viruses, causing cold symptoms – flu, SARS and the new Covid-19, are quite common on the planet and have a lot in common. All listed…

Any infectious disease causing organism a protective response, ie. temperature rise. To the aid of antipyretics for adults, that facilitate state,…

Advertising Coldrex drug often shown on TV, so many people know it as a remedy for colds symptoms. In the pharmaceutical market presented…

Children most often suffer from viral diseases, especially in winter, when immunity is weakened and the child's body becomes susceptible to…

At the first sign of colds doctors recommend to use anti-inflammatory drugs, aimed at relief of symptoms: body aches, cough, cold,…

Powders against colds and flu - one of the most popular pharmaceutical goods with the onset of cold weather. With their help, the sick…

Tablets cold Kagocel - one of modern drugs, possesses antiviral effect. Assign it to treat colds, rotavirus infection…

In the autumn of the likelihood of flu is particularly high. Difficult to protect yourself from illness, as it is transmitted by airborne droplets. But you can reduce the likelihood…

A cold is an extremely unpleasant ailment, He often catches us all of a sudden, bringing a lot of problems. of course, the best method of dealing with…

As soon as the cold season comes, people are starting to buy medicines for colds and flu. Someone has already managed to catch the virus, someone accepts…

ARI - a group of acute respiratory diseases (hence the abbreviation), widespread mainly in the cold season. In the summer, the number of cases…

Adenovirus infection in children - is one of many varieties of SARS, which accounts for, according to statistics, no less 30% all…

SARS in adults - and common to all known disease. Almost everyone is sick to her several times a year, especially in…