whitefly, also known as aleyroidy, is a family of insects, which includes more than a thousand species. They all share the presence of two pairs of white wings, from whom was formed Russian version of the name. It appears in the greenhouse whitefly, seedlings, and even indoor plants. Get rid of it is not easy, but this pest can lead to plant death.
Whitefly on tomatoes represent a serious danger. Despite its small size, they can destroy seedlings. If a small light appeared insects in the greenhouse on tomatoes, as soon as possible to choose the methods of dealing with them. Unfortunately, not every owner knows suburban area, what to do in such a situation and how to get a dangerous pest.
![If a small light appeared insects in the greenhouse on tomatoes, as soon as possible to choose the methods of dealing with them Если в теплице на помидорах появились маленькие светлые насекомые, необходимо как можно скорее подобрать методы борьбы с ними](http://ru.all-parasites.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/06/belokrylka-600x375.jpg)
Features whitefly
Whitefly in the photo looks like a small white midge. Typically, its size is within a half to two millimeters, but sometimes insect grows to three millimeters. In appearance it resembles a mole, but they are distinguished by four wings with a peculiar whitish bloom. It is formed of a whitish powdery pollen, covering the body of the insect.
In Europe you can find about twenty species of whitefly. The following are the most common:
- Tabachnaya belokrыlka. It refers to quarantine pests. found everywhere, except Antarctica. Whitefly larvae suck sap from plants and spread viruses.
- citrus whitefly. On the territory of Russia is found only on the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus. Actively affects citrus culture in Asian countries, as well as in India, South and North America.
- Tepliçnaya belokrılka. It is with this pest people often face in their gardens or in the home. The insect also called hothouse. It is dangerous for cucumbers, tomatoes and several colors.
There are several types of pests. Their names explain plant, on which it parasitized. for example, Europe can face a strawberry whitefly. cabbage type is also common. In the gardens and homes of insect usually occurs during the warm season, when there is a wet weather. It requires relatively high temperature. If it becomes cool, about 10 degrees, the adults gradually die.
note. The cold does not affect the larvae of life.
Due to the relatively low temperatures of intolerance whitefly on tomatoes in the greenhouse - a common phenomenon. inside the greenhouse, especially in poorly ventilated rooms, insects thrive. Whiteflies on cucumbers in the greenhouse is able to multiply rapidly and cause serious damage to plants around it.
![Whitefly dimensions are within a half to two millimeters, but sometimes insect grows to three millimeters Размеры белокрылки находятся в пределах полутора-двух миллиметров, но иногда насекомое вырастает до трех миллиметров](http://ru.all-parasites.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/06/kak-borotsya-s-belokrylkoj-v-teplitse_2-e1528574797276.jpg)
That contributes to the spread of insects?
High temperature and humidity - perfect conditions for the spread of whiteflies. In cold weather, insects are trying to winter in greenhouses. If seedlings poor ventilation, it will further contribute to the growth of the pest. Also negatively affects the situation is too close proximity of plants to each other.
knowing, that it was like the whitefly in the greenhouse, you can reduce the likelihood of its spread even before, as a pest is inside. You must follow a few rules:
- You can not do too dense planting.
- All plants should be well ventilated.
- If there is wet weather, you need to give up the seedling spraying.
A potential fight against whitefly in the greenhouse will pass easily, if the pre-planting to strengthen health with the help of fertilizers and bio-stimulants, such as Appin, Ward and Domotsvet. This method allows you to protect plants from various pests. In addition to the whitefly, Aphids usually not a parasite on a strong, healthy seedlings. However, we must be careful with fertilizers, saturated with nitrogen. These conditions are very favorable for aphid.
![High temperature and humidity - perfect conditions for the spread of whiteflies Высокая температура и влажность – идеальные условия для распространения белокрылки](http://ru.all-parasites.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/06/kak-borotsya-s-belokrylkoj-v-teplitse_3-e1528574965489.jpg)
potential harm
Whiteflies multiply rapidly. Just a few weeks to, postponed to insect larvae, they are hatched and become adult individuals. However, the main danger for the plants are not mature whitefly. Cucumber and tomato seedlings harm the larvae, who actively consume their juices. Thus in this form the pest very little affected by different pesticides.
As eating juice plants, of the insect will stand out waste products. On the stems and leaves in the garden whitefly leave shining coating sticky consistency. This substance called honeydew. Gradually, it becomes black, and it is formed from sooty fungus. Fight it even harder, than whitefly on plants.
Sooty fungus directly affects photosynthesis, and therefore gradually leads to the death of the plant body. At the same fungicidal unable to destroy it. They only temporarily slow down its activity. Besides honeydew, whitefly on seedlings can leave different viruses, like leaf curl and chlorosis.
