Miramistin spray is an antiseptic for topical use firm Darnitsya. It has a broad spectrum of activity, so it is suitable to eliminate many pathogens, including, and herpes simplex virus. The drug can be used as an adult, and children.

The active component acts in miramistinom benzyldimethyl ammonium chloride monohydrate. Adjuvant in the formulation - water. Miramistin discharged as a clear liquid, which is tasteless and odorless. The solution was placed in a plastic vial 150 ml.
Also available in the form of ointments Miramistin. AT 1 g contains 5 mg miramistina.
The drug has the following indications for use:
- Prevention and Treatment of festering wounds. Quite often used in trauma and surgical wards. Effective in chronic inflammatory pathologies of the musculoskeletal system.
- Prevention and treatment of wounds and injuries, which were obtained during childbirth, as well as the treatment of inflammatory and infectious diseases of the genital organs.
- Prevention and treatment of fungal pathologies of the skin. Effective with the skin and mucous candidiasis.
- Urethritis and therapy uretroprostatyta.
- Prevention and treatment of infectious and inflammatory diseases in the oral cavity. It is used for the treatment of stomatitis, gingivitis and periodontitis. Besides, Miramistinom prostheses can be processed.
- Sore treatment, sinusitis, laryngitis.
- treatment of burns.
- Pathology prophylaxis, transmitted through sexual contact.
Important! The drug is contraindicated for people with individual intolerance to the active substance.
Miramistin during pregnancy can be used to treat throat at any trimester, but with caution and not to exceed the dosage. During lactation also permitted treatment miramistinom, because the risk of penetration of drugs into breast milk is reduced to zero because of the low resorption substances.
Shelf life - 3 of the year. Store the drug should be at a temperature of up to 30 WITH. Country of origin - Ukraine.

How to apply Miramistin?
Before you can use a spray Miramistin, according to instructions, you should perform several directions:
- Remove the cap from the vial.
- Remove the dispenser from the carton.
- Insert nozzle scatters inside the transparent tube vial.
- Screw in a clockwise direction
- 2-3 times click on the attachment, to check, how the medicine is sprayed.
Adults Miramistin spray should be applied on such recommendations:
- Make a few sips of water prior to use drugs.
- Enter the nebulizer in his mouth and headed toward the left amygdala.
- 1 just click on the attachment.
- To direct spray at the back of the throat wall.
- 1 just click on the attachment.
- Direct the spray towards the right amygdala.
- 1 just click on the attachment.
Depending on the disease and inflammation intensity dosage can be adjusted by 2 to 4 clicks for 1 time.
Rinse Miramistin throat Pour the preparation in a tablespoon, then gargle with a means for 30 seconds.
note! The solution can not swallow. At the end of the procedure, you must spit out the liquid.

Miramistin spray for children
children under 6 years is enough single spray Miramistin throat. children under 14 years, the recommended dose - 2 spray.
teenagers from 14 s can be used in adult dosage Miramistin.
Quite often Miramistin used to treat throat in infants. Because children at this age do not explain, that should hold their breath during the procedure, it is necessary to scatter drug on the tongue or inside the cheek. Many mothers Miramistin splash on the nipple and then give it to the kid. In this way, medicine gets on the mucous membranes of the child.
Permission is granted to use Miromistina, if a child diagnosed with otitis. It is necessary to drip into each ear 1-2 drops, then moisten cotton swab in the solution and put in the ear canal. The procedure should be carried out 2 times a day. If the baby does not increase body temperature, that cure otitis possible without the use of other drugs.

