Dog bitten by a tick - what to do? mite species, signs of the bite, and emergency measures

The world knows about 5 thousands of mites, most of them - a peaceful and harmless creatures, but some may be dangerous both for animals, and dangerous to humans. Most often, the dog faced with them, because these mobile and sociable animals, regularly happens in the street, are more likely to become intimately familiar with the parasite. When a dog bitten by a tick, the owner may not notice, but then he sees the symptoms of diseases, caused by this malicious arthropod. Ticks are different - big and tiny, but they are all equally dangerous and harmful for the four-legged friend, so even a single bite can not be ignored.

Клещ может укусить собаку на прогулке
The mite may bite a dog for a walk. Especially active clamp spring and early summer

The more dangerous tongs

Small creatures can not only cause a lot of discomfort in a dog, but also lead to serious consequences, including. to death.

Infected ticks can cause serious consequences, namely:

  • anemia. Mites often devour epithelial cells and lymph, but the large ticks - voracious bloodsuckers. A single individual will not drink a lot of blood in the dog, but massive infection can lead to anemia and even death. Anemia is especially dangerous for puppies, debilitated dogs and pregnant females.
  • Infection, inflammation. Inflammation often is not the parasite, and intensive combing dog damaged area. Animal itself causing scratches himself, It enters into the wound infection. With deep parasitic skin lesions (demodecosis) infection with superficial wounds can get into the bloodstream, which can very quickly lead to the death of the animal.
  • Deafness, concussion. Especially dangerous incidents, when the mites colonize the animal's head, in his ears. The dog tends to get rid of the itch, constantly itches and even beating his head on the different subjects, resulting in possible injury to the brain and eardrum.
  • Infectious and viral diseases. Ticks hardly susceptible to disease, but are carriers of many diseases. Among them borreliosis, plague, piroplasmosis, plague, Q fever, relapsing fever, etc.. Although dogs do not suffer from encephalitis, but by your pet can get his master.

mite species

To combat the parasites, you need to know, how to find them, how they look and express themselves. Each separate type of pincers requires special treatment, therefore it is important to distinguish between. Of course, diagnosis must vet, but the owner must be aware of the signs of infection and when it's time to sound the alarm. The photo below shows all the dangerous dog tick species in our latitudes.


This disease is also called stray dandruff, because there are places on the body of the dog with scaly skin. Calls her little mite, which is transmitted from other animals or climbs on the dog's coat from the grass. Independently in the environment is an arthropod can not live more than a day, but this is usually enough, to find a new "home".

Dandruff in dogs can occur due to frequent washing, allergies, malnutrition, stress, etc.. A distinctive feature of cheyletiella is hair loss on the damaged areas. If you comb the dog on a black cloth or paper, then on the surface you will see small whitish point, who actively move. This is the parasites.

This mite is one of the most innocuous, since only damages the outer layer of the epidermis, He does not drink blood and does not transfer the disease. Cure it is also quite easy - just treat the animal acaricide and use a special shampoo, designated veterinarian. People can become infected tick, but he treated them as quickly.

Хейлетиеллез (бродячая перхоть)
Heyletiellez (Pye dandruff)


Another name for the disease - ear itch. It is caused by microscopic arthropods, which settles on the inside of the dog's ear and feeds lymphoma and epithelial cells. The disease is quite dangerous, if it is run. The ear exudate accumulates dirt and, dog gradually loses hearing, nervous, He is trying to scratch the ears of all the ways. Dog the risk of contracting meningitis, get an inflammation of the inner ear.

Otodekoz can detect for the presence and behavior of a dog wearing crusts and precipitates in the ear. With these symptoms you need to contact the vet, because the pathogen can be considered only under a microscope. Treatment consists of regular thorough cleansing of the dog's ears and applied antiparasitic ointments and drops. In some cases, strong infection, additional funds for the destruction of the eggs of parasites.

Отодекоз (ушная чесотка)
Otodekoz (ear itch)


The disease known as greater zudnevaya scabies. It is caused by microscopic parasites, which intrude into the dog's skin and feed moves epithelial cells. Infection, usually, It comes from the other dogs and cats, but sometimes it can be an arthropod in the grass or on a host clothing. Ticks can hide fabric, soft objects, so you need to clean the carpets and dog toys. Treatment of dogs against ticks should be accompanied by a thorough cleaning of the apartment

Sarcoptic mange causes skin redness, slight hair loss, very severe itching. The major danger is the dog for itself, because it can severely damage the skin and put in the wound infection. In vetaptekah drops sold by zudnevoy scabies, so in the early stages, you can cure the disease on their own. If there is no improvement within a few days, please refer to the vet.

