The flu shot 2017-2018 – address, where you can make. Contraindications, side effects

In the autumn of the likelihood of flu is particularly high. Difficult to protect yourself from illness, as it is transmitted by airborne droplets. But you can reduce the likelihood of disease - it needs a flu shot. This is the surest way to prevent the disease. Do vaccines have contraindications and side effects, so prior to treatment do not become unnecessary consultation with the doctor. Whether to make a flu shot, man decides for himself - in fact, it is not obligatory.

Самый верный способ предупредить болезнь - вовремя сделать прививку
The surest way to prevent illness - time to get vaccinated

How dangerous the flu

Influenza - a highly contagious infection, transmitted from person to person - and it does not necessarily be in direct contact with the patient.

Though the disease is fairly common, She runs hard and is often the cause of various complications. The temperature is kept at this long, marks before reaching 38-39 degrees, and the intoxication becomes very pronounced - vomiting, dizziness, I feel aches in bones, weakness, headaches.

Many flu can give and complications. for example, often it becomes a cause of exacerbation of chronic pathologies, pneumonia, carditis or otitis. Such states are much more difficult to treat, since they often require placement in hospital conditions. The most dangerous flu for young children, people with diabetes, kidney disease, lung or heart. The most common flu sick children, as they are in kindergartens and schools, where more likely to get higher. You can make the flu shot in 2017 year.

Types of influenza vaccines

Now there are several type of influenza vaccines. they differ not only by the manufacturer, but their member active substances. Choose the best option to help the doctor, based on the current condition of the patient and contraindications. Each of them equally protects against influenza, but you should always browse to the administration of his composition, to exclude the presence of allergens.

Из всего ассортимента вакцин необходимо подобрать ту, которая будет индивидуально подходить человеку. Для этого необходимо перед прививкой сообщить об особенностях своего организма и имеющихся заболеваниях либо аллергии
Of all the vaccines need to pick up the range, which will be individually approached the man. To do this, before inoculation tell about the peculiarities of the organism and existing diseases or allergies

Among popular following vaccines:

  1. split - Begrivak, Vaksgripp, Fluarix (contain fragments of dead virus, they do not have chicken protein - are suitable for people, who are allergic to eggs);
  2. whole virus - Grippovak (It is present in the killed virus, chicken protein, and aminoglycoside antibiotic series, so the drug is not indicated for children under 7 years old);
  3. subunit - Grippol, Grippol +, influvac (with the outer proteins of the virus).
  4. With a live attenuated pathogen - Influenza Vaccine Live allantoic. It helps immediately from 3 flu strains, but it is prescribed in the absence of contraindications for children from 3 years old.

Special popularity got Sovigripp vaccine for the flu shot because of its effectiveness and the lack of severe side effects.

note. When properly used, all vaccines are well tolerated. The main thing right and enter, and choose the best drug, that does not cause too many adverse events.

For what and who needs flu shot?

Since influenza is a highly contagious, vaccination - the only sure way to prevent the development of disease. The vaccine is injected into the, thereby activating the activity of antibodies against the flu. Increases immunity against pathogens, and a person becomes ill or not at all, or suffers a mild disease. Vaccination is a small cost, injected once a year and is more effective, than disinfectants. That is why in Moscow for vaccination against influenza was equipped with special mobile centers.

Чтобы защитить себя и свою семью от напасти, достаточно вовремя вакцинироваться
To protect yourself and your family from misfortune, enough time to get vaccinated

Other effective ways to effectively prevent the flu is not, since it is not formed by the constant antibody, remains in the blood for life. It means, that once a year the vaccination should be repeated.

The disease is epidemialny character - it means, that the peak incidence occurs once a year - in autumn and winter. Especially recommended vaccination against influenza following categories of the population:

  • people from 65 years old;
  • pregnant;
  • children from six months;
  • people with serious chronic illnesses (kidney disease, diabetes, bronchial asthma).

AT 2017 year's flu shot these people strongly recommends that WHO.

Dates of the vaccination scheme and

That antibodies formed, and immunity to influenza was at the right level, wait about 2 weeks from the date of the vaccine. That is why the question, when you get a flu shot, doctors recommend no earlier than the beginning of October, because otherwise it does not make sense - to the peak incidence of immunity drops. If done later vaccinated, than necessary, immune system may not be able to form, which entails disease. It can pass even in a stronger form, since a weakened pathogen of the vaccine will add a strong virus. The peak incidence is increased by early September.

note. Adult flu shot injected once, preferably once a year. Put a vaccine in October or November 2017. You can do it, and close by December, but it is better not to delay it.

If a child has never had the flu, or he will be vaccinated for the first time, doctors adhere to the two-stage injection - first make the first vaccination, and then a month later the second. Put the first shot in September or October. If you need to do is not only get a flu shot, but still needs a vaccine against some virus, it is recommended to postpone the prevention of influenza for the month forward or back flu shot. In some cases, a month's break between vaccines do not, and once all of the drug is administered, but in different parts of the body - for example,, in the shoulder and thigh intramuscular or deep subcutaneous injection.

