Chlamydia in women: the reasons, diagnostics, treatment

infection, Sexually Transmitted, accompanied mankind for a long time. Some diseases occur almost immediately, some, conversely, located in a hidden form. It appears such diseases usually already at that stage, when the pathogen has spread throughout the body and therefore requires a fairly long and complicated treatment. One such disease is chlamydia in women - it is very difficult to detect without specialized analysis and because it is very common.

features of the disease

Chlamydia are anaerobic bacteria. They are quite difficult to diagnose - without specialized analysis can identify them very rarely. Chlamydia in women is contagious and because, according to statistics, their carriers is of the order of 50% the fair sex, whose inflammatory pathologies were diagnosed.

chlamydia - a complex disease, which, because of the nature of the pathogen, It requires long-term treatment and observation. Themselves chlamydia are intracellular parasites, What they are similar to viruses. They live in healthy cells, so they are quite difficult to diagnose and difficult to treat them. Chlamydia in women can cause cervical erosion, infertility and miscarriage. Chlamydia is transmitted through sexual. Less may be transmitted household way - through utensils or water.

The clinical picture and symptoms

According to statistics, due to the complex course of the disease, it only manages to diagnose in a timely manner 1/3 infected patients. This is due to the nature of the impact of the parasite on the body of the carrier.

incubatory (hidden) period lasts from 2 to 4 weeks after infection. At this time, when infecting pathogen passed the first two stages: itself infection and multiplication in the support cells. In women, chlamydia is most often affect the cervix. The mucosal cells is beginning to active multiplication. At this stage the diagnosis is complicated by the absence of any symptoms at. Establish an accurate diagnosis is possible only by PCR analysis.

With the development of chlamydia in women pathology moves to the next, third step. At this stage, it begins the destruction of diseased cells and leaving the pathogen. At this time begin to show the first signs of chlamydial infection in women:

  • itch;
  • bloody issues;
  • allocation yellow, having a sharp unpleasant odor;
  • painful sensation in the groin;
  • pain vnizu life.

Chlamydia often a secondary infection or, conversely, it is complicated. Therefore, its symptoms can be lubricated due to other disease manifestations of symptoms. In this case, there may be a variety of diseases of the genitourinary system in women.


Symptomatology is most often characterized by manifestations of chlamydial vaginitis. It is also possible localization of the pathogen in the glands, close to the vagina. Vividly symptoms will be expressed in pregnant women, girls and women during menopause. This period is characterized by a deficiency of estrogen, that creates the possibility of more severe clinical picture. Patients in this case, there is itching and burning sensation in the genital area, micturition disorders. Often there are exhausting selection, pain in the lower abdomen. Maybe a slight rise in temperature, as an immune system response to the proliferation of pathogens.


Often, chlamydia infection was affected cervical mucosa. With this pathology during bacterial growth occurs in the cervical canal, that causes inflammation and an increase in the size of the neck. Upon inspection gynecologist can be noted erosion and epithelial sloughing.

Цервицит. Часто при заражении хламидиями поражается именно слизистая оболочка шейки матки
cervicitis. Often, chlamydia infection was affected cervical mucosa

salpingo-oophoritis, endometritis, salpingitis

If the immune system is weakened by constant stress woman, malnutrition, there may be a vertical ascent of the genital tract infection. As a result, it may result in Chlamydia appendages, ovary, endometrial cancer. Diagnose such disorders can be the results of gynecological examination and ultrasound.

possible complications

A particular danger chlamydia are those already, they can affect almost all systems and organs, causing violations of their work. Therefore, in setting such a diagnosis should be possible to treat it seriously, to avoid further deterioration state.

Хламидии размножаются очень быстро, поражая организм женщины всё сильнее
Chlamydia multiply very quickly, hitting a woman's body all the more

weakened immune system, frequent prolonged stress drain body. This leads to, Chlamydia that multiply very quickly, hitting a woman's body all the more. Ascending infection can cause inflammation, entailing the formation of adhesions and tubal obstruction. This can cause ectopic pregnancy or infertility after undergoing pathology.

Chlamydia and pregnancy

Identify defeat chlamydia during pregnancy is possible by PCR analysis. It helps to estimate the amount of the pathogen in the body. Assuming a large number of pathogenic microorganisms pregnant appointed additional tests for the presence of opportunistic infections, such as mycoplasma, Ureaplasma and other. Usually chlamydia analysis is carried out in the initial evaluation and pregnant before giving birth, in the third trimester.

Выявить поражение хламидиями во время беременности можно с помощью анализа ПЦР
Identify defeat chlamydia during pregnancy is possible by PCR analysis

Treatment of chlamydia in women during pregnancy includes a specially designed treatment course of antibiotics. When running form and untreated complications may occur following:

  • spontaneous abortion;
  • miscarriage;
  • fetal pathology;
  • intrauterine infection of the fetus;
  • infectious complications in women after pregnancy.

