Raspberry - one of the favorite fruit growers. It has a sweet taste, attractive aroma and has many medicinal properties. To crop of berries was fruitful, should carry out all stages of care for shrubs. raspberry processing of pests is conducted in the spring and includes several events, that must be performed.

Kinds of diseases and pests
For visitors favorite raspberry include such insects:
- raspberry beetle. It makes berries unfit for consumption. Has an elongated oval body gray-yellow up to 4,3 mm. egg-laying takes place in a flower or young ovaries.
- spider mite. Does not exceed 0,6 mm. Can have several variants of color. Pest inhabits on the lower side of the sheet. Actively growing at a temperature of 20 to 32 °C. It feeds on leaves juice, causing sores on them. Such leaves eventually dry up and fall off.
- Raspberry-strawberry weevil. Beetle with oval body length 2-3 cm. It feeds on leaves and destroys the buds during oviposition. In addition to raspberries, causing serious harm to the early varieties of strawberries. Beetle strikes first buds, of which there are very large berries.
- Fly stem raspberries. Gray small insect to 5 mm, overwinters as a pupa. The greatest harm shrubs cause larvae. Damaged stalks gradually fade, blacken and die.
- Midge and stem sprout. It considered the most dangerous pests and belongs to the family Nematocera Diptera. Midge affects young shoots of raspberries and causes premature yellowing of leaves. The main feature of the emergence of midges in the bush - growth on the stalk.
- Bud moth Malin. It belongs to the order Lepidoptera. Striking focal bushes, usually in older plantations. Moth larvae and long reach 7-9 mm.
- sesiidae. It is a blue-black butterfly. Causing irreparable harm to planting raspberries. amaze shoots, which begin to break down and little fruit. Over time, they wither and dry up completely.
- Aphids and leaf sprout. It occurs groups and is considered a carrier of viral diseases raspberry. Aphid sucks sap from the leaves, whereby the sheet is deformed plate.

The plant is also subject to infection by diseases of different origin:
- Anthracnose;
- rust;
- gray mold;
- septoriosis;
- peptic spotting;
- muchnistaya dew;
- autumn spotting;
- crinkle;
- chlorosis;
- bacterial canker.
The cause of the disease can be not only a parasite-vector, but low-quality care.
care stages
Experts identify the steps spring plant care:

- Fertilizing in the spring raspberry nitrogenous fertilizers. As soon as the snow melts, must be processed bushes urea or saltpetre. Dosage agent is 20 d of 1 m
- Pruning deformed or dead shoots. Performed with stable warm weather.
- tying bushes. It carried out at the beginning of the vegetation period of the plants.
- Repeated raspberry spring pruning and spraying with special solutions from diseases. Should perform when a third sheet from the kidney. Such a procedure is required for the formation of fruiting branches.
- loosening the soil and fertilizing additives, containing phosphate. Besides, at this stage it makes a horticulturist raspberries wood ash per 300 d of 1 m is useful to use a complex and organic fertilizers for, to grow healthy raspberries. These manipulations should be performed at a temperature of air to 18 °C. Also, the gardener must remove all the larvae of parasites found, thus reducing their concentration in the soil.
- Spring feeding of mullein. Produced in the last days of May,. It must be diluted with water in proportion 1:10.
note! To trim the sick and dead shoots should use clippers or peeled and imposed pruner.
Spoiled after the winter part of the gardener shrubs must be removed prior to the first healthy kidney. For every bush you can leave up to 5-8 shoots, the length of which should not exceed 1,5-1,8 m.
Chemicals for spraying raspberry bushes
For processing raspberry often used Bordeaux mixture. It is prepared under the scheme:
- take 400 g lime-pushonki.
- pour 10 liters of water.
- Add 300 g copper sulphate.
- To stir thoroughly.
Expend the solution should be calculated 10 l 100 m2. It prevents botrytis.
An effective tool in the fight against pests is urea in combination with copper sulfate. Just connect 800 g of urea and 60 d of kuporosa 10 liters of water. Use a mixture of calculation 2,5 l 10 m2 ground.
Many gardeners are recommended for the treatment of raspberry bushes in the spring of vitriol. To this should be diluted 100 g feed in 5 liters of water. Well established such funds, how Nitrafen or Topaz.

