What is subcutaneous mites in dogs? Symptoms and Treatment Methods

Dogs - active and inquisitive animals, which it is very difficult to avoid infestation, following, as subcutaneous mite. Subcutaneous mite - it trouble, which can not only lead to a deterioration of appearance and other quadruped, but also many other diseases. These parasites are dangerous, that they are vectors of piroplasmosis, Lyme disease, encephalitis, Marseilles fever, borreliosis, etc..

Подкожный клещ у собаки может привести животное к множеству заболеваний
Subcutaneous mites in dogs can lead to a variety of animal diseases

Features of the disease

All subcutaneous mites, occurring in dogs, They feed on blood, epithelial cells or lymph. They burrow into the skin moves, poison host organism waste products. In addition to severe itching and other discomfort, subcutaneous mites in dogs causes severe allergic reaction, which can be unpredictable expression.

Where are mites? Infestation takes place in the street, harmful insects in the grass waiting for their prey or moving from other animals. For this reason, the infection most often occurs during the warm season, roughly from May to September-October.

There are several types of ticks, but more often in our latitudes there are Demodex Canis and itch. Some species Demodex all itch mites are transmitted to humans, so the owners of the sick animal should be extremely cautious.

Disease may occur due to a weakened immunity. According to statistics, more than half of the dogs are infected by subcutaneous mite, but the immune reaction of the skin does not allow him to develop. Once the animal is weakened for any reason, tick wakes up and begins to actively proliferate. Infection are the most susceptible young dogs up to one year, as well as some breeds (fee, Doberman, German Shepherd, French Bulldog, pug).

How to recognize the disease

The success of the treatment and safety of the dog owners depends on, how quickly they will be revealed signs of subcutaneous mite. Symptoms of the disease can often be confused with the manifestation of fungal infectious disease or.

  • hair loss. In the later stages become visible bald spots, and at the beginning of the disease hair loss can be found in those parts of the dog's body, where hair is usually short - belly, genital area, muzzle, sometimes paw etc.
  • Intense itching. The animal experiences a painful itch, which makes it all the time to scratch the affected area of ​​skin mite. Very quickly at this point appear bloody scratches.
При подкожном клеще животное часто чешется
In subcutaneous mite animal often itches
  • Aggression, anxiety. Constant itching is haunted by a dog any day, or night, because of which even the calm docile darling may become aggressive or nervous, behave poorly.
  • lethargy, lethargy, anemia, related illness. These symptoms appear after long mite infestation. Animal weakened disease, loses its strength, It looks depressed.

Since all of these features are characteristic of many parasitic losses, self-diagnose your pet and to appoint a treatment can not be. To clarify the picture is taken necessarily scraping, which reveals the type of pathogen. For this veterinarian anaesthetises portion of affected skin and removes the top layer of the epithelium, in which they live mites. Scraping is also accompanied by skin incision, which is necessary for determining the depth of destruction of epidermis. This analysis is taken solely in the presence of host veterinarian.

The only thing, what can the owner do for your four-footed friend, - give it antihistamines based on weight and age. What it would not cause itching, antiallergic drugs can ease it a little.


Acne is one of the most unpredictable and unpleasant subcutaneous mites, since there is always a secondary disease, arose against the background of weakening of immunity. The treatment may be lengthy and ineffective, if you do not identify the cause of the dog's weakened.

dog tick, causing demodekoz, a long time living in the sebaceous glands of healthy dog ​​and does no harm, so called opportunistic organism. He is not transmitted to humans, and even harmless to healthy and strong animals.


The disease usually appears in dogs after a strong shock, prolonged stress, chronic illnesses, hormonal failure. Peaceful symbiotic mites wakes up and is active. It feeds the skin, gnaws it moves and poisons the organism dog waste products. They cause severe tooth and allergic reaction, which is often accompanied by a small swelling. Died parasite in the epidermis causes abscess and rapid hair loss, from the skin starts to come out sharp, unpleasant smell. In rare cases, the disease occurs without the appearance of bald spots, it is often difficult to establish the correct diagnosis.

The disease spreads very quickly, affected areas appear all over the body. The animal has problems with regulators, it often beats chills, even in the warm season.

demodectic mange

Acne can occur in three forms: pustular, scaly and generalized.

