Staphylococcal bacteriophage - a immunobiological drugs for the treatment of pathologies, caused by staphylococci. scientists have found out, what the 1 second bacteriophage can infect…
Vaginal infections cause inflammation of the vulva and are accompanied by a mass of unpleasant symptoms. Yourself to get rid of such displays help spark clotrimazole,…
Ointment Clotrimazole - antifungal topical, which effectively combats thrush. It is prescribed for the treatment of fungal diseases etiotrop. Description…
Livarol candles - effective antifungal drug, which is used when the vaginal diseases. Medication is very popular among women, because it has…
Staphylococcus aureus in the throat can lead to serious inflammation. Many bacteria exist quite peacefully in the human body up to a certain…
Sinusitis - an inflammation of the paranasal sinuses, the cause of which may be viral or bacterial infection. Sinusitis in children often occurs as a complication…
One form of tonsillitis, in which inflammation occurs in the tonsils, is called tonsillitis. An infectious disease, which…
Acute or chronic sinusitis - an inflammatory disease, which is characterized by the occurrence of a pathological process, centered in the area of the sinuses (paranasal sinuses)….
Lacunar tonsillitis - a type of bacterial tonsillitis, considered the most difficult and dangerous. When the disease is an inflammation of the tonsils captures in the gaps…
Sepsis is a severe infectious disease, that develops, when the infectious process progresses and spreads throughout the body via the blood. The people…
Angina in adults - a disease, wherein the inflammatory process affects tonsils. The source of the disease is staphylococcal or streptococcal infection. The peak incidence, as…
Blepharitis is not a separate eye disease, and a group of ophthalmic diseases, accompanied by chronic inflammatory processes, striking the lid margin. Blepharitis is difficult to give in…
The discovery of Staphylococcus aureus in the feces grudnichka scare young mothers, special, if the child is the first and the experience of treating childhood diseases is still…
Staphylococcus aureus - a very common and dangerous bacteria, which can cause and trigger a variety of serious diseases. Carriers of staphylococcus are slightly…