If chlamydia was installed prior to pregnancy, pathogen can cause the development of pathologies the formation of the fetus or birth of a child with a weight below normal. Upon infection during pregnancy to child birth is protected by the placental barrier. But in the process of passing through the birth canal, he can get from an infected mother. Hit the pathogen in the respiratory tract can cause the development of chlamydial pneumonia in a child. After contact with the pathogen in the eye over time, the formation of neonatal chlamydial conjunctivitis.

methods of diagnosis

Diagnose chlamydia alone, at home, very difficult. Their symptoms were quite uncharacteristic and may be complicated by the presence of secondary infection, which greatly complicate the formulation of the correct diagnosis. even knowing, How does chlamydia in women, self-diagnosis and treatment is not possible to pick up. Therefore it is not recommended to engage in self-diagnosis at home or folk remedies for treatment without supervision by a doctor. Otherwise, only the relief of symptoms can be achieved and the subsequent recurrence of pathology.

In the case of diagnosis of chlamydial infection in one of the partners should be tested and the second partner, to avoid the risk of infection. In women, diagnosis is performed by the attending gynecologist. such methods are used for ascertaining the causes of the disease:

  • Collect clinical history. Are interviewed regarding the availability of the most common symptoms. Assessed the progress of previous pregnancies, the presence of infertility.
  • Gynecological examination to determine the congestion and swelling of the mucous membranes of the external genitalia, detect the presence of characteristic precipitates.
  • Inspection of the vaginal mucosa and cervix allows a more complete picture and to avoid the multiplication of chlamydia in the cervix.
  • Bimanual pelvic examination is performed to assess the state of the uterus and ovarian adnexal. To determine the presence of inflammation.

If the clinical picture, gynecologist obtained during the inspection, indicating a possible infection by chlamydia, i.e, Women have acute genital infections, spontaneous abortion, infertility, appointed specialized analyzes. Their implementation allows you to compile the most complete picture and confirm or, conversely, eliminate chlamydia in women.

Accurate diagnosis is based on the results of these analyzes:

  • general blood analysis;
  • Analysis of urine;
  • smear microflora of the vagina;
  • scraping cervical mucus;
  • polymerase chain reaction (PCR);
  • bacteriological flora inoculation to determine the antibiotic susceptibility.

The most accurate results are obtained by PCR analysis is. But his conduct is quite complex and requires compliance with all the conditions necessary:

  • maintain sterility laboratory;
  • sterile samples;
  • lack of acceptance of antibiotics 2 weeks before the date of analysis;
  • You can not use douches or suppositories for 2 weeks before analysis;
  • You can not empty the bladder less than 3 hours before the intake of the material.

Failure to comply with the above recommendations, the PCR analysis may yield unreliable results. If the symptoms indicate the development of chlamydia, but the pathogen was not found, there may be a residual excretion of the pathogen by the immune system. It may also request a re-analysis of PCR after some time.

traditional therapies

The physician selected individually for each patient recommendations, how to treat chlamydia in women. List of preparations and the course selected by the attending physician based on medical history and clinical data analyzes. By itself, the therapy is quite long and complicated, because chlamydia is an intracellular parasite, which greatly complicates treatment. The course of treatment is divided into several stages, which include the use of drugs multidirectional action.

Врач подбирает индивидуально для каждой пациентки рекомендации, как лечить хламидиоз у женщин
The physician selected individually for each patient recommendations, how to treat chlamydia in women

Antibiotics inhibit the formation of pathogenic microorganisms in human body. They affect not only the agents of chlamydial infection, but also on other bacteria. For the treatment of chlamydia in women used three groups of funds:

  • antibiotics of the tetracycline group;
  • fluoroquinolone antibiotics group;
  • macrolide antibiotics.

They inhibit the pathogenic DNA synthesis, thus allowing to stop the multiplication of chlamydia. In addition, treatment with probiotics is used, which allows you to restore a healthy microflora. The use of immunomodulatory agents helps to restore the natural immune response.

Additionally, the chronic course of the disease may appoint sanitary and resort activities, such as gryazlechenie, receiving medical baths, etc..

folk remedies Treatment is not recommended. At home, the more difficult diagnosis and therefore difficult to determine the extent of the prevalence of the pathogen. Self-restorative drugs can be applied, vitamin-mineral complexes, correct diet and give up bad habits. This will help to strengthen the body and avoid further infection.

Retested to confirm remission at women are conducted through 7 days after cessation of treatment. At this time it carried out on the PCR analysis. If it shows a negative reaction, carried out through re-check analysis 14 days after the first. With a negative result,, resulting in both assays, diagnosed full recovery.

Important! Since chlamydia can lead to serious disorders of the reproductive system, do not try to cure his folk remedies. This may cause a worsening of the patient's condition. If folk remedies will cause violation of the microflora, this will increase the likelihood of the spread of the organism Chlamydia.


Prevention of infection with chlamydia is quite simple. During sexual intercourse with a new partner to use condoms. Any other barrier contraception will not have the desired effect and will not be able to fully protect against infection. In order to avoid a bit the way the infection should avoid swimming in pools of stagnant water. Compliance with sanitary norms and rules of personal hygiene will also be an excellent prevention of chlamydia infection.

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