Mycoplasma men – transmission routes and methods of treatment

Mycoplasma men - insidious and fairly common disease today, which necessarily require treatment. Its symptoms can be hidden, that poses a great danger. It is a viral disease, sexually transmitted, currently found in every second man.


Infection causes small microorganisms, that neither the virus, neither bacteria, neither mushrooms. They do not have a cell wall, they do not form spores, do not move. Their form is:

  • discoid;
  • kokovidnaâ;
  • threadlike.
Возбудитель может находится в организме очень долго бессимптомно
The causative agent is stored in the body for a long time without symptoms

characterized by vitality, which complicates the treatment process. They multiply by division. these parasites, like most, alone can not exist, They live only in host cells. Have some similarity in physiological and morphological characteristics with L-form bacteria.

note! Parasite It considered conditionally pathogenic, can live in the host completely asymptomatic, but as soon as the immune system fails to give the smallest, it will show up in full force. The spread goes to all the organs and systems of the body.

Mycoplasmas there more than a dozen, but dangerous to humans are just some, among them: mycoplasma hominis, mycoplasma genitalium, mycoplasma pnevmonyэ.

Ways of infection

The main reason for mycoplasma infection is unprotected and promiscuous sex. The chance of infection from the patient ranges from partner 4-80%, and to a greater extent it depends on the state of immunity.

note! Women and men alike can be carriers of the virus.

You can not become infected through a kiss, very rare cases of transmission during oral sexual relations. Household transmission route is unlikely, because the mycoplasma can not survive for long outside the host organism. But to exclude such a possibility is not necessary.

Important! Such a disease exists and pets, but the person infected cat or dog can not, Mycoplasma is transmitted only within a single species.

Most cases of infection in men are caused by pathogen Mycoplasma genitalium, which has a profound effect on the genitourinary system.


Mycoplasma in males often occurs in a latent form, according to statistics 40% infected are not aware of the presence of parasites in the body. The infection manifests itself with the weakening of immunity, then its behavior aggressively.

Проявление микоплазмы у мужчин имеет ряд симптомов
Manifestation of mycoplasma in men has a number of symptoms

From the moment of infection, symptoms to likely extends from 7 to 45 days. There are a number of symptoms, are typical when infecting male body. Among them:

  1. Transparent not profuse discharge from the urethra. Their yellowish tint.
  2. During urination and sexual intercourse pain and burning.
  3. Itching and discomfort when urinating.
  4. Redness external urethra.
  5. Increasing the inguinal lymph nodes.
  6. swelling of the scrotum, feeling of heaviness.
  7. Pain in the crotch and / or anal passage.
  8. Rashes on the skin and genitals.
  9. Symptoms of intoxication.

The inflammatory process is localized on the prepuce, next to the urethra. Launched mycoplasmosis reveals itself turbid urine, wherein the observed impurity pus, frequent urination. All symptoms are not specific, but detection at even some of them, should immediately see a specialist.

note! There are a number of symptoms, which may not be alerted. Such, like back pain and joint pain.

Symptomatology can disappear and re-appear. The impetus for the activation are: not getting enough sleep, chronic stress. Also sleeping parasite will wake up with the development of other acute diseases, including infections, sexually transmitted.

mycoplasmosis, which becomes chronic, It leads to prostatitis, pyelonephritis, arthritis.

note! Mycoplasma affect sperm motility, which leads to problems with conceiving a child.


Effective preventive measures Mycoplasma genitalium in men are:

  • protected sex and regular partner;
  • the minimum alcohol;
  • getting rid of the smoking habit;
  • regular screening for the presence of sexually transmitted diseases.

In case of detection of mycoplasma one partner, two of them need to be treated and all, who could have sexual contact with an infected. Immunity to the virus in the body does not produce.

note! Mycoplasma hominis and ureplazmu belong to the normal flora and may be found in perfectly healthy adult men, who are sexually active, but have no symptoms of the disease.

Tests for mycoplasma

For the diagnosis of mycoplasma using such assays:

  1. Blood test. It is taken from a vein, important to remember, that the fence material, for 10 hours before that you can not eat.
  2. PCR - polymerase chain reaction method. In addition to the study of blood is subjected to scrape from the urethra. This analysis allows to obtain reliable data, even in the presence of a minimum amount of material collected from a patient. It is based on the detection part of the genetic material of the pathogen.
  3. bacteriological analysis. This method involves growing colonies of microorganisms in the culture medium.
  4. Serological analysis reveals antibodies to mycoplasma, which indicates the presence of the pathogen in the body.
  5. Linked immunosorbent assay (IFA) - antigen detection.
  6. Immunofluorescence analysis of this implies the use of specific pigment bodies.
  7. Genetic sensing - identifying the genetic material fragments.

Any of the presented analysis is assigned a doctor. There is a possibility of false test results to detect mycoplasma in men. They appear under such conditions:

  • violation of the rules of sampling;
  • sample contamination extraneous DNA;
  • analysis on the background of antibacterial therapy.

Features of treatment

After confirming the diagnosis tests, you must immediately begin to mycoplasma treatment for men. No treatment is fraught with complications.

Therapy male mycoplasma different integrated approach, but, in the same time, It has individual features, This takes into account the patient's age, severity of the disease, severe symptoms, associated disease, complications. The most effective treatment will be in the early stages of development. Advanced stages mycoplasmosis genitalium requires long-term therapy.

An integrated approach to treatment is:

  1. The effect on the pathogen. Often it is the use of antibiotics.
  2. The boosting immunity. To this end appointed physiotherapy.
  3. In the treatment of complications.

note! In the case of the first treatment with medication, be sure to take into account the sensitivity of the pathogen to the individual groups of drugs.

  1. During treatment should follow a diet - to exclude alcohol, to limit fatty foods, smoked and spicy.
  2. You need to take medication exactly as prescribed physician scheme. Stop taking it ahead of time is possible only after consultation with a specialist.
  3. At the time of treatment should abandon sex.

Medications and procedures for the treatment of mycoplasma

For the treatment using such drugs:

  1. Tetratsiklinы, fluoroquinoline, macrolides.
  2. protivotrihomonadnye means.
  3. antifungals. Their appointment is necessary, if there is a fungal infection on the background of mycoplasmas.
  4. Hepatoprotection. They need to protect the liver from the effects of antibiotics.
  5. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. They are needed in the case of fever or pain.
  6. Enzymes help the effective absorption of antibiotics, which improves the effect of their reception.
  7. immunomodulators. Enhance the immune system's resistance to mycoplasma.
  8. Multivitamins strengthen the immune system.

Recommended use physiotherapy in chronic disease or late stage detection. In order to evaluate the effectiveness of treatment, 4-5 weeks after completion of the course are assigned retested - PCR or culture.

Физиотерапевтические процедуры для лечения болезни на разных стадиях
Physical therapy procedures for the treatment of disease at different stages


Treat mycoplasma in men it is necessary to, because most disastrous consequence of neglect are the deterioration of sperm motility, which invariably leads to the deterioration of reproductive function. Danger of infection is, that it can not supply the limelight at, so the men, at-risk (with frequent change of partners, unprotected sex), should be screened regularly.

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