Sarcoptic mange is easily treated, but the main danger is that, that the symptoms can be confused with allergic reactions and demodex.

Саркоптоз (зудневая чесотка)
Sarkoptoz (zudnevaya scabies)


Acne is a microscopic mite, which it is often part of the normal flora of most animals. A healthy dog ​​tick does not manifest itself, but with a decrease in immunity, stress, hormonal disorders, allergic reaction, malnutrition, etc.. disease begins to manifest. Mite actively propagates, It begins to gnaw passages in the skin and poison its waste products. Demodekoz most often accompanied by severe allergic reaction, papules and erythema. In the affected areas begins to precipitate a wool.

Treated disease antiparasitic ointments, but above all,, you need to remove the cause, evoked activity of the tick. Unfortunately, without addressing the underlying causes completely get rid of demodectic mange is not possible. During treatment, the dog should be given pills to maintain liver, not superfluous will also antihistamines.

Демодекоз. Это заболевание вызывает микроскопический клещ
demodecosis. This disease is caused by mites

Important: Do not try to save his dog from ticks subcutaneous folk remedies - you can seriously damage your pet!


These are large mites, which can be seen with the naked eye. They are different from all previous ones, that do not live on the dog, but only feed on its blood. If a dog bitten by a tick, it is in a few days he will leave the animal, drunk his blood.

Usually find ticks then, when he, napivayasy, It increases in size and begins to resemble a brilliant bean. Track the time of the bite is often very difficult, because it happens all the painless, and hungry parasite very inconspicuous - its dimensions do not exceed 3 mm, and color - dirty brown. Ixodes bream almost never transmitted by animals, they often are in the grass and the warmth are a "food", when hungry.

By itself, this parasite is not dangerous, One bite will not hurt the animal. But often the saliva of ticks infected with various viruses, which manifest themselves shortly after the bite. Therefore, after the discovery of the bite should contact a veterinarian - he will appoint tests, to understand, whether a dog has been infected.

Иксодовый клещ

How to pull a tick

Upon detection of ticks can try to remove it, to facilitate the condition of the dog. It should be done very carefully, since the parasite in the skin gnaws deepening and lowers his head in, the sudden extraction head can break away from the body and remain in the skin.

There are several ways to pull a tick:

  1. Udushenie. Mite, burying his head in the skin of the victim, breathes through its pores, therefore it is possible to deprive him of oxygen. To do this, the skin around the tick and are lubricated himself with gasoline or oil. Skin worse breathable, and oily substances start to get into the proboscis parasites, it loosens its grip, and then he comes out. If the tick in a few minutes did not try to get out, it is possible to accurately take tweezers and try to rotate. Usually this is enough to extract.
  2. Rotation. To extract mite this method requires the hook, which could pick up the parasite as close as possible to the skin. After that, as a fixed hook mite, it must begin to rotate in a clockwise direction, keeping the body perpendicular to the dog's skin.
  3. Veterinarian. If the experience in the removal of ticks is not, you should immediately consult a doctor - he just can get the parasite quickly and painlessly. You also need to immediately take the dog to the clinic, if the self-removal of the tick remains in the skin of the head or trunk arthropod. If you remove the tick was crushed, that appeal to the vet is necessary, since the parasite is certainly managed to release the toxin into the skin.
Лучше чтобы клеща удалял специалист
It is better to delete the tick specialist


Unfortunately, no money, that on 100% would ensure protection against ticks, but the minimum security you can provide your pet. How to do it?

  • Buy a dog collar, which repels ticks and fleas. Even if the parasite gets into the coat of the animal, long he will remain there, as the special agent on the collar of his scare.
  • From time to time, apply to the withers of the animal drops of hypodermic mites (enough one procedure in the season). You can also use special shampoos, but to do this is often not recommended, so as not to cause irritation to the skin of his four-footed friend.
  • Do not allow your dog to deal with stray cats and dogs.
  • Ensure adequate nutrition and the general state of pet health. This will help him to avoid demodectic.

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