Tablets cold Kagocel - one of modern drugs, possesses antiviral effect. Assign it to treat colds, Rotavirus and herpes.

Releasing the medicament in the form of round tablets cream or brown. The active component in the preparation of acts Kagocel. One tablet contains 12 mg of active substance. The auxiliary components include:
- calcium stearate;
- crospovidone;
- povidone;
- lactose monohydrate;
- potato starch.
Each pack is a blister Kagocel, which presents 10 tablets, and enclosed instructions for use.

The active ingredient of the drug stimulates the production of interferons later, that are pronounced antiviral activity. After the first administration of interferons Kagocel amount increases over 48 hours, wherein in the intestine their level increases during the first 4 hours. The maximum positive effect of the drug observed at the beginning of its use within 4 days of onset, which it is associated with the active spread of viruses within cells. It is at this stage of development of microbes are the most vulnerable to the effects of interferons.
To contraindicated Kagocel?
The drug has a number of contraindications Kagocel:
- Individual hypersensitivity to the components;
- lactose intolerance;
- lactase deficiency;
- Pregnancy and breast-feeding;
- Children under 3 years.

How to take Kagocel adults?
The drug is taken orally Kagocel, drinking water. The dosage depends on the age of the patient and the disease:
- With flu and other viral pathologies adult should drink 2 tablets three times a day for the first 2 days. dosage should then be reduced to 1 tablets three times a day. therapy is not more than 4 days. Number of drunk tablets should not be more than 18 pcs.
- Kagocel for the prevention of SARS should take 2 pills 1 once a day. Then it is recommended to make a 5-day break. Preventive courses should be carried out several times during the month.
- Herpes should drink 2 tablets three times a day for 5 days.
Kagocel for children - Instructions for Use
Younger patients should take the drug by the following schemes:
- Babies from 3 to 6 years, the dosage is 1 tablet 2 once a day for the first 2 days the start of treatment. The following 2 days a child must take 1 tablet 1 once a day.
- Children from 6 years Kagocel administered at a dosage 1 tablets three times a day for 2 days, then the number of receptions is reduced to 2 times per day.
- For the prevention of respiratory infections for children over 3 years of age should be given the drug on 2 pills 1 every day for 1 of the week. Then it is recommended to interrupt the reception 5 days. The course can be carried out several times.
Important! Application Kagocel later, than 4 day from the beginning of the cold may not produce a positive result.

Kagocel be stored at room temperature for more than 2 years.
price drug, depending on the region and the pharmacy network is 220-300 rubles.
Side effects
Experts say well-tolerated by patients Kagocel tablets. Side effects are rare. These include:
- allergic skin rash;
- itch;
- burning sensation.
In case of overdose it is necessary to drink water in a large amount in order to induce vomiting and take intestinal sorbents.
Kagocel interacts well with other antiviral medicines, immunomodulatory and antibacterial drugs.
Doctors allocate a number of analogues, which can be replaced by drug Kagocel:
- Anaferon;
- Arʙidol;
- İngavirin;
- Amiksin;
- Ergofyeron;
- Tsikloferon;
- Cidovir-3;
- Rimantadine and other.
Kagotsyel, Anaferon or Arbidol - which is better?
Anaferon and Kagocel differ from those Arbidola, that they have a strong immunomodulating properties and stimulate the production of endogenous interferon body. Arbidol influences the protein hemagglutinin, resulting in the elimination of viruses.