![On the stems and leaves in the garden whitefly leaves shining coating sticky consistency, what is called honeydew На стеблях и листьях в огороде белокрылка оставляет блестящий налет липкой консистенции, что называют медвяной росой](http://ru.all-parasites.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/06/kak-borotsya-s-belokrylkoj-v-teplitse_4-e1528575100688.jpg)
If whitefly was seen on strawberries, flowers or other plants, then you need to check all the nearest landing. Usually it is not difficult to find a pest. Enough to shake the plants, and above them appears a swarm of midges. Also, you can see the leaves on the reverse side. They usually accumulate translucent flakes. So look larvae of this insect.
Suspected infection may be on the general state of the seedlings. As sucking juices, planting in greenhouses start to fade. Their oppressed state is combined with a sticky substance under the leaves. Soon they all turn yellow and fall off. If you wait until, when the leaves darken and covered with brown spots, then save the garden will not be able, because the situation is too advanced.
The greenhouses should regularly check:
- cucumbers,
- tomatoes,
- beans,
- pepper,
- strawberries,
- strawberries,
- eggplant,
- potato,
- cabbage.
Among the horticultural pest often it settles on apples, pears and melons. He lives on houseplants like, eg, geranium, begonia, balsam, or fuchsia orchid. If the time to detect the problem, the anti-whitefly will be more effective.
![Discover easy pest, it is sufficient to shake the plants and above them appears a swarm of midges Обнаружить вредителя несложно, для этого достаточно встряхнуть растения и над ними появится рой мошек](http://ru.all-parasites.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/06/kak-borotsya-s-belokrylkoj-v-teplitse_5-e1528575263814.jpg)
How to eliminate the pest?
When a whitefly on flowers or seedlings, usually people are turning to a mechanical process for removing. Harvested from adults by placing oilskin traps in the territory of their distribution. Leaves, coated with adhesive, insects lured by the bright yellow color. They are produced without the expressed smell and are not toxic.
If there was a whitefly on tomatoes in a greenhouse, you can make your own sticky trap. Tight enough to take a piece of cardboard, hardboard or plywood, a yellow dye and its cover suitable family. This may be petrolatum, castor oil or a combination of honey and rosin. If individuals slightly spread in the greenhouse, they can wash off the leaves with soap solution or collect by hand.
Remedy for whiteflies are sometimes made from natural ingredients. for example, mixed roots and leaves of dandelion drug 50 g each. The ingredients are ground, Pour a liter of water and insist for about five hours. Ready means filter, and then it is treated with planting times a week. Similarly, preparing the infusion on garlic. Before use, it is further diluted with water.
chemical agents
solving, how to deal with whitefly in the greenhouse, many are turning to specialized chemical preparations. Sometimes against pests triggered fumigators, which are used by flies or mosquitoes. However, this option is usually appropriate, if there was a whitefly on indoor plants, since for the operation of the device requires access to electricity.
Pesticides should contact, if there is a massive accumulation of insects. It is important to use them according to the instructions. for example, kill whitefly can use aktellik. This potent agent with a second class of toxicity. They allowed only spray the leaves or the upper soil layers. Treatment is carried out in the morning or evening.
Fighting whitefly on tomatoes carried by Akhtar. This systemic insecticide, who works up to five weeks. The substance used for irrigation. Thus poisons roots penetrate into and act on insect inside. Akhtar gets into them with the juice of the plant and paralyzes their digestive tract.
note. Similarly, the preparation works Talstar.
Some gardeners have got rid of the pests on tomatoes because, that treated them Spark. This broad-spectrum insecticide, whose effectiveness is maintained throughout 25 days. To quickly remove a small amount of the pest, You can use a potent tool konfidor.
![To successfully combat whitefly in the greenhouse, many are turning to specialized chemical preparations Чтобы успешно бороться с белокрылкой в теплице, многие обращаются к специализированным химическим препаратам](http://ru.all-parasites.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/06/kak-borotsya-s-belokrylkoj-v-teplitse_6-e1528575464655.jpg)
Getting rid of whiteflies traditional methods
If you want to quickly eliminate insects, you want to use chemicals against whitefly. Mechanical devices and popular methods will help strawberry, cucumber and other planting only over time. Such an impact is directed to breach of pest life cycle. for example, can be regularly cleaned water leaves.
Larva to become adult individuals, it requires at least a week. During this time it sits on the bottom side of the sheet and actively powered. Weekly wiping a wet sponge - it is one of the means to combat whitefly development. It helps to gradually destroy the insect population. However, in conditions of strong spread of a pest or a large number of plants, such a method would be ineffective.
The home can lower the temperature up to ten degrees. This will help to kill the adults, but the eggs will continue vital functions, when the temperature rises to about fifteen degrees, so they need to try to remove. For this purpose, the solutions help to foliar. The easiest option - planed on a grater or tar soap, and then dissolve it in water.
The leaves are washed once a week. Sometimes a single treatment, but may require repeated procedures and. Solution can be made from crushed cigarette packs Prima. fluid, infused for five days, sprayed seedlings every three days, until all the pests do not die.