Ear mites in dogs – What are the symptoms and how to treat the disease?

Many dog ​​owners are faced with a situation, when they are calm and docile pet begins to literally go crazy, trying to scratch his ears or paws are objects in the house. Often, such non-standard animal behavior can be explained by severe itching, caused by ear mites. Ear mite - a parasite, who settled in the ear shell dog or cat and feeds on skin tissues. A parasitic disease called mange or ear otodekozom. How does the ear mites in dogs? To see firsthand the parasite is very difficult, but can detect traces of his life. If reversing has black ear discharge or crust, it is an occasion to appeal to the vet and tests.

Ушной клещ у собак
Ear mites under the microscope

Reasons otodekoza

The disease causes a small insect, which is almost impossible to detect with the naked eye. It, entering the inside of the animal's ear, gnaws its way into the epidermis and settled there. This occurs very quickly.

Ear mites are not capable of long time to be without a master, so the dog can only be infected by another dog or cat, in rare cases - from infected objects and herbs. It is not uncommon, When the tick on their clothes in the house brings people.

Important! determine, that the dog is quite simple otodekoz. If skin lesions are found only in the auricle, it is a sure sign of the presence of ear mites. If the dog scratches his paw vigorously or abdomen, the pathogen, probably, other.

Ear mites - is not just bad "guest" of the dog's body, since it represents a real danger to health. Otodekoz spreading rapidly across the pinna, affects the eardrum and is able to penetrate deep into the auditory meatus it.

Disease, not detected in time, can lead to the following consequences:

  • defeat parasite eardrum;
  • hearing loss until absolute deafness;
  • brain membrane disruption;
  • Horner's syndrome.

Dangerous ear mite only, if it is discovered late. Timely detection of diseases and well-treatable, more often, It passes without a trace.

При поражении ушным клещом собака часто чешется
With the defeat of ear mites dog often itches

Symptoms of having a dog ear bream

As I mentioned above, identify the parasite is necessary as soon as possible. Even if the tick does not disturb the normal operation of the ear and does not penetrate the eardrum, products of its life can cause a dog poisoning. The animal will need to urgently make preparations for maintenance of the liver and other internal organs. Especially at risk in such a situation puppies, as well as old and weak animals.

The first symptoms appear within a few days after being hit in the ear of a dog tick. Dog begins to feel very uncomfortable in the ear and shakes his head, trying to shake the malevolent insect.

Usually after that there are the following symptoms:

  • ear dog begins to bleed, as the strengthening of its cards on different subjects mud paw;
  • dog constantly tilts his head in the direction of the patient's ear;
  • the animal becomes restless, restful sleep and appetite, there is rapid weight loss;
  • inside the ear and in the ear canal accumulate dark isolation and appear dark brown. These secretions - cerumen, mixed with excrement and lymph parasites.

If most or all of the signs have been found, it is necessary as soon as possible to seek medical advice. Early treatment will allow four-legged friend to avoid complications and to shorten the period of recovery.

Do not try to treat the dog yourself and buy drugs, even if exactly sure of the diagnosis, because some diseases can cause some similar symptoms. The veterinarian will epithelium to analyze and identify the presence of ear mange the pathogen (if he is), and then prescribe the necessary drugs.

При первых симптомах или обнаружении клещей, своего любимца необходимо показать ветеринару
When the first symptoms or detection of ticks your pet to the vet is necessary

Treatment of ear scabies

After confirming the diagnosis of a dog is assigned to treatment at home drops and ointments. Treatment consists of the following stages:

  1. The first step is to get rid of secretions and dirt in the ears. To do this, gently remove the dirt with a cotton swab, dipped in a solution of hydrogen peroxide. If there is a crust, they need to first soak, and then gently clean off. Strip off the crust can not be! Animal, experiencing severe itching or discomfort, and may be afraid to turn his head, so it is important not to cause him more pain.
  2. After cleansing applied drugs. The duration of treatment prescribed by a doctor, you can not stop it, if there were marked improvements. Minimum period of use drops and ointments depends not only on the condition of the animal, but also on the duration of the life cycle of itch mite. Preparations must kill not only to adults (after their death there comes a definite improvement), but also their eggs.
  3. If you use drops, veterinarians advised to ear after cleansing to do gentle massage, to cause congestion and provide a means of beam penetration into the skin.
  4. Puppies up to two months, most of antiparasitic drugs are contraindicated, so they dropped into the ears of the less efficient, but safer means. Treatments and procedures should conduct a veterinarian, Explore the mother and pup (probably, baby got infected from her).
  5. Often require additional use of anti-inflammatory and antifungal agents, if the wound has got an infection and harmful microorganisms.
  6. For a speedy recovery dogs and restore her health veterinarian appoint a special vitamin complex.

The range of drugs, helping to get rid of ear mites, big enough. The most common ointments are Aversektinovaya and Amidel gel, dropwise to -Dekta, Aurikan, amit, Cipam, Otovedin. Drug selection and dosage determination should deal solely with the doctor! These agents are toxic and are not suitable for all animals. Incorrect dosage can cost the health and life of your pet.

Important: Ear mites in cats and dogs can not be treated with folk remedies, without consulting with a specialist. Most techniques, which can be found on the Internet, harmful not only for the tick, but also for the animal.

During treatment, it is important to carefully handle all carpets, litter, dog favorite places and her toys, since parasites can "migrate" on things, and then return to the animal. If the dog is not alone in the apartment, the rest of the pupils also be processed by special means in order to prevent.

Ветеринар проведет осмотр собаки и назначит правильное лечение
The vet will check the dog and prescribe the correct treatment

Prevention of ear scabies

Fully insure your pet from contracting ear mites can not be, because the dog needs to go out. But, not to have to once again be treated, you need to take preventive measures.

You should regularly inspect the dog's ears, to see the first signs of the emergence of mange ear. In order not to confuse the mud and sulfur products from the tick of life, should regularly (once a week) brush your pet's ears with a cotton swab, soaked in hydrogen peroxide.

Для профилактики необходимо регулярно осматривать уши пса, чтобы вовремя заметить первые признаки
For prevention, you should regularly inspect the dog's ears, to spot the first signs of

Care should be taken, to your dog as little as possible to communicate with stray cats and dogs, as they often are carriers of various parasites. During warmer months, the dog can become infected ear scabies, "Hooking" the parasite of grass. If the court of winter, the threat is only represent other animals.

To reduce the chance of infection, Veterinarians recommend to buy a special protective collar and periodically use a special shampoo for dogs.

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