Guide to the preparation Coldrex, contraindications, application features. drug analogues

Advertising Coldrex drug often shown on TV, so many people know it as a remedy for colds symptoms. In the pharmaceutical market a wide range of such drugs, so patients have to choose not only between koldreks or Theraflu, but also between one line.

for example, pharmacies can be found Coldrex Junior, Coldrex Broncho, Coldrex Hawtrey and other variants of the drug. They are similar to each other, therefore, to understand, what one should buy, We have to study the instructions for use. it also helps to understand, Can I take medication during pregnancy.

Колдрекс – комплексный лекарственный препарат, обладающий выраженным симпатомиметическим, иммуностимулирующим, антипиретическим и анальгетическим эффектом
Coldrex - comprehensive drug, Possesses strong sympathomimetic, immunostimulatory, antipyretic and analgesic effect

Release form and composition

Coldrex drug has several forms of release, which are designated by different names. for example, Koldreks hotra medicament is manufactured as a powder, which is packed in special bags of five or ten grams. Active ingredients act paracetamol, phenylephrine hydrochloride and ascorbic acid. Supporting elements are:

  • sodium cyclamate,
  • Lemon acid,
  • dyes,
  • flavors,
  • Corn starch,
  • sodium citrate.

Coldrex Junior and Maksigripp also available in powder form, and the composition is almost not different from Hawtrey, Only Junior is positioned as a children's version of the drug. tablet formulation of, in addition to the above active ingredients, created from caffeine and terpine. Additional elements are stearic acid, povidone, talc, dye, potassium sorbate, sodium lauryl sulfate and corn starch. Tablets packed in blisters of six or twelve pieces.

Coldrex Knight - is the designation for the form of syrup. It looks like a dark-green liquid viscous consistency, which emanates from a pronounced odor of mint. It consists of:

  • paracetamol,
  • Gidrobromida dextromethorphan,
  • promethazine hydrochloride,
  • macrogol 300,
  • sodium citrate,
  • liquid glucose,
  • sodium cyclamate,
  • ethanol,
  • acesulfame K,
  • sodium benzoate,
  • demineralized water,
  • dyes,
  • flavorings.

Coldrex Broncho also produced in the form of a syrup, but the active ingredient guaifenesin acts. Are additional molasses, sugar color, sodium cyclamate, sodium benzoate, tincture of cayenne pepper, xanthan gum, anise seed oil, levomenthol, acetic acid, camphor, glucose, sodium metabisulfite, acesulfame K, and deionized water.

Препарат Колдрекс имеет разные наименования и разные формы выпуска, это можеть быть порошок, сироп, с разным составом и разными действующими веществами
Coldrex drug has different names and different forms of release, This can be a powder, syrup, with different compositions and different active substances

Effects on body

Virtually all present embodiments drugs paracetamol, phenylephrine and ascorbic acid. The first ingredient is a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory agent. Thanks to him, the drug acts on the temperature and has an analgesic effect. Phenylephrine acts vasoconstrictor, which affects the upper respiratory tract vessels. This makes it possible to cope with the swelling of the mucous, itching and burning.

The composition of ascorbic acid is present, more commonly known as vitamin C. It has a positive effect on the immune system, helping the body to fight viruses. The substance is especially effective, if used in the early stages of colds. Coldrex Broncho made of guaifenesin, This substance is used to thin the mucus brohialnoy. The drug has mucolytic properties, improving sputum expectoration and accelerating the transition to non-productive cough productive.

Analgesic effect of paracetamol due to its effect on the CNS prostaglandins. It also affects the center of thermoregulation, which is located in the hypothalamus. options koldreks, which is composed of Terpin hydrate, They have expectorant. In some of the types of added caffeine, methylxanthines representative. He dilates blood vessels, improves gastric secretion, strengthens the work of paracetamol, increases diuresis and decreases platelet aggregation.

Колдрекс – устраняет отек слизистой носа, а также другие симптомы простуды и гриппа
Koldreks - eliminates the swelling of nasal mucosa, as well as other symptoms of colds and flu


Paratsematol features high speed of absorption in the gastrointestinal organs. He quickly and evenly distributed over the body fluids. Metabolic processes occur in the liver, where the drug is derived from the completion of the conjugation. Around three per cent of leaving the body in an unchanged form.

