Rubella - a viral disease, able to proceed in a hidden form for 24 days. By itself, it is unable to greatly harm humans, because it is fast enough. Rubella in children - a completely different situation.
In the world there are diseases, where people almost afraid, like the common cold. But the situation varies greatly, if this pathology affects a child, as, eg, rubella in children. If an adult is a disease refers to a short-term heat and a small rash, then for a kid it can be a real challenge.
If rubella treatment in children will not be made in a timely manner, the result seriously damaged immune system, and even internal organs. For, To avoid such consequences, you need to know all the features of the disease, as well as the time to get vaccinated.

The causes of the disease
Pathology caused by a virus, which is characterized by increased resistance. He is forced to survive for long periods in the environment conditions, often quite adverse for him. If such a microorganism in the human body gets, it will begin to embed themselves into RNA molecules.
The fact, that lymphocytes and macrophages, by which the human body is straightened with most existing diseases, can not penetrate the RNA. This is due to the fact, Such cells are protected by a special shaggy layer.
note! If the RNA gets into harmful microorganisms, then there will be nobody to fight with him.
That is why the vaccine - it is a necessary prevention of rubella in children. She did not give the virus to be absorbed into human cells, It would not allow him to start hitting the nerve tissue. Catch same microorganism such very simple - it is transmitted by airborne droplets. If a person at this point will not be formed immunity, the chance of infection will be ninety percent Bole.
The easiest way to catch rubella child in school or kindergarten. More number of people affected by the intensity of accumulation of the virus and, respectively, infection rate. All this leads to the, that this disease is attributed to the epidemic. Sometimes it is also transmitted in pediatric hospitals. This happens in cases, when children are misdiagnosed lymphadenitis.
not important, sneezing sick person, I coughed or just talk, standing next to a healthy. All this leads to the, that the virus is in the environment, where it can survive for eight hours, and sometimes longer, depending on conditions. Instantly killing him can only process kvartsevaniya or direct sunlight, but after human infection such methods no longer apply.

risk groups
Any parent concerned about, It looks like measles in children, and a photo to help them in this. Unfortunately, initial stage (and sometimes all the time course of the disease) often it does not show external symptoms of specific. Simply put, signs of rubella in children are quite diverse.
Parents can very easily confuse this pathology with the common cold and SARS. Luckily, There are several criteria, which will help to suspect that something was wrong and in time to see a doctor.
Important! Of vaccination against rubella for children - almost a full guarantee, the child does not pick up the virus.
If vaccination was not, it is necessary to express concerns:
- If it is summer, the likelihood, that the child caught rubella, extremely small. Most often, children become ill during the classical period of growth of cases of colds and flu, ie spring and autumn, but sometimes in the winter.
- Think about, Is the baby the virus is not caught, costs, If someone is sick of those, with whom he was in contact.
- Rubella in children up to a year - too rare situation. It is believed, that they often get sick after a year and a half to about four years.
Unfortunately, this does not apply to children, to which the virus was even before birth. Congenital rubella can manifest itself in various adverse conditions. for example, if baby teething, He began the transition to a new food or caught a common cold, that all this may be a signal to the virus attack.
A particular danger is, that from the first days of infection kid himself begins to transmit the disease to others. At the same time a manifestation of disease should not be expected before, than one to three weeks after getting the virus in the body, since up to this point will flow incubation period.
The first signs of the disease
Before the end of the latent period, parents may notice, that the child was weak, sleepy, often he feels a general malaise, naughty and does everything more slowly. Unfortunately, for such characters is difficult to determine some particular disease.
First, microorganisms get into the mouth, then go to the capillaries, Where, via the bloodstream, begin to spread throughout the body. If a child is ill with rubella, at this stage the start manifest changes in its lymph nodes.
- Most often affects the groin, as well as the axillary lymph nodes and submandibular.
- They increase in size, become denser, and their palpation results in pain syndrome.
The fact, that lymph node tissue the least resistant to this virus. Shortly thereafter, the baby will manifest other symptoms. for example, begin headache, although also can hurt the muscles and joints. He could feel a tickle in the throat, and often lays his nose in children, but not much.

The further development of the disease
It will take a little more than a day after the onset of obvious symptoms of rubella, before the child will feel strong and sharp pain in the nape of the neck. If this area felt the doctor, then he will be able to discover, local lymph nodes become dense enough. The average person will be difficult to find them, since the size of the nodes is rarely more than ten millimeters.
Further, the disease usually develops quite clear scheme. The child has a fever, it can reach 38 degrees. Then, a dry cough develops, which comes attacks, and it is joined by the nose swelling. Because of it, you might think, if the child has a runny nose.
note! When the nasal mucus edema is not allocated.
After all these symptoms will pass approximately two days, and then the child can see what, that eloquently speaks, How does rubella.
- The rash of red color looks like a lot of small dots. This symptom is manifested - enough classic for rubella. First point of focus in the area of the ears, neck and head as a whole, but just a couple of days will pass on the shoulder girdle.
- Rash will not be difficult to quickly engage the abdomen and back, and then spread to the groin area, hips and continue to go down lower and lower.
- Usually, place the greatest localization of lesions - a buttocks, but on the feet and hands can not do anything to rub. Moreover, Three days later, a rash with rubella in children begins to gradually fade, and then completely disappears from the baby's body.
- Sometimes a rash on the skin persist for about a week.
Upon successful course of the disease, after the disappearance of cutaneous manifestations will disappear, and other symptoms of rubella in children. The child reappears appetite and strength, he stops coughing, and his nose starts to breathe. The only thing, that lingers long enough - it enlarged lymph nodes. Often, they come back to normal only after two or three weeks since the disappearance of rashes in children with rubella.
Diagnosis and treatment
for doctors, the diagnostic question, the most important is to distinguish between measles and rubella in children. Parents themselves are often afraid, that their kid started pig, although it is very different diseases. After vaccination measles, like some other pathology, almost never develop.
The fact, that children often inject a comprehensive vaccine, the so-called "measles mumps rubella", so that it immediately protects against three of these diseases. Generally, For accurate diagnosis, the doctor collects history, ie learns, if there was any virus outbreaks in the gardens or schools.
Further examination of the lymph nodes, blood and urine tests to help make an accurate diagnosis. Doctors also examine the palate, so as it can be enanthema - bright pink spots.
ill child, who was diagnosed with rubella, He will be forced to spend about three weeks in the conditions of the isolated room. A week from now on he will have to spend in bed rest.
How to treat rubella in children:
- The patient should be fully fed, frequent small meals, with a high protein content.
- In addition to copious amounts of plain water, better as the child drink mineral water, or give a solution rehydron.
- If you want to, the child is prescribed medication for headache or muscle pain, as well as tablets for the prevention of intravascular coagulation.
note! At the moment, there are no specific antibiotics (they simply do not help) or other drugs, to combat rubella. In this way, you need to take care of the child's immunity, and in case of very severe disease placed on patient treatment in a hospital.

Prevention of rubella
Although often self-rubella passes quickly, Sometimes the disease leads to various complications. Therefore it is better to take care of prevention, than to treat once manifested symptoms of rubella in children.
Conventionally, preventive measures can be divided into two groups. The first includes timely vaccination, which need to be repeated according to a special vaccination calendar.
The second group - this child protection from possible contamination. It includes accustom the baby to the basics of personal hygiene, as well as the timely termination of trips to places, where infection is present.