Одно из важных правил, обеспечивающих оптимальное действие вакцины - делать ее в определенное время
One of the important rules, ensuring optimal operation of the vaccine - do it in a certain time

Immunizations can be obtained at clinics, kindergartens, schools, as well as in mobile stations in the metro, equipped in Moscow.

Where you can make the flu shot in Moscow

Autumn in Moscow at the metro open mobile points of influenza vaccination, where you can get vaccinated against the flu. They began their work 4 September, and finish 29 October (This mode of operation is also relevant for polyclinics and MFC). In the children's outpatient departments on weekdays free flu shot can do with 08:00 to 20:00, and on weekends - with 9 to 15 hours. For adults a different schedule - with 08:00 to 20:00 on weekdays, on the Security Council - 9-18 hours, and on the sun - 9-16. All rooms in MFC follow the same timetable.

By the same mode, as an adult clinic, work and mobile centers - so that you can conveniently and simply address the question of, where it is better to be vaccinated against influenza. They are located at the following metro stations (along the lines of):


  • "Tsaritsyno";
  • "Domodedovo";
  • "River Station";
  • "Paveletskaya";
  • "Belarusian".


  • «Semenovskaya»;
  • "Youth";
  • "Bauman";
  • "Kiev".

Violet Metro:

  • "Tushinskaya";
  • "Glider".


  • "Savelovskaya";
  • "Tula";
  • "Petrovsko-Razumovskaya";
  • "The Prague";
  • "Altufyevo".


  • "Teply Stan";
  • "VDNH";
  • "Yasenevo".


  • "Novokosino";
  • "Perovo";
  • "Novogireevo".

On the other metro lines:

  • "Boulevard Rokossovskogo" (Sokolnicheskaya);
  • "Lublin" (Lublin).

Council. To be vaccinated against influenza can be at the railway station in Moscow Kryukovo. Similar centers exist for vaccination against influenza in St. Petersburg.


Among the contraindications to vaccination against influenza celebrate such states, as:

  1. hypersensitivity to the drug components;
  2. the presence of marked adverse reaction after vaccination;
  3. pregnancy (if the vaccine contains live, on an attenuated strain);
  4. immunodeficiency;
  5. Children up to age 6 months;
  6. During acute chronic diseases;
  7. acute forms of any disease.

If a person present serious illnesses (eg, diabetes or renal pathologies), the selection of vaccine should be treated with caution. Especially if you choose a drug for children's flu shots.

Перед вакцинацией обязательно сообщите врачу о своих патологиях, если таковые имеются
Before vaccination, be sure to tell the doctor about their pathologies, If there are any

What may be adverse reactions from vaccines

Side effects can be the following:

  • manifestation of edema or redness at the injection site (especially on the first day);
  • in the field of vaccination pain;
  • slight fever;
  • allergic reaction;
  • fever;
  • cold symptoms;
  • cold;
  • headache;
  • myalgia.

In rare cases develop severe allergies or neurological disorders.

The flu shot during pregnancy and childhood

The flu shot is allowed to pregnant. the main thing, that vaccination should not do live virus, and split and subunit. Then they are safe for the mother grafted, and child. It is better not to vaccinate in the first 3 months of carrying a child. If this period is October or November, whether it is possible to vaccinate, doctor decides, based on the state of women (similarly addressed the issue of how, whether or not to get a flu shot in the 2 or 3 trimester if there are contraindications). Be sure to make vaccination, If a pregnant woman has a chronic disease.

Некоторые вакцины разрешены для прививания малышей в возрасте от полугода
Some vaccines are approved for vaccinating children aged from six months

Flu shot baby do, beginning with 6 months (minimum age for certain types of vaccine increases to 3 and even to 7 years old). At the time of adaptation immunity to the vaccine is best to limit the child's contact with other children, so it does not become infected. If the baby had not had the flu and not to vaccinate, for him there is a special mechanism of vaccination. This flu shot is injected into children 2 phase. It is permissible to do and 1 stage, Enter all the dose in different places on the body.

What you need to remember after vaccination

Since the vaccine - a new substance for the body, difficult to predict for sure, as immunity respond to the drug. It is therefore better to buy these drugs at a time after vaccination against influenza, which will help alleviate post-vaccination status:

  • analgesic;
  • pyretic;
  • sedative;
  • antihistamine.

A couple of weeks after vaccination against influenza is recommended that the child does not attend kindergarten or school, since there is likely to get much higher. Adults are better to abandon the use of alcohol, and ingestion of any new products (possible after flu shots get allergy). Unnecessarily also better not to visit hospitals and clinics. In the first days after the vaccination is not recommended to bathe and swim in the open water. In public sources it can lead to irritation, and home water - to the irritation of vaccination locations.

Influenza - a dangerous disease, therefore it is better to warn him, than to have the risk of getting complications from the disease. Possible to protect people from the flu vaccine will help (even in subway stations in Moscow make the flu shot in 2017 year 2018 year), as it forms in the blood of specific antibodies to the virus strains. Does it put, a person decides to volunteer. Before the vaccine is best to consult with your doctor, to choose the best drug. It tells of vaccines against influenza and Dr. Komarovsky.

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