Coxsackie virus – how the disease is transmitted? incubation period, Symptoms and Treatment

What kind of virus

Coxsackie virus - it is not even a single virus, but a whole group of them, consisting of thirty highly intestinal viruses, breeding in the human gastrointestinal tract (It is most common in children). The infection was detected for the first time in a small American town called Coxsackie, and, because the virus is highly contagious - it quickly spread all over the planet.

Вирус Коксаки – это группа из тридцати высокоактивных кишечных вирусов
Coxsackie virus - a group of thirty high level of intestinal viruses

In the past year it has been particularly active Coxsackie virus in Turkey, 2017 year was, can say, year of glory for this unpleasant infection, As the Internet and media are literally dazzled publications about, hotels in Antalya Turkish resorts, Kemer, Fethiye, Bodrum and Marmaris annoyed tourists become victims of an insidious infection, perecherknuvshy all their plans for the holidays.

It is interesting! Another name for enterovirus Coxsackie disease perfectly describes the mechanism of its penetration into the body - the syndrome of "hand-foot-mouth".

Соблюдение правил личной гигиены существенно снижает риск заболеть Вирусом Коксаки
Personal hygiene significantly reduces the risk of Coxsackie virus

That is why it is most often affects pediatric patients up to five years, but the Coxsackie virus in adults - very rare. After that, as a person ill, formed a strong immunity - more this disease you do not get sick.

Council! Necessary at an early age to teach children not to swallow toys, objects from the floor, nor does it have the same spoon and drink from a bottle with other children. If your child has grabbed the dirty subject - Be sure to wash and treat with his hands, or, least, wipe them with a damp cloth - so you'll reduce the chance of infection.

so, in some hotels in Turkey coxsackievirus especially rampant in 2017? Recent data on the epidemiology and reviews of tourists affected report having, that the situation with Coxsackie virus was particularly intense in the following hotels (cm. list):

  1. Hotel Kerim
  2. Erendiz Garden Hotel
  3. Oasis Hotel
  4. Xperia Kandelor Hotel
  5. Hildegard Hotel
  6. Beydagi Konak Hotel
  7. Starlight Resort Hotel
  8. Beydagi Konak Hotel
  9. Seckin Konaklar Hotel
  10. Pasha’s Princess Hotel
  11. Seckin Konaklar Hotel

Recent news reports about, that the foci of infection in these hotels have already been eliminated - held saniternaya treatment rooms.

note! There is no certain special "Turkish" strains, This information is a common newspaper duck. Yes, have an infection, there are subspecies, but they are common and equally for all other countries. prevention, treatment, symptoms and course of coxsackie virus - will be the same regardless of whether, where you are it "picked up".

Синдром «рука-нога-рот»
Syndrome of "hand-foot-mouth"

It is interesting!

  1. Death of virus in the environment at room temperature does not occur within 1 of the week, only later 7 days he gradually begins to die.
  2. Processing objects and tools 70% Rubbing Alcohol has no effect on the virus destructive influence.
  3. In the acidic environment of the stomach, as in chloride kilote - virus is able to exist for a long time.
  4. Despite the fact, enterovirus that reproduces itself in the intestines of the diseased, symptoms of gastrointestinal disorders (nausea, vomiting, etc.. P.) found only in patients, with a history of diseases of the digestive system.
  5. Infectious agent die surface treatment of 0.3% formalin solution and exposed to UV-rays. The virus can be destroyed by heat treatment, but the temperature must be very high.
  6. Children, are breastfed, very rarely infected with Coxsackie virus, since breast milk contains antibodies. Even if the infection occurred - the disease is relatively mild form.

All Coxsackie viruses are divided into two groups (two classes):

  1. Coxsackie virus type A, characterized by complications such as diseases of the throat, and meningitis;
  2. The type of virus - a far more formidable enemy of man, it causes a serious disease of the nervous system up to the degeneration and other mental illnesses, and can affect the skeletal muscles and the cardiovascular system.


Coxsackie virus enters the body droplet and oral routes by direct contact with infected child. The most dangerous in terms of developing serious complications age children up to two years. Children of this age have to be carefully observed hygiene.

