Bitsillin-3 – instructions for use for human

Bitsillin-3 - combined antimicrobial, has bactericidal effect. It belongs to a group of long-acting penicillin. Antibiotic production is penalized cell wall peptidoglycan. This leads to changes in the membrane of the pathogen, inhibition of its development, and further to the death.

Бициллин 3 - антибиотик пенициллинового ряда, обладает бактерицидным действием
Bitsillin 3 - antibiotic penicillin, It has a bactericidal action


Producing Bitsillin-3 in powder form for preparation of the suspension. Dilution with water forms a suspension. The active components in the preparation mixture protrude benzathine benzylpenicillin, benzilpenitsillina kalievoy or natrievoy salts and salts benzilpenitsillina novokainovoy. AT 1 bottle is located 600 000 or 1 200000 ED active substances. They are derived mainly kidneys.

Assign Bitsillin-3 in such pathologies:

  • infectious diseases, caused by staphylococci, stryeptokokkami, gonokokkami, actinomycetes, meningococcus, corynebacteria, treponema pallidum, anaerobic spore-forming rod and Leishmania;
  • quinsy;
  • scarlet fever;
  • mug;
  • wound infections;
  • syphilis;
  • frambeziya;
  • leishmaniasis.

Also, the drug used for the prevention of rheumatic fever.

Buy Bitsillin-3 in the pharmacy you can without prescription. The price of the drug - 40-60 rubles. Country of origin - Russia.

As used Bitsillin-3

Antibiotic Bitsillin-3 human injected deep into the upper outer square buttocks. Strictly prohibited intravenous, as it can lead to partial or full blindness. The maximum dosage is 1 200000 ED. If necessary, designate 2 injection in the buttocks different. Re-use the drug later allowed 4 day.

Bitsillin-3 Dosage 600 000 ED is administered once a 6 days.

When the primary and secondary syphilis drug should be administered in a dose of 1 800 000 ED. The treatment involves 7 injection. The first administration is performed bicillin 3 in dosage 300 000 ED. Through 24 hours make a second stab at a full dose. Rest 5 Injection is performed with a periodicity 2 times a 7 days.

Бициллин 3 вводят внутримышечно в верхне-наружный квадрант ягодицы
Bitsillin 3 administered intramuscularly in the upper outer quadrant of the buttocks,

To prepare the suspension must use sterile water for injection. One bottle is enough 5-6 mL of solvent. It should be gently injected into the vial, then shake the mixture to obtain a homogeneous state. It allowed the appearance of air bubbles on the surface of slurry. Preparation of medicines should be administered immediately after reconstitution. After the injection is prohibited to rub the injection site. Store the drug should not be diluted, because prolonged contact of water with the powder changed its physical properties and colloidal, which leads to the heterogeneity of consistency.


According to the instructions for use, Bitsillin-3 has a number of contraindications:

  • up to age 18 years old;
  • breastfeeding;
  • idiosyncrasy components.

Precautions should be used Bitsillin-3 in renal failure, allergic diseases and pseudomembranous colitis.

Side effects

Bitsillin-3 may cause side effects such:

  • stomatitis;
  • glossit;
  • anemia;
  • decrease in blood leukocyte;
  • thrombocytopenia;
  • decreased blood clotting;
  • hives;
  • erythema multiforme;
  • angioedema;
  • fever;
  • anafilakticheskiy shock;
  • arthralgia;
  • mycosis;
  • visual impairment;
  • heart failure;
  • cardiopalmus;
  • nausea and vomiting;
Рвота - один из возможных побочных эффектов Бициллина 3
Vomiting - one of the possible side effects Bitsillin 3
  • blood in the stool;
  • nervousness;
  • drowsiness;
  • increased anxiety;
  • confusion;
  • convulsions;
  • pain and inflammation at the injection site;
  • edema;
  • dyspnea;
  • apnea.

When the anaphylactic shock required antishock therapy. Because of the risk of fungal infections is recommended antifungals, B vitamins and ascorbic acid.


Replace Bitsillin-3 can be the following analogy:

  • Retarpen;
  • Bitsillin-5;
  • Penicillin G;
  • Ospen.


Ретарпен - аналог Бициллина 3, обладает сходным механизмом действия
Retarpen - analogue Bitsillin 3, It has a similar mechanism of action

Is an antibacterial agent based on benzathine benzylpenicillin dosage 2 400 000 ME. Retarpen prescribed for chronic erysipelas, Ostrom tonsillitis, infected wounds, syphilis, Scarlet and frambezii. Also, it is effective for the prevention of rheumatic fever and post-streptococcal glomerulonephritis. Retarpen discharged in the form of an injectable solution.

note! The drug is contraindicated in individual hypersensitivity to penicillins, asthma, allergic diseases and severe nature in pediatrics.

