As shown distemper in dogs and how to treat the animal?

Distemper in dogs, or disease Carré, It is a life-threatening illness of pets, which is characterized by horrific symptoms and not less terrible consequences including death. To save your pet, We need to know the characteristics of the disease, methods of treatment and prevention. In this article, the reader will receive important information, that will help him in time to see the infection and begin treatment.

Characteristic features of the disease

Distemper - a very ancient viral infection, known since the days of Ancient Greece. It is the causative agent of filterable virus, wherein a high degree of infectivity: pathogen transmission occurs through the air and contact with animals ailing:

  • through the nose, eyes and mouth (saliva);
  • through the use of common water;
  • through sexual contact;
  • through selection of the animal: urine and stool;
  • through the use of common household items in animals.

Some scientists believe, distemper virus that can be transmitted from animal to different insects.

Чумка у собак, или болезнь Карре, является смертельно опасной болезнью домашних животных, которая характеризуется ужасными симптомами и не менее ужасными последствиями вплоть до смерти
Distemper in dogs with untimely treatment can end tragically

The virus is very stable and viable in the environment. The risk of infection above all in the transitional seasons - spring and autumn, although ill infection is possible at any time. After contact with a sick dog healthy animal is infected almost 100% cases.

Attention! Just need to say: infection does not affect the people, but the owners may be carriers of the pathogen - it must be considered.

When the infection is very high probability of a pet's death - the risk of a fatal outcome is 50%. If distemper sick puppies to 12 months, opportunity to save their lives is almost zero.

All breeds of dogs at any age are at risk and can develop distemper; experience shows, the infection is more common in young individuals. Speaking of puppies, the best protection for those, who was born from vaccinated mothers.

The infection can occur in three forms:

  • acute;
  • Severing;
  • lightning.

In the first case, the whole cycle of the disease occurs in about 3 week and may progress to a chronic stage, takes approximately 3-4 of the month. All this time, the animal will be in a depleted state.

Severing form provides immediate worsening condition of the dog, which soon falls into a coma and dies. It runs approximately 3-4 day, no chance to save the animal: currently in clinical practice there is no case of cure this form of the disease.

In the third case, a dog dies within 24 hours.

For, to reduce the risk of death of the dog, to start early treatment and to be responsible in relation to your pet. Despite the danger distemper, in most situations, a person can save an animal.

by the way, from cats infected dog can not, because distemper in different animal species cause different pathogens.

symptomatology distemper

After infection, the virus begins to multiply in the latent stage: latent form can last up to three weeks.

Attention! Despite, that the symptoms may not appear, infected animal is a carrier of the pathogen and can transmit it to other dogs.

The owner need to closely monitor the behavior of your pet, because the disease can still be seen the first signs of unobtrusive:

  1. deteriorating appetite.
  2. Mucous animal looks unhealthy, bloodshot.
  3. Dog becomes surprisingly apathetic.
  4. It may appear irrational diarrhea, vomiting.
  5. The animal reacts to light, spending time in the shadows and dark places.
  6. Immediately after infection, the dog temperature rises slightly, normalizing through 2-3 day.

This feature distemper - increase in temperature - a threshold: If the animal will recover Activity, not showing their infection, so, immunity cope with pathogenic virus. If an adult dog defense system strong enough, will begin a gradual progression of symptoms.

With the deterioration of the health and other symptoms appear:

  • state of depression;
  • habitual reflexes disappear;
  • dog ceases to respond to his nickname;
  • pet stops taking food;
  • chills and fever;
  • the virus attacks the central nervous system: appear limb spasms.

Species infection and the possible consequences

Сразу необходимо сказать: инфекция не воздействует на людей, но хозяева могут быть переносчиками возбудителя – это нужно учитывать
The infection does not affect the people, but the owners may be carriers of the pathogen - it must be considered

The disease can differ in their characteristics and some features of course - it depends on the focus of concentration of the pathogen.

  • When respiratory lesions and respiratory tract of the dog's mouth and nose is released abundantly pus, which is capable of breathing difficulties - a large number of precipitates leads to overlap of the airway.

also evident:

  1. cough;
  2. severe diarrhea;
  3. dehydration;
  4. temperature rise.
  • If a dog pathogen is concentrated in the gut, the language may appear whitish plaque shade. appetite disappears (but the thirst persists), pet can swoon.
  • With the development of the skin disease, there, where it is not covered with hair blisters. This is the easiest kind of infection, because of other symptoms can not be observed.
  • CNS is the most severe kind of distemper in dogs. Characterized by convulsions and paralysis paws. There is a risk of paralysis of the heart muscles, which means the death of the animal. Changing behavior - a dog becomes aggressive.

The pathogen is trying to infect as many parts of the body, because for distemper is characterized by the manifestation of various symptoms. And the more of them, the higher the risk for the dog's life.

Even if a pet has survived, infection does not pass without leaving a trace. The most difficult kind - nervous - can lead to epilepsy in dogs.

It is also characterized by the following complications of the disease:

  • paralysis of limbs;
  • meningitis;
  • deafness;
  • blindness;
  • destruction of tooth enamel.

Often veterinarians offer novel animal euthanasia, If the animal can not be rid of these effects.