Important! Of course, Children will interact with their peers on the street and in the kindergarten, but if you have a suspicion, that someone in contact with your child is sick - must be excluded communication babies to full recovery.

Тяжёлые осложнения могут развиться у малышей в возрасте до двух лет
Severe complications can develop in children aged up to two years

If you are in close contact with the patient or his belongings - the chances, you have caught, is 98% (if you did not suffer this disease earlier). And two months after recovery in saliva and feces had been ill continues to detect viruses. I.e, after recovery of the patient relatives should still be careful when dealing with them.

note! Upon detection of Coxsackie virus symptoms in pupil of children's institutions - in the hold should be immediately quarantined.

Signs of Coxsackie virus can be at the beginning of the disease perputat with SARS, allergic reaction or chickenpox. by this, a list of characteristic symptoms of the disease and especially to remember.

  1. The incubation period after infection in the organism contact lasts from 4 to 6 days, infection occurs, as mentioned, predominantly in the summer-fall period when a high percentage of humidity.
  2. The first manifestations of the disease in the child expressed in the form of weakness, fatigue, baby refuses to eat, abdominal rumbling can be heard, sometimes there are pains spasmodic character.
  3. In the hands in hands, the palms, in the interdigital spaces, on fingers, around the mouth and on the mucosa of the mouth, as well as on the feet appears between the toes, Sammy phalanx, feet, on the mucosa and appear around the mouth strongly red itchy rash as blisters dimensions of the order 3 mm and less. Sometimes the rash covers the entire body of the kid - mainly the buttocks, life, back. Itching exhausting child, causing headaches, dizziness and insomnia.

Because of itching of the mouth of saliva flow increases several times. Because of this, the baby needs constant monitoring during sleep - turn his head to the side, to avoid getting secrete saliva into the airways.

The child often refuses to take even pasty food. Try to drink its cool water, it will not irritate mucosal injury. If nausea and vomiting prevent absorption of fluids and food, the doctor will prescribe an antiemetic - eg, Reglan.

And that is still a child could safely take food, you need to apply the analgesic drug in gel form, e.g. Kamistad, Xoliцest or Xolisal.

disease species

Coxsackie infection can occur in four different forms, and, in order to diagnose disease, you need to know about each of them. The symptoms and treatment of diseases - are closely interrelated, depending on the symptoms the doctor selects the appropriate treatment strategy.

  1. Flu-like shape (or "Flu-lajk") - milder in the other three. generalized weakness, a sense of "ache" in the joints and muscles - that's, properly, and all, It suffers from what in this case, the patient. the, as the disease lasts, it is also a kind of record - after three days the temperature, which rose initially to a level of 38 - 39.5 ° C, normalized, and general condition of the patient is gradually getting back to normal.

How to treat: mainly symptomatically. If patients are to comply with bed rest with this form of the disease, the, Most likely, from complications they suffer.

  1. Coxsackie in intestinal form called as A, and equally variant B virus. Most often affects children under the age of two, a team can be detected in a few cases. Characterized hyperthermia - to 39 ° C., in connection with which there is a feeling sick ache in the joints and muscles and general lethargy. Vomiting and speeded up 6-7 once a day and defecation are constant companions of this form of disease, so often mistaken for poisoning disease.

Important! If the damage to the intestinal cells for a while the baby may be left without important enzyme - lactase. In this case, if he is breastfed, must be on the recovery period (30-60 days) or possibly add to his diet Lactase preparations, any change in the dairy food.

Если ребенок на грудном вскармливании, в период восстановления в рацион необходимо добавить препараты лактазы
If the child is breastfed, in the recovery period in the diet is necessary to add lactase preparations

SARS symptoms - dry cough, sore throat and runny nose - most often seen in young children and the least - in schoolchildren. By the way, older children can overcome the disease for 2-3 day, and grudnichki - if adequate therapy restored this week.

Important! Rapid chair leads to rapid dehydration brittle body toddler. Keep, the liquid volume is filled.

