances, are antagonists of parasites and forcing them to leave the body

How to use tansy

The use of tansy depends on the type of worms, affecting the body. before, you start treatment, We need to diagnose the type of pathogen, and to do it not alone, and using medical methods of diagnosis.

Recipe receiving tansy depending on the pathogen:

  • in sedge. In a saucepan pour 2 glass of milk, add 2 peeled garlic head, and all bring to the boil. After 10 Pour boiling minutes seeds tansy (1 st.lozhku). Decoction cool and drain. Used as a cleansing enema daily during the week.
  • Begnazarova askaridax. Take crushed flowers of tansy (the milled product in the amount of one tablespoon), fill 250 ml of boiling water. after 4 hour infusion of strain and drink for 15 minutes before a meal.
  • in Solitaire. Tansy and alder buckthorn bark mix, taking a tablespoon of each herb. Collection pour boiling water and give a little brew. after strain, and drink the infusion every morning and evening (ie. twice per day), Exchange 3-5 days.
  • when lamblia. Tansy flowers are ground to a fine powder. The powder is to take half a teaspoon at bedtime for about a week. The morning after receiving powder desirable laxative drink, to parasites out of the body in stools. The powder is generally washed down with water, But according to some traditional healers more correct reception - powder with bread crumbs.
  • in trichomoniasis. eucalyptus leaves, tansy, herb milfoil and fruit of Sophora mixed in equal amounts. Mixture (in the amount of one tablespoon) pour boiling water (1 glass). After infusion for 20 minutes, taken before a meal about 2-3 of the week.

To be most effective elimination of parasites apply tansy well in combination with other plants: wormwood, shell walnuts, cloves.

Tansy complex of parasites applied as follows:

  1. The dried flowers of tansy (1 g), the seeds of bitter wormwood (30 mg), carnation flowers (50 mg) mixed. The mixture was rolled in bread crumb, to be swallowed, without chewing, and drink water.
  2. On the first day of treatment take a mixture of one-time fee - before breakfast. On the second day - twice (before breakfast and dinner). On the third day - take three, and the treatment is continued in this way for a week.
  3. After weeks of "Triad" stop. After, during 2-3 months, you can use a similar technique once a week for prevention.

This technique is used against all types of parasites.

Пижма от паразитов как применять
To be most effective elimination of parasites apply tansy well in combination with other plants

When you can not use tansy

Despite its obvious healing properties, Tansy - very toxic and toxic. Because the dosage should be followed carefully plants, use it no more 7 days, no more 2 courses per year.

In overdose possible mental disorder, tk. grass has hallucinogenic properties. Overdose can cause intoxication: copious vomiting, indigestion, in severe cases can even cardiac arrest.

Tansy can not be taken under the following conditions:

  • In chronic cardiovascular diseases;
  • In the presence of Oncology;
  • Breastfeeding and pregnancy;
  • In liver and kidneys;
  • During exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • In gastritis and gastric ulcer;
  • With increasing temperature, ORVI, flu;
  • when bleeding (including during menstruation).

Tansy with other medications may be incompatible, because its reception should be allowed a doctor.

Пижма от паразитов как применять
Tansy helps in the fight against all types of parasites, settled in the intestine

The use of tansy to children

Tansy for children should be used with caution because of the high toxicity of the plant. For infants and children up to three years tansy does contraindicated.

Children are encouraged to use tansy exclusively in the form of decoction. To prepare it, Use the following recipe: tansy (the milled product in the amount of one tablespoon) pour boiling water (500 ml) and insist for 8 hours. Child watered broth four times a day, while at one time the child can drink a certain dosage:

  • Age 3-7 years - one tablespoon;
  • Age 7-10 years - not exceeding 50 ml;
  • Age 10-14 years - no more than 75 ml;
  • Over 14 years - not more than 100 ml.

Tansy worms in children is used only as part of comprehensive treatment. Perhaps the use of tansy in the composition of herbal:

  1. tansy (30 g), centaury (50 g) and everlasting (30 g) ground and mixed.
  2. Tablespoon spoon collection pour boiling water and brew in a thermos.
  3. Drink a decoction three times a day, sure - before meals, seizing a small amount of honey.

Tansy helps in the fight against all types of parasites, settled in the intestine. The main rule of its application - compliance with the dosage and medical consultation for receiving funds.

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