When pustular form in the dog's skin pustules appear - seals, which are filled with pus and burst out. Dog brushing diseased skin, enhancing lesions, resulting in a wound becomes infected. This is the most dangerous form of demodectic mange, as the pustules are in the depths of the skin and touch the large vessels. Gets into a wound infection can spread rapidly in the body with blood, cause infection and death of the animal. For this reason, dog owners need as quickly as possible to take it to a specialist, noticing the first symptoms.

When squamous demodicosis on the surface of the skin there are small red spots, which gradually become dry scabs, resembling scales. They tighten the skin, cause itching, and the dog tends to peel them as soon as possible. It can also lead to infection, but the inflammatory process, more often, will have a local character. If the dog has a chronic illness, He is old or has not reached adulthood, even local bacterial infection can kill her.

Demodekoza generalized form is a combination of the two previous. Parasites may get into the dog's internal organs, so he often loses appetite, observed weight loss.

If flake and pustular domodekoz appears locally on one part of the body, it can be generalized to hit several, leaving large bald spots and wounds. Photos of the disease is presented below.

Демодекоз у собаки
Acne in dogs

treatment demodecosis

The difficulty of getting rid of subcutaneous mite in this case is very complicated by the fact, that it is a secondary disease. The root cause can not be identified in half of the cases, because four-legged patient is usually prescribed drugs, strengthen the immune system.

Any parasite destroys the liver dogs, so the vet prescribes reception Carso or other hepatic. But it is important to take into account, that many gepatoprotektory a positive effect not only on the liver, but also on the state of the tick. So taking these drugs it is important to be combined with active treatment of demodectic mange.

The external wound treatment required, Since animals can carry infection. Patients were allocated to the soothing and antibacterial ointment, and antiparasitic drugs external application. It is also necessary to review the animal's diet. Experienced veterinarians advised to temporarily move to a high-quality finished feed.

Since the subcutaneous mite "activated" internal problems, including. hormonal failure, small dogs with chronic demodex is recommended to sterilize.

Important: Abrupt change in the dog's diet can lead to dysbacteriosis, which will cause new stress in an animal. To avoid this, in pet food must be liquid drip drops probiotics, maintaining normal intestinal microflora.

При выявлении подкожного клеща или его признаков у собаки, необходимо срочно отвести ее к ветеринару
In identifying the hypodermic tick or signs a dog is an urgent need to take her to the vet

If the condition of the animal critical, veterinarian can assign Detomaks. This is a very aggressive and effective drug with high toxicity. For reduced animal disease it can be deadly, so the vet should properly relate the risk and the need for such aggressive therapy for dogs.


This parasite, which falls on the dog's skin from the external environment, It burrows into the epidermis and begins to live, feeding on epithelial cells. For a long time the immune system of a healthy animal can fight against parasites, and the disease is in a latent form. When this dog is contagious, tick can transmit to other four-legged. A person also can appear some symptoms of scabies, such as an itch and redness of the skin, but they quickly pass. Canine scabies mite does not live in human skin.

Чесоточный клещ

There are two types of mange pathogens, that cause sarcoptic mange and notodroz. In the first case, the parasite can live in any part of the dog's body, It causes the same symptoms, that demodicosis. When notodroze suffers outer part animal ear, as well as the tail and paws. Often the dog inflicts itself bounces, to get rid of the itch, possible head injury. Externally notodroz also similar to demodekoz, but sometimes there may be no itching.

Treatment for scabies

Treat scabies much easier, than demodekoz, because you just destroy parasites. After that, diagnosis accurately set, vet appoint acaricidal preparations, having a common spectrum of activity. They not only eliminate mites, but also struggling with fungi and bacteria, which could bring parasites. For the treatment of the drug is enough to bear a drop in the dog's withers 2 fold (according to doctor's instructions). If significant skin damage, appointed antimicrobial soothing ointment. Also, the animal should be given medication, supports the liver.

Лечение чесоточного клеща проходит быстрее и легче, чем демодекоза
Treatment for scabies treatment is faster and easier, than demodectic


Prevention of scabies is to apply protivokleschevye drops on wool animal 1 semiannually. To prevent demodectic, You need to balance the power of your favorite four-footed, do not expose it to stress. If the dog belongs to the species, prone to the disease, We need to periodically give her immunomodulatory drugs.

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