What are worms in cats – photos with the names of. Murzik treatment against parasites

Worms in cats - a parasitic helminths, parasitosis causing disease. May be infected with worms and humans, because many kinds of worms in cats are mostly non-species. Today we will discuss, They look like worms in cats, which worms are most often found in cat and can be transmitted to humans, and how to get rid of them.

helminth eggs enter the body, not only because of the cat tray, as well as from the soil, water, they may be on the grass and on untreated thermally meat and fish, moreover it is not uncommon, their presence on unwashed vegetables. Cats and kittens, not to leave the house, They can also swallow the eggs of parasites, brought people to the apartment on his hands, shoes and even clothes.

Also furry pet can get "as a gift" these uninvited guests, if you feed him raw fish, milk or meat, by flies and had already been in the trash can of food. The stools are another animal, which particles can get to you on shoes, It can also cause the disease of your four-legged friend. There are many cases of infection from cats kittens carrier through milk.

Often doctors are asking - is it possible to become infected with worms from cats? Yes, it is possible - in the same way, as well as from human, and just get them "off the street". Most often this is due to the usual personal hygiene measures, animal feed hygiene and neglect regular prophylactic treatment of their pets.

And the man, and the animal in such cases are equivalent to each other potential sources of infection.

Глисты у кошки – это паразитирующие гельминты, вызывающие заболевания паразитозами
Worms in cats - a parasitic helminths, parasitosis causing disease

What are worms in cats

Helminth diseases differ from each other depending on, how worm struck the body. Parasites are divided into three main groups:

  1. Round worms or nematodes cats - have a length of 2 millimeters, but sometimes can reach 10 centimeters (in very advanced cases of the disease). With such severe helminthiasis animal already is not save. It occurs this species parasites predominantly in the small intestine, eating and host blood causing anemia, threatening his life, which often occurs in kittens. Eggs of worms are found in the feces of the animal later 14 days after the invasion.
Круглые глисты или нематоды у кошек
Round worms or nematodes in cats
  1. Tape or cestodes - flat worms, having a length of 10 to 70 centimeters, the body of which is divided into a large number of segments, in which the larvae of worms develop.

Important! If your pet suddenly develop vomiting, it loses weight - is an occasion to get tested, including analysis of feces for the presence of worms.

Worms of this type can be transmitted through the bites of fleas, which makes them more kontageoznymi, than other types of worms.
The animal, infected with tapeworm, It can be found on the fur around the anus segments helminth, which in appearance resemble rice grains. Cat feces will also contain such inclusions.

Гельминты этого типа могут передаваться через укусы блох
Worms of this type can be transmitted through the bites of fleas
  1. Trematodes or flukes. Much rarer of the two previous types and cause damage to the liver and pancreas with the corresponding symptoms, requiring laboratory tests.

Worms affect cats gastrointestinal organs, muscle tissue, and sometimes heart, they can cause serious conditions and even death of the animal. Let's look at a photo with names and a brief description of each of the parasite, list the symptoms of diseases, caused them, and find out, which treatment is carried out at a lesion worms.

Трематоды или сосальщики вызывают поражение печени и поджелудочной железы с соответствующей симптоматикой
Trematodes or flukes cause liver and pancreas with a corresponding symptomatology

The most common helminth infections and their symptoms


Ways of infection, carriers: Small freshwater crustaceans, raw fish, rodents. Fleas and lice.

The name of the disease and the characteristics of the pathogen:

  • bothriocephaliasis. white worms, sometimes brownish. parasite length is 1-1,5 meters in cats and up 10 m people. Parasitic worms in the intestines data.
Дифиллоботриоз - паразитируют данные гельминты в кишечнике
Diphyllobothriasis - parasitic worms in the intestines data

semeiography: wool fading, decreased appetite. Constipation and diarrhea, vomiting, comprising an admixture of blood. Without treatment - anemia, and convulsions.

A drug: fenasal, praziquantel, Fenalidon etc.. P.

  • Dipilidioz. Greyish helminth, 20-30 centimeters in length. He lives in the gut.
Дипилидиоз обитает в кишечнике
Dipilidioz lives in the intestine

semeiography: Decreased appetite, wamble, nausea and vomiting, loose stools.

A drug: Skoloban, fenasal, Praziquantel, etc.. P.

  • Alveokokkoz. Small worms sizes 1-4 mm. They live in the intestines.
Альвеококкоз обитает в кишечнике
Alveococcosis lives in the intestine
На поздних стадиях проявляется печеночно-легочной симптоматикой и приводит к летальному исходу
In the later stages of manifested pulmonary and hepatic symptoms and fatal

semeiography: For a long time hidden flows. In the later stages of manifested pulmonary and hepatic symptoms and is fatal in humans and animals.