note! If pests are localized on the sheet plate, then get rid of them, you can use insecticides.
To protect the bushes from the raspberry beetle, should use these drugs:
- Kinmiks. dilute 2,5 ml in 10 liters of water. dosage of 10 shrubs - 1,5 l.
- Karʙofos. It is used in a large population of beetles. You only need to spray the buds formed on the basis of 90 g means for 10 liters of water.
- spark. The tool is designed to remove heavy defeat. It should be applied before flowering and after a dosage 1 tablet 10 liters of water.
Added to the list of chemicals can aktellik, Inta-Vir and konfidor. Use their recommended dosages strictly, these instructions.
To combat spider mites apply insektoakaritsidnoe means Fufanon. It provides protection for the plant 2 weeks. The drug can be combined with other insecticides. Fufanon affects the intestinal tract parasite, which leads to loss of the ability to feed through 1 time, and during the day the insect dies.
Secure bushes of spider mites by using highly toxic drug Akreks. This specific acaricidal agent has fungicidal properties. It is intended for spraying the plants before flowering.
An effective remedy against spider mites is emulsion anti-. It provides a systemic and contact action. The protection lasts for 12-15 days. For the season means treatment can be performed no more than 3 time.
To protect raspberry bushes by Malin strawberry beetle-use insecticide Alatar based malathion and cypermethrin. Drug treatment should be carried out to 10 o'clock in the morning or after 18 pm, uniformly wetting it leaves.
note! Universal tool in the fight against pests is urea. It not only protects the plant, but also imbues it with nitrogen, It strengthens the immune system.
To eliminate sprout midge 2 times per season should cultivate the soil under the bushes with a solution chlorophos. Initially, follow the procedure, when the air temperature at night will become more 13 °C. Secondary - later 10 days after the first treatment.

biological agents
Effective against various species of ticks, aphids and other pests is a biological preparation Fitoferm. He has a negative effect on the insect nervous system, causing paralysis and death. The active component therein acts as Aversectin C. active protection period is 20 days.
Popular means of gardeners - drug bitoksibatsillin. It is designed to protect plants from leaf-eating, sucking insects and plodopovrezhdayuschih. The drug is not addictive in pests and approved for use at any stage of development of raspberries.
Protect planting raspberries from stem flies can be a drug Agravertin. It is an extract of the fungus streptomitsesa, which insisted on alcohol. Means not addictive in pests, in hot weather its protective function is enhanced, and the temperature is lowered below +18 ° C effectiveness wanes.
Process the raspberries from pests can be a biological agent polyverse BP. It is widely used for environmental protection of plants against various diseases and is a stimulant of growth. At the heart of the drug - a predatory fungus Pythium oligandrum. It prevents the formation of gray rot and fading shoots.
Folk remedies
Protect the plant from the raspberry beetle can be pink solution of potassium permanganate. enough to dissolve 0,5 g in 10 liters of water and spray the bushes after the snow melts.
Many gardeners use against beetle grass infusion of tansy. It can be prepared by the following scheme:
- take 350 g of dried herb.
- pour 10 liters of water.
- insist day.
- Boil 30 minutes.
- Strain.
Before spraying bushes means bring water to the bucket volume.
Process raspberries from diseases can mustard powder. To do this, connect 100 g raw 500 ml of boiling water, to bring the weight up to a creamy consistence, then pour 9 liters of water and make irrigation.
Raspberries for processing in the early spring is useful to apply an infusion of onions. Suffice it to mix 20 g minced with onion 1 liters of water. infuse solution 6-8 hours. Before irrigation is necessary to filter.
Save the bushes by the invasion of spider mites, you can use the infusion dandelion. should take 20 Mr. roots of the plant and pour 1 l of boiling water. Insist 2 o'clock.
Against most effective means of pest is garlic tincture:
- take 200 g crushed garlic.
- pour 1,5 liters of water.
- Cover the container lid.
- Insist 5 days in a dark place.
The resulting concentrate was diluted in proportions 5 ml of 1 l water and used for processing bushes.
If spider mite struck a small shrub, to process the raspberries suitable ammonia. It is necessary to moisten cotton wool and gently wipe the stems and leaves. Alcohol layer should not be too thick, so as not to cause burns.

Fight raspberry beetle possible via infusion through marigold. Suffice it to mix 200 g comminuted flowers with 10 liters of water. Insist 9-10 hours.
note! Against midges and raspberry stem flies folk remedies do not help. Effectively only use biological products.
To properly handle the raspberry bushes against pests, should adhere to several recommendations:
- After dilution of the preparation to use it for 1-2 hours. The solution can not be left to subsequent processing.
- The procedure is performed only in warm weather, without rain and wind.
- It is not advisable to carry out processing on a cloudy day. If, within 3 hours after spraying the plants began to rain, the procedure was useless.
- Handle only shrubs in protective clothing, spectacles, gloves and a respirator.
- The procedure was carried out early in the morning or after sunset.
- Do not eat berries sprayed over 14 days.