Coxsackie virus 2018 in Turkey - whether to go to the resorts? The latest news and reviews of tourists

In recent weeks, the media and social networking messages stirred up a wave of a new outbreak of the virus Coxsackie 2018, emerged in Turkey. Tourists have raised real panic, many refuse booked tours and trips to resorts.

We already wrote about the virus coxsackie 2017 of the year, but new cases of the outbreak of force to study the problem in more detail and to assess the real situation with the spread of the virus in 2018 year.

What is the Coxsackie virus

Coxsackie virus belongs to intestinal infections (enterovirus group). Particularly prevalent infection got on the Mediterranean coast, wherein the virus is favored hot and humid climate.

Вирус Коксаки относится к семейству энтеровирусов (кишечные вирусы). Он представляет собой РНК-содержащий вирус
Coxsackie virus belongs to the family of enteroviruses (enteric viruses). It is an RNA-containing virus

Most susceptible to infection virus young children - from two to ten years, that due to the fact, that the children often neglect personal hygiene, and adults on vacation usually little control over their children

Important! In Moscow hot line, Dial by which, you can get detailed information about the virus and obtain expert assistance.

coxsackie, getting into the blood, quickly spreads throughout the body, causing inflammation. Because of the rapid spread of the virus is never possible to predict, that the first to suffer from the infection - the nerve cells, leather, internal organs or muscles. For this reason, the symptoms may vary depending on the virus localization.

Вирус Коксаки относится к возбудителю детских инфекций. Он вызывает вирусный инфекционный процесс – энтеровирусный стоматит с экзантемой
Coxsackie virus is a causative agent of childhood infections. He is a viral infectious process - Enterovirus stomatitis with exanthema

In most cases the disease has a good prognosis, but the wrong approach to therapy may develop a fairly dangerous complications.

How to recognize coxsackievirus

AT 70% cases, the disease is gently, even without causing particular clinical symptoms, and runs for three days. In other cases, the disease can be manifested by symptoms, as high temperature (over 39 degrees), weakness, headache, lomota, diarrhea.

These features are characteristic of any enteric virus infection, and only the disease can not be identified by their presence. Therefore, you should pay attention to the background syndromes, which appear depending on the form of the disease and organ, infected virus.

note! Coxsackie virus is also called the "Turkish chickenpox" because of the similarity of symptoms.

It is also possible to determine the characteristic Coxsackie rash, which, depending on the form of the virus can cover the feet and hands, legs, tongue and palate patient.

The symptoms may arise as with, and separately, and with an accuracy of a diagnosis can only be a doctor after the initial inspection and the relevant tests.

dangerous consequences

Timely detected and promptly treated disease is often without complications, is rarely severe infections can lead to serious consequences:

  • pulmonary edema;
  • Orhitu (boys);
  • Asepticheskomu meningitu;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • encephalitis;
  • myocarditis;
  • hepatitis Island;
  • Pathologies of the cardiovascular system.

To avoid the negative complications, when the first symptoms of the disease should see a doctor and begin treatment.

Is there a cure coxsackievirus

If the disease progresses without complications, that he is being treated at home, while therapeutic activities similar to the conventional treatment of SARS.

Drug therapy includes receiving the following medications:

  • antipyretics: Paracetamol, ibuprofen, Ibufen;
  • immunomodulators: immunoglobulins, interferons;
  • sorbents (for removal of toxic): Entyerosgyeli, Activated carbon;Antiseptics for external application (gels, ointment, cream): Orasept, Geksoral;

    Энтеросгель оказывает детоксикационное действие
    Enterosgel has detoxifying action

  • antihistamines (for severe itching): suprastin;
  • vitamins (for lifting immunity);
  • antidiarrheal: alatrofloxacin, Rehydration, SMEK.

note! Antibiotics in the treatment of coxsackie virus ineffective. Antibiotic therapy is used only in case of complications - diarrhea, Sore Throat, conjunctivitis.

От того, насколько правильно будет организовано лечение, зависит, выздоровеет ли ребенок без последствий, или получит бактериальные осложнения. Поэтому будьте внимательны!
To avoid complications, and get better soon, It recommended to ensure that the child drink oilnoe, the bigger, the better

A total treatment of the disease can last from 7 to 10 days. But if, the child is not getting better, and symptoms such, as a sharp headache, pale skin, decrease in appetite, signs of dehydration - needed medical emergencies and immediate hospitalization.