A drug: PHILIKS, Tsetoveks, fenasal.


Ways of infection, carriers: Introduced into the body through the skin, or esophagus.

  • Ankilostomoz. Blood-feeding parasite length 2 mm.
Анкилостомоз - питающийся кровью паразит длиной 2 мм
Hookworm - blood-feeding parasite length 2 mm

semeiography: Decreased appetite, activity. Loose stools, vomiting. Animal drinking heavily. anemia, cough.

A drug: Pyrantel and preparations based on it. Fembendazol, febantel.

  • Toksaskaridoz. Ascaris usually reach a length of 3 to 5 cm. They live in the intestines, sometimes in the gallbladder, liver and other parts of the gastrointestinal tract.
Токсаскаридоз - обитают в кишечнике, иногда в желчном пузыре, печени и других отделах ЖКТ
Toksaskaridoz - live in the intestines, sometimes in the gallbladder, liver and other parts of the gastrointestinal tract

semeiography: Decreased appetite, activity. Loose stools, vomiting. Animal drinking heavily. anemia, cough.

A drug: pyrantel, Fembendazol, Ditrazin.


Ways of infection, carriers: clams, fish from rivers topically and coastal vegetation.

The name of the disease and the characteristics of the pathogen:

  • Paragonimoz. vermin 0,3-1 cm are found in the lungs, forming cysts with the destruction of body tissue.
Парагонимоз- паразиты 0,3-1 см обитают в легких, образуя кисты с деструкцией ткани органа
Paragonimoz- vermin 0,3-1 cm are found in the lungs, forming cysts with the destruction of body tissue

semeiography: Cough, decreased appetite. Temperature rise (not always). Vomiting admixture with foam, loose stools.

A drug: praziquantel.

  • Opisthorchiasis. Helminth length about 0,5 cm, living in the liver tissue and destroys its.

Can parasitize the gall bladder and other parts of the digestive tract.

Описторхоз - гельминт длиной около 0,5 см, обитающий в печени и разрушающий ее ткани
Opisthorchiasis - worms length about 0,5 cm, living in the liver tissue and destroys its

semeiography: painful stomach, loss of appetite with episodes of bulimia, vomiting of bile, loose stools. Body temperature increased

Treatment: complex, individual.

note! Described symptoms are not absolute attributes of each particular type of helminthiasis and depend on the severity and duration of the course of the disease, as well as on many other factors! When stealth invasion during its symptoms may not appear at all, that does not mean that, that the animal does not need treatment.

Если вы обнаружили у вашего животного какие-либо из данных признаков – не пытайтесь его лечить самостоятельно!
If you find your animal any of these symptoms - do not try to treat it yourself!

Common symptoms of helminthic invasion

  • Loose stools.
  • constipation.
  • Alternating loose stool and difficulty in defecation episodes.
  • Vomiting - sometimes with blood and with worms.
  • In the faeces and fur around the anus - fragments or whole specimens of worms.
  • "Riding" the pope, induced itch.
  • Chair with an admixture of bloody and mucous components.
  • Razdutыy life.
  • Weight loss.
  • Loss of appetite or overeating uncontrolled seizures.
  • Cough.
  • Difficulty in breathing.
  • Pathological molt.
  • Stunting in kittens.
  • fatigue.
  • ikterichnost (yellowness) mucous, sometimes pale coloring (for anemia).
  • Convulsions and paralysis of the hind limbs.
  • Spontaneous abortions embryos or untimely deliveries.

Important! If you find your animal any of these symptoms - do not try to treat it yourself! After all, if it's not worms, as is the case of any other infectious process, you can harm your little friend, proglistogonit it. For diagnosis it is necessary to consult a veterinarian.

Renting cal lab, do not forget that, that it can not hold more than 8-12 hours (and only in the refrigerator). Otherwise it will be uninformative analysis.

How to treat

In helminthics veterinary drugs also have contraindications, so that for the purpose of add, at least for the first time - please contact the veterinary clinic, which will help you to choose the appropriate means.

Профендер - одно из лучших средств от глистов у кошек
Profender - one of the best remedies for worms in cats
Дозировку Дирофена необходимо узнать у ветеринара
Dosage Dirofena need to find a vet

Important! You should not buy medicines to untested "street" stalls, in which the probability of buying counterfeit money. Do not use human drugs, you will not be able to dose them correctly, and not all of them are suitable for the treatment of animal.

Be very careful in the selection of dosage, it will depend not only on the mass, but also on the age of your furry companion, as well as the state of his health.

Carefully read the instructions to the drug prior to its use, and strictly follow the recommendations of a veterinarian, to prevent the development of intoxication in cats, special, if this kitten.

We wish you health and your pet!

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