  1. Boston is characterized by a form of the disease symptoms, similar to that for rubella. child's skin is covered with a red rash in the form of blisters, the temperature rises to 40 ° C and kept order 5 days, followed by a gradual recovery. The illness mainly affects children under five years of age and almost prevents complications.
  2. The so-called costalgia or illness Bronholma, which is characterized by raising the temperature to 39,5 - 40 ° C and the preservation of hyperthermia for three days. Muscle aches and pains are very intense in this form of the disease. Also, the patient complains of pain in the projection of spasmodic nature navel, in the chest, as well as in the back, which are paroxysmal in nature and are repeated every hour on the average for 1-20 min. In this form of the disease in the process involved the pleura and the peritoneum, precisely because of their friction arises pain syndrome.

It is interesting! This form is rare in areas with a temperate climate and diverse landscape.

Additional common symptoms of the disease in all species, if it runs hard, children can meet:

  1. Severe muscle pain, growing with increasing temperature.
  2. Bleeding in the eyes, photophobia, konyunktivitı slyozoteçenie.
  3. Damage to the heart muscle: myocarditis, Endo- and perikarditы.
  4. Changing consistency and color of feces during diarrhea, turn slimy and bloody contents in feces.
  5. Headaches, loss of consciousness, paralysis and seizures.
  6. Hepatitis, hepatomegaly (enlarged liver), feeling of weight under the right ribs, pain in the same location.
  7. In addition to rashes - on the back and all over body rash may form - vast tracts of red color.
  8. Orkhit (orchitis) boys up to the development and subsequent infertility aspermia. It requires urgent treatment.

Important! If you notice such symptoms should urgently call home district pediatrician!

Characteristics of the disease and its treatment

Coxsackie virus, diagnosed in an adult patient - it really is a rarity. AND, despite, the transmission path for all patients are the same, parents do not get infected by children in the vast majority of cases. It is only in close contact with the child patients in combination with low immunity - adult may be ill. But he will recover just three days without any consequences and complications.

После контакта с больным пациентом, необходимо помыть и продезинфицировать руки
After contact with the patient and the patient must be washed disinfect hands

If a pregnant patient in the third trimester infection contracted Coxsackie, she can pass it on to the fetus, but, while life and health of the newborn serious danger does not threaten - timely treatment will help your child avoid problems.

However, when in contact with patients patient, of course, it would be better to take preventive measures - wash and disinfect their hands after a handshake, and so on. P.


  1. If the temperature rises to high values ​​- you can "bring down" her using Nurofen, Tsefekona (in candlelight), paracetamol. kids analginum not shown.
  2. To normalize metabolic processes and help the nervous system to recover, used nootropics (Piracetam, Nootropil) and the content of vitamin complexes B1 and B2.
  3. Chamomile tea can help reduce inflammation in the oral cavity and in the gastrointestinal tract.
  4. To mnyat itchy skin, well suited gel Vitaon baby, and gel FINIST, with very pronounced itching tableted doctor will prescribe an antihistamine or syrup, and an adult patient can be recommended classic Suprastin tablets.
  5. Take for pain in the mouth and digestive tract antacids - Almagell-A, Maaloks, Relcer or Gestido.
  6. The immune system will help to interferon drugs - TSikloferon, Viferon, Roferon or Neofir.
  7. During his illness, and later still 1-2 months, the patient should use individual cutlery and personal care products.
Своевременное обращение к врачу, существенно снижает риск осложнений
Timely access to a doctor significantly reduces the risk of complications
  1. Vitamin and immunomodulators as a prevention sick family members shall be appointed, have lowered immunity.


later he 3 days after onset of illness, and in severe cases - later 10 days - adult patients can return to the normal rhythm of life. Children in the same 3 the day appointed by bed rest, and after lowering the temperature, depending on the state, another 1-2 Time baby remains under medical supervision.

Through 6-7 days the blisters disappear, and the rash goes away completely after 10 days - a maximum of 2 of the week.

The risks of complications are minimal in that case, when the child's parents timely seek medical advice.

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