Price Retarpena - 2400-2500 rubles. Country of origin - Austria.


Combined antibiotic from the group of penicillins, composed 2 salt of long-acting penicillin. He was appointed in infectious and inflammatory pathologies, caused by susceptible pathogens. Besides, it is used to prevent streptococcal infections, syphilis, rheumatic fever and yaws.

Price Bitsillin-5 ranges 55-70 rubles. Country of origin - Russia.

Penicillin G

Antibacterial preparation based on sodium salt of benzylpenicillin. It is intended for the treatment of pneumonia, pericarditis, meningitis, endocarditis, infections of the biliary and urinary tracts, osteomielita, ENT diseases, erysipelas, gonorrhea and syphilis. Releasing the drug in solution form for intramuscular or intravenous administration.

Important! penicillin G is contraindicated in case of hypersensitivity to the components, epilepsy, hyperkalemia. With care it is administered during pregnancy and during breastfeeding.

Price Penicillin G-5600-5800 rubles. Country of origin - Germany.


Оспен - аналог Бициллина, производится в Австрии
Ospen - analog BICILLIN, produced in Austria

antibacterial drug, intended to inhibit bacterial cell wall biosynthesis. It is prescribed for respiratory tract infections, diseases of the upper respiratory tract and skin infections. Also smallpox effectively used for the prevention of streptococcal infections and their complications. Release preparation in the form of a syrup.

note! Is contraindicated in patients who are hypersensitive components, and diseases of the digestive system, accompanied by vomiting and diarrhea.

In rare cases, smallpox causes side effects such, as allergic reactions, diarrhea, stomatitis and disturbance of the blood picture.

Price Ospen - 400-470 rubles. Country Vers-Austria.


Alexandra, 40 years old. I believe Bitsillin 3-effective drugs penicillin. He has a strong bactericidal effect, but we should take it cautiously. My husband, he was appointed 4 fold with respiratory diseases. If a 3 times the side effects do not occur, then a fourth course of treatment he had an allergic reaction. Before applying are encouraged to read the instructions, to dilute the drug correctly. Use it is required only on prescription and better outpatient.

Leonid, 34 of the year. We have a home first aid kit is always a Bitsillin-3. He is effective in viral diseases and helps to quickly get back on his feet. Simply enter the drug intramuscularly 1 once a week for, to destroy all pathogens. If you do 2 and more injections, it may worsen vision, any allergic reactions, anaphylactic shock, renal failure and even death. I think the advantage, you do not need to add in the preparation of procaine solution, it suffices to take an ordinary or distilled water. cap advise not to open first, and type in a syringe and water through the valve put in a jar. Then gently shake 2-3 times to dissolve the powder. Then back to dial the solution into the syringe and to inject intramuscularly. I did my wife pricks himself, because I have a medical degree, but in its absence is better to go with the drug in the treatment room. 3 bicillin inexpensive and efficient, therefore deserves attention.

Sergei, 45 years old. Six months ago I was diagnosed with Corynebacterium. Then the doctor prescribed Bitsillin-3. After applying, I felt much better. I passed the re-analysis, it turned, that everything is clean. The disadvantage consider it, that after using bicillin need to drink 3 probiotics, because it causes diarrhea. I myself experienced this side effect and immediately went to the pharmacy for probiotic preparations.

Natalia, 25 years old. After angina my ten year old son started complaining of heart pains and fatigue. The doctor gave direction on the cardiogram. She showed changes, which are characteristic of myocarditis. Revmaproba shown in OSLO 271 at a rate of 250. The doctor recommended pierce Bitsillin-3. After treatment, the child's condition has improved, and indices bounced back. Side effects were not. The drug definitely recommend, but only after consultation with your doctor and passing the required tests!

Daria, 42 of the year. Very strong antibiotic of prolonged action. Bicillin recommended surgeon 3, when on the leg I had a painful lump, which gradually began to grow. After the survey found, I had erysipelas. Prick was very painful, on the second day for a long time I could not sit on a chair. After a 10-day course of treatment, all was fine, but later there was a new focus. Doctor said, it is necessary to extend the treatment of antibiotic. I feel better, side effects were. Dr. regimen developed especially for my diagnosis.

Olesya, 28 years old. my daughter 8 years old. A couple of months ago, she had been ill with a sore throat and after recovery doctor appointed injections Bitsillin-3. prick did 1 once a week for a month. By itself, the painful injections, but after their baby feel good and everything is not complaining. The pediatrician said, that such a measure to prevent possible negative consequences after the disease. Due injections we were able to avoid complications.

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