How and where do you get the virus

hotels, where they were in the cases of Coxsackie disease, the marked, located in the popular tourist areas of Turkey - Kemer, Antalya, Alanya, side. Right here, on the Mediterranean coast, There are ideal conditions for the emergence and spread of the virus epidemic.

В Турции гораздо больше шансов подхватить неприятную инфекцию, чем на курортах России. Хотя, на переполненных пляжах в Сочи также можно заболеть этим вирусом
In Turkey, much more likely to pick up a nasty infection, than Russia resorts. Although crowded beaches in Sochi also can get sick with this virus

Coxsackie virus outbreaks are not unique to Turkish resorts. Annually among tourists, holidaymakers in Cyprus, in Greece, Spain, in Tunisia (Djerba island) there are cases of virus infection.

"Catch" the disease can be dangerous, and crowded beaches of Sochi and the Crimea, where the virus was "brought" our compatriots from warmer climates.

Important! According to Rospotrebnadzor in the five months of this year, is known 50 cases of infection Russian tourists Coxsackie virus, with two thirds of newly infected - children. The total number of cases is about 500 person.

In which hotel was found coxsackievirus the period 2017-2018 G. G:

  • Sunrise Resort;
  • Limak Limra;
  • Starlight;
  • Oasis;
  • Amaraprestige;
  • Nashira;
  • Papillion belvil;
  • Calistra Luxury;
  • Adora Resort.

Infected with a virus in one of three ways:

  • Contact-household;
  • Airborne;
  • food.

That is the source of infection is infected as the man himself, and items, to which he touched. Virus particles can persist for a long time in the food, in water, personal use items, in sand.

Can I go to Turkey: Reviews of tourists and the opinion of Ministry of Health

The decision on the trip must be taken independently. can not be considered, that the virus can "catch" only in Turkey or Cyprus. Enterovirus infections are quite common among children, and they can be caught anywhere.

Also, be aware, that virtually every child faces a child with enterovirus infection, so panic, bloated around Coxsackie virus, somewhat exaggerated.

Turkish authorities and the Russian Ministry of Health official sources say:

  • Coxsackie virus in Turkey 2018 It has epidemic proportions;
  • The infection is not widespread and cases of disease during the period 2017-2018 gg. increased insignificantly;
  • The seasonal increase in the number of cases associated with the spread of infection in a humid environment (in particular, in basins);
  • The elementary rules of hygiene to help prevent infection.

Rospotrebnadzor said the deterioration of the epidemiological situation on the Turkish resorts, therefore the memo was designed by the Ministry of Health to the public on enterovirus.

note! The Ministry of Health recommends to the stabilization of the epidemiological situation to limit the admission of children in pools and in the "Baby Club", tk. these places are "hotbeds" of viruses and infections.

Preventive measures, warning virus infection, include adherence to the simple sanitary standards. recommended:

  • Regularly wash your hands, use antiseptics;
  • Wash with soap and all purchased fruits and vegetables;
  • There is only in the audited locations or prepare meals;
  • To avoid possible large crowds;
  • Eating outdoors;
  • Swim in the sea, and not in the common pools.

If you adhere to these simple rules, the risk of infection of enterovirus infection is minimized.

Reviews of tourists to Turkey varied:

  • Irina: "Rested in Antalya. Patients seen. Only themselves bathed in the sea, consistently used antiseptics. Fruits carefully wash, and the intense heat trying to outstay in the room ".
  • Tatyana: "Rested in Turkey, Oasis hotel. Son caught there this sore - five days, the disease manifests itself actively. Now there was only a rash, I hope, it shall not remain scars. In Turkey, no longer go ".

The rest of the reviews on travel forums have a similar character: recover from a virus vying to discourage tourists from visiting Turkish resorts, and other travelers say, that, subject to the basic rules of hygiene to avoid infection possible, and in this respect the Turkish hotels are not dangerous or Crimean beach in Sochi.

Coxsackie virus can be contracted in Turkey, as well, as in other resorts in the world can "catch" the intestinal enterovirus infection. The disease is not insured any holidaymaker, but to raise a panic on this issue is not necessary - you just need to be prepared for the possibility of infection and know, how to take action, that the disease has passed quickly and without complications.

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