Methods of Treatment of distemper in dogs

При подозрении чумки, питомца нужно незамедлительно отвезти к ветеринару для начала лечения
If you suspect a pet distemper should immediately take to the vet to start treatment

Despite the high risk of loss of your pet after infection with the virus, the owner can not give up: you need to use all possible means to, to cure the animal.

noticed, that the early detection of the symptoms of infection and immediate treatment, Dog survives and recovers health 90% cases. And vice versa, if you ignore or do not see the warning signs during the period secretive, disease proceeds to the following step, and the chances of survival drop rapidly.

If you suspect that your pet should immediately take to the vet to start treatment.

Council! At the beginning it is recommended to visit the doctor, in the future when the ability to make shots therapeutic measures can be carried out at home.

How to cure a dog from distemper? The appointed as therapy:

  • Immunostimulants - solutions for intravenous injections:
  1. urotropin (39-percentage) by 2 ml;
  2. glucose (39-percentage) by 4 ml;
  3. calcium gluconate (15-percentage) by 2 ml;
  4. vitamin C (7-percentage) by 4 ml;
  5. diphenhydramine (2-percentage) by 1 ml;
  6. sodium chloride on 7 ml.
  • Serum with protective antibodies.

These substances make it possible to resist the animal immunity. As part of the animals contained antibodies, who had been ill distemper and were able to recover. If the dog's weight is easier 5 kg, then entered 2 ml serum, if more - 5 ml. But we must remember, that treat these pet medications you need at the beginning of the disease - only in this case the drug benefit.

  • vitamin.

Treatment injections of vitamins B1, AT 6, AT 12. In difficult situations, the animal put droppers intravenously. Also for more effective recovery and minimize the probability of occurrence of complications pet at this time you need to take calcium.

  • invalid food.

Weakened body can not be overloaded 'complex' food, because at the time of treatment and rehabilitation of your animal should be given liquid porridge, minced meat, raw eggs and low-fat cottage cheese (not more than twice a week).

  • antibiotics.

To normalize the temperature of a dog it is advisable to use antibiotics. Their use depends on the symptoms and characteristics of the course of infection.

drugs are also used to:

  • reducing the pressure inside the skull;
  • decreased muscle tone;
  • maintenance of heart activity;
  • sputum clearance;
  • treatment of festering in his eyes.

Vaccination against distemper for dogs

Each owner has the opportunity to avoid such consequences, the most complex treatment of infection and possible complications; recommended time to be vaccinated against distemper.

Своим любимцам рекомендуется вовремя делать прививку от чумки
Their pets in time recommended to be vaccinated against distemper

Vaccination is carried out several times:

  • the first at the age of 1-2 months;
  • second in 6 months;
  • further - once a year.

Vaccination is done at an early age, because the mother's immune system protects the puppy only in the first three months, during this period you need to have time to give protection quadruped. After recommended isolate puppy from contact with potential pathogen vector approximately 2 of the week.

Attention! Vaccines are made only healthy animals, the presence of fleas or worms is not allowed.

Dogs easily withstand the impact of immunizations of the Russian or foreign producers. One of the most popular vaccine - polyvalent, which produces immunity to several diseases.

The vaccine allows the body to pet seamlessly cope with pathogenic virus. That is, the dog can get sick, but the disease is asymptomatic and without consequences: having immunity, the body to quickly deal with the microorganism.

A few important notes:

  1. If you have an infected puppy vaccinated during the latent stage, the animal can not survive.
  2. If a baby is infected soon after vaccination, when the immune system has not yet developed a, very high probability of death of puppy.

Traditional recipes for the treatment of diseases

This infection is known since ancient times, and people in earlier times were also looking for ways to treat and rescue their pets. Before describing the traditional medicine recipes should be recalled, what is strictly not recommended to self distemper, before, how to treat, must pass tests and obtain professional advice.

Decoctions of the following herbs help the body cope with animal disease and to recover better afterwards:

  • St. John's Wort and chamomile to help bring toxins from the body of the dog;
  • motherwort help to calm the central nervous system and prevent the development of the most dangerous nerve pathologies.
Зверобой и ромашка помогут вывести токсины из тела собаки
St. John's Wort and chamomile to help bring toxins from the body of the dog

Known for another popular technique - Treatment of distemper in dogs vodka is conducted according to the following recipe: mix 125 ml of vodka with one raw egg, add 15 ml fresh honey.

Divide the resulting mixture into three portions, pour into the animal's mouth 3 times a day using a syringe, making sure, that the pet has swallowed medicine.

vodka treatment is effective, if the disease is mild, and the animal has a strong immunity.

Attention! The above-described methods of traditional medicine appear only as a supplement to the basic treatment. You can not replace conventional therapy only these recipes.

The owner is solely responsible for the pet's health. The dog does not understand all the possible threats to her health, because people should care, with whom she is in contact, in time to see a change in behavior and to take urgent action in case of doubt. The disease is too dangerous, you can not rely on the "like", you need time to take the animal to a vet appointment. AND, again, the best remedy for distemper - it's to warn her and pre-vaccinated pet.

In this article, the reader has received the most important information about the fatal disease for dogs and learned, what to do when the signs of distemper. Information will help dog breeders in time to see suspicious symptoms and carry out an effective treatment.

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