Anaferon and Kagocel often prescribed for the prevention of influenza and acute respiratory viral infections, while, Arbidol how often is used to treat an existing virus. Arbidol is a domestic drug, so its price is quite affordable for the majority of patients.
note! Arbidol can be taken during pregnancy only in cases, when the deterioration of health caused by the influenza virus B. In other cases, it is desirable for the treatment safer use drops and nasal sprays.
Arbidol has a minimum number of side effects, but unlike Kagocel, He entered in the B list (drugs registry, the purpose of which is carried out with extreme caution, because it can cause complications when used without careful medical supervision), which in itself can alert the patient.
Ingavirin is a fairly popular means with antiviral action, which is widely used in the winter time in order to treat SARS. Its mechanism of action consists in exposing the biologically active components in the reproduction process and resuming pathogens. Also, the drug has a strong anti-inflammatory effect.
Ingavirin released in the form of capsules. The drug is not recommended for the prevention of SARS, so it is greatly inferior Kagocel, that is effective to prevent the occurrence of respiratory infections.
Mechanism of action is similar to the drug Amiksin Kagocel, because they are both synthetic interferon inducers. It differs only in Amiksin, that the therapeutic effect begins after reception after 4-24 o'clock. Doctors recommend the use of its urgent rehabilitation conservative adults.
The downside is that Amiksina, that it is administered to children from 7 years old, while, how Kagocel prescribed to children with the age of three.
Ergoferon is a drug with a broad spectrum of activity. It is composed of inflammatory and antihistaminic agents. The preparation possesses potent antiviral and immunomodulatory effects. A distinctive feature of Ergoferona Kagocel is, that it can be applied to children between the ages of 6 months. Also reading list at Ergoferona more extensive, than the Kagocel.
The average price is Ergoferona 350-400 rubles.
Tsikloferon - a low-molecular interferon inductor, has immunomodulatory and anti-inflammatory properties. The drug is effective use of herpes, influenza and SARS in the early stages of their appearance (first 5 days).
Tsikloferon involved in the synthesis of gamma globulin, and also increases the body's immune system. On the effectiveness of it is no worse than Kagocel, but it is necessary to 30-40 rubles cheaper.
Children are allowed to take TSikloferon since 4 years.
Drug is contraindicated during pregnancy and lactation, patients hypersensitive to components.
Possible side effects - allergic reactions.
Citovir-3 has a similar mechanism of action tsikloferon, but has a higher cost. This is due to the fact, that the composition Citovir-3 contains vitamin C. Due ascorbic acid is activation of the immune system.
Release preparation in the form of capsules and powder for solution for children inside. It comes in two flavors - strawberry and orange. The solution is designed for children from 1 of the year.
Medication contraindicated in patients with diabetes mellitus, during pregnancy, as well as people with individual intolerance to the components.
prevention and treatment should not exceed 4 days. the course can be carried out again, if necessary through 20-30 days.
Rimantadine is quite outdated antiviral drug. Its mechanism of action is to prevent the penetration of the virus into cells. The drug is prescribed to children from 7 years and adults. The indication for use is at an early stage influenza, and Rimantadine is used to prevent tick-borne viral encephalitis.
Price of the drug is 35-50 rubles.
The forums can be found mixed reviews on the medicinal product Kagocel. Some of the patients were satisfied with the result after treatment, others on the contrary consider the drug useless and regret the money spent.
Vladislav, 32 of the year. For the first time with the drug Kagocel I faced six months ago. I gave it to a colleague for the prevention of SARS. I myself did not take the drug, but at the time my child has cold symptoms. Already one day after the start of treatment Kagocel temperature dropped, Child health has improved significantly. No more medicines for treatment not required, that I am very happy.
Nina, 40 years old. This winter, after research in virology laboratory I have put a serious diagnosis - H1N1 flu. The attending physician appointed me Kagocel. I took him on the instructions specified in the scheme. Together with him I have written Codelac to eliminate cough. There were no treatment and antipyretics. All drugs in the complex helped me recover. So I can safely recommend the flu Kagocel.
Nikolai, 35 years old. Recently my son was ill, and I asked for help from the pediatrician. She advised us to buy the drug Kagocel. after 4 day of the child's condition has not improved. The first time it was bought and more will not take. Good, that the side effects had virtually no, except allergic reactions. The drug is not cheap, I gave him 230 rubles, and no results. I had to go back to the doctor, To assign a different tool. It is worth to take it or not I will not say, because there are those people, who came Kagocel.
Anastasia, 25 years old. On the preparation Kagocel I learned from my friend. I noticed, that her daughter is a very rare, while, as my often picks up viruses, especially in autumn and winter. I asked a friend, it gives his daughter for the prevention of colds. She advised me Kagocel. I note at once, the drug is expensive. For packaging 10 tablets should be given to 270 rubles. This fall, I started to give her this medicine to a child. So far I'm happy with the result. My daughter never in 3 months were not the common cold and cough.
Maria, 55 years old. Suffered from herpes almost 2 of the month. Previously applied drug Acyclovir, but he stopped to help me. Then the doctor advised me to buy Kagocel. For the full course of treatment needed 3 packing. In total, I have given for Kagocel 680 rubles. After a course of treatment of herpes finally passed. I recommend it to all people, who are concerned about the same problem, what was I.
Jeanne, 30 years old. For a long time, trying not to give the daughter of medicines. Colds often rescued folk remedies. But once the cold developed into pneumonia, and I knew, very wrong. Now, If I see my daughter first signs of SARS, then immediately begin to give Kagocel. Then the child's body quickly and easily cope with infection.