Similarly, processing occurs ascorbic acid. She appears in the urine in the form of oxalate. If it enters the body too much, the metabolic processes are not started, and the substance immediately goes unchanged. Unlike previous compounds, Phenylephrine is almost absorbed in the intestine and the stomach.

Once in the intestine, this component begins to affect monoamine oxidase, through which begins metabolization. phenylephrine bioavailability of domestic use is very limited. He leaves the body along with the urine in the form of a conjugate of sulfuric acid.

Guaifenesin well absorbed gastrointestinal tract, and the period of its half-life does not take more than an hour. Active component into the tissue, which contain significant amounts of acid mucopolysaccharides. Output from the body is in unchanged form via metabolic sputum and urine.

Практически во всех формах выпуска и названиях Колдреска присутствует парацетамол, он с высокой скоростью всасывается в органах ЖКТ, быстро и равномерно распределяется по жидкостям оргнанизма
Virtually all forms of release and names Koldreska present paracetamol, it with high speed is absorbed in the intestine, It is distributed quickly and evenly on liquids orgnanizma

Indications for use

Despite the variety of options, almost all of them have the same indications for use. for example, in powder Coldrex Maksigripp guide recommends drink remedy for cold and flu symptoms, such as:

  • Chills,
  • Nasal congestion,
  • Heat,
  • Headache,
  • Pain in the nose,
  • Sore throat.

Syrups and mold release properties with expectorants assigned when airway pathologies, which are accompanied by the formation of cough and sputum. Instructions to koldreks Broncho provides its use in acute tracheitis, bronchitis of various kinds and catarrh of the upper respiratory tract. However, this kind of drug can drink and just during the cold and flu.

note. With drugs compete with pain in muscles and joints.

Junior powder prescribed standard against symptoms of colds. Its main difference is the possibility of applying for children. Typically, funds designated, if the child is over six years old and less than twelve. Coldrex Knight used to relieve symptoms, which is exacerbated at night, as well as to eliminate the cough.

Колдрекс показан при следующих симптомах: озноб, заложенность носа, высокая температура, головная боль, боль в области носа, боль в горле
Koldreks shown in the following symptoms of: chills, nasal congestion, heat, headache, pain in the nose, sore throat


Most koldreks options forbidden to give to children under the age of six years. Medication do not drink, if you are allergic to paracetamol or other components, included in the. Instructions to koldreks Hawtrey prohibits it in:

  • The disadvantage glucose-6-phosphate degidrogenazы,
  • thyrotoxicosis,
  • Diseases of the circulatory system,
  • high-pressure,
  • Dysfunction of kidney and liver.

In other forms of release contraindications include heart disease, angle-closure glaucoma, high intraocular pressure and diabetes. Tablets Koldreks prohibited epilepsy, insomnia, leukopenia, alcoholism, anemia, thrombosis, hyperthyroidism, pankreato, angiospasm, hyperexcitability, poor cardiac conduction and other diseases.

If a, eg, Knight Coldrex can give the child over six years, Maksigripp it is permissible to use only for adults. If a pregnant woman is planning to take such medicine, it must consult with a doctor. Paracetamol passes placenta, therefore generally preparations based on it are not used during gestation. doctors believe, Coldrex that it is better not use during pregnancy, not to harm the unborn child.

Детям до шести лет запрещено давать Колдрекс
Children under six years old is forbidden to Coldrex

Instructions for use koldreks

Coldrex Tablets need to drink two pieces up to four times a day. Pediatric dose is one tablet four times a day. The duration of treatment is up to seven days. The powder was taken on bags every four hours for five days. During treatment, it should be remembered, that paracetamol in the composition - not the only reason to abandon the consumption of the drug during pregnancy Coldrex. Means causes numerous side effects, such as:

  • High liver enzymes,
  • Diarrhea,
  • Nausea,
  • vomiting,
  • Dizziness and headache,
  • Lyell syndrome,
  • Anafilakticheskiy shock,
  • angioedema,
  • thrombocytopenia,
  • leukopenia,
  • oliguria,
  • Hyperhidrosis,
  • bronchospasm,
  • dysuria,
  • attacks of glaucoma,
  • mydriasis.

This tool can not be called cheap, Price varies from koldreks 150 to 300 rubles. There are numerous analogues koldreks, but most of them do not have any significant differences. for example, many choose, which is better - or Theraflu Coldrex, Ferveks or Koldreks. However, all these options are made of identical components, chief of which is paracetamol. They are not cheaper, and can also lead to side effects.

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