benefits of the drug
Physicians isolated advantages miramistinom:
- antimicrobial effect. It used to eliminate Gram.
- Best Mode for use in stomatitis.
- The package has a nozzle-sprayer to facilitate processing inflammatory foci in the oral cavity in children under 3 years old. Also, due to the nozzle medicine comfortably handle the wound on the skin.
- The absence of a pronounced taste, which is important when treating children.
The main disadvantages include the Miramistin, that it can not be used more 10 days, otherwise may develop goiter mouth. patients say, that the drug price is high, so many of them pick up cheaper analogues.
Side effects
Quite rarely following use Miramistin patients complain of side effects such:
- dry skin;
- itch;
- burning at the site of application;
- hyperemia.
Usually, all allergic reactions quickly pass, therefore, does not require removal of the drug.
Buy Miramistin can be in a pharmacy without a prescription. Price solution varies 190-245 rubles (85-110 UAH).
Price Miramistin spray for the throat - 350-400 rubles (157-180 UAH).
Price ointment Miramistin ranges 170-210 rubles (77-94 UAH).

By analogues are Miramistin:
- chlorhexidine;
- Geksoral;
- Furacilin;
- Dekasan;
- Tantum Verde and other.
Chlorhexidine is the most common analogue. Its price in 10 times less than, but much lower activity spectrum, than the Miramistin. Chlorhexidine have a bitter taste, it can not be used during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Also, patients reported, Chlorhexidine that can cause skin irritation.
Price Hlorgeksidina - 30-45 rubles (13-17 UAH).
The main difference from Geksoral Miramistin - the presence of the odor of menthol. It has a refreshing and mild analgesic effect. An important advantage of Geksoral - less frequent use of the drug. Produce it in France.
The price of the drug Geksoral - 340-370 rubles (150 – 167 UAH) a bottle in 40 ml.
Unlike furatsilina, Miramistin application method has spreevoy. It possesses high antimicrobial activity and easy to use. Furatsilinom is a yellow liquid with an alcohol odor. It is prescribed for the treatment of chronic suppurative otitis, and for the treatment of the external auditory meatus furuncle.
Furatsilina price ranges 40-60 rubles (18-27 UAH).
Good substitute Miramistin considered drug Dekasan. It does not cause a burning sensation after use and effective in the treatment of upper respiratory tract. Also it is used for the treatment of wounds and burns.
The average cost of Dekasana - 150-180 rubles (68 – 75 UAH) a bottle container 400 ml.
Tantum Verde is prescribed for the treatment of both adults, and children. it is cheaper, than Miramistin, It has a sweet taste, which is like the little patients. Tantum Verde is used in gynecology - for the treatment of thrush, in dentistry - with stomatitis and gingivitis. A significant drawback of the drug - a large list of side effects: dryness and burning in the mouth, allergic reactions on the skin and numbness.
Price TANTUM Verde - 250 – 280 rubles (112-126 UAH).

Catherine, 30 years old. With Miramistin I was introduced only this year, but I have already managed to use it 2 times to multiple destinations. The first time he is useful to me, when he had to make her husband intramuscular injection. I went to the drugstore and instead of the usual medical alcohol decided to buy Miramistin. He did a fine job with their task. The second time I applied the medicine to relieve an itch in an intimate area. He really helped me to cope with this problem. Of the benefits I want to mention a handy dispenser, working without problems. Among the few drawbacks - the high price, but the funds are spent economically.
Nina, 26 years old. Three months ago, the pediatrician prescribed for SARS my 4-year-old daughter Miramistin. Pshikat their throats, and the child's nose three times a day. Together with us Miramistin appointed Enterferon, Lizobakt and Protargolum nose. I was pleased with the data of a spray. Now I use it to treat the first signs of a cold at, also disinfects cuts, wounds, and recently even cure their nail fungus.
Marina, 38 years old. miramistinom enjoyed 2 fold. I originally bought it at the pharmacy for the treatment of sore throat. This problem is he has not managed in any way, The next morning my throat hurt even more. I decided to give another chance to the drug and began to use it as a tonic for the treatment of persons. In this embodiment, it is perfectly refreshing my problem skin and disinfects it. I want to note, that the redness and inflammation on the face was much smaller, pimples are faster.