Ordinary home flytrap - a carnivorous creature of the genus Scutigera coleoptrata. Many people believe, she called centipede, however, between such creatures there is a significant difference. Least, scolopendridae may pose a serious risk to human.
Contrary to popular belief, flycatchers do not belong to the insect, although a certain kinship with this class there. He enters into a type of arthropod, and here also applies class centipedes. It was members of this class are household flycatchers.

Inhabited flycatchers?
Home centipede common in many countries. The area of its habitat affects Southern Europe, Africa and the Middle East. If we consider the Russian territory, the easiest to find in the Black Earth flycatchers, The Volga and the Caucasus. They are also common, and in the Crimean peninsula, but here are listed as endangered.
Centipedes prefer damp places, especially in the woods, gardens and parks. They like to live under fallen leaves, or by stones and tree trunks felled. In such places, flycatchers remain until the cold seasons. When winter comes, They creep in almost any gap, who can find. There flycatchers remain to winter.
With the onset of spring millipedes go out of their rookeries and begin active search for food. In this way, in the warmer seasons of these creatures can be seen everywhere. Very often, they sit on the walls of houses and barns. Inside, they are usually just in the winter, When looking for a more comfortable temperature conditions.
However, flycatchers in the apartment may appear in the summer. This happens, if outside is too hot and dry weather, centipedes which bear heavily. In this case, their beckons coolness and humidity of some apartments. Provided, that the selected house will be plenty of food sources, such uninvited guests can stay there on a permanent basis. They especially like to live in basements, the basements, and under the bath or in separate farm building.

Nutrition and appearance flycatchers
Flycatcher is a predator, but because it eats other arthropods and arachnids, if they are less than its size. Usually, she eats:
- Muxami,
- tongs,
- Termitami,
- silverfish,
- spiders.
If the human centipede moved house, it may find itself there is food in the form of cockroaches, bugs, fleas, moths and a variety of other pests, living in apartments. In this way, creature does not cause any harm houseplants, no normal human food, our furniture, which stands in the apartment.
note. Due to their taste preferences Flycatcher becomes beneficial arthropods in the garden.
However, to accept the fact, centipedes that is wrong and harmful, prevents their appearance. For many people it is very repulsive. Firstly, due to the fact, flycatchers that there are many long legs. Interesting, what, despite one of its names, the so-called centipedes have only thirty feet.
Outside flycatchers covered sclerotinia and chitin. Mature specimens reach a length 40-60 mm. Their torso is colored yellow or brown shades, and through the whole body stretch three stripes of darker color. Usually, is a bluish or purple. Torso consists of fifteen segments, on each of which there is a pair of tines.
It is interesting. Hind feet centipedes especially long, so they are often confused with a mustache, counting, that is the front part of the body, and not back.
Striped flycatchers legs are so long, than they are farther away from the head. As a result, some limbs do not interfere with the movement of other, and in case of loss of the foot in its place very soon, there is a new. Centipedes capture potential food and protected from the dangers of using the same tabs.

The cycle of life and especially
The average length of the centipede life of three to seven years. During warmer months, males and females seek out a mate using odor. As a result, one specimen lays up 150 eggs, the minimum quantity is about sixty. Eggs are covered by a protective adhesive mixture.
It is interesting. A few weeks after the birth of babies mother centipede caring for their offspring and protects it.
Newborns muholovki outwardly differ from mature individuals primarily only those, they have only four pairs of legs and are generally smaller in size. With each molt will increase the number of legs. for example, first molt they add two more legs, and after five toddlers will already have fifteen pairs. porn watch
Although centipedes can be seen in the daytime, most active they reach only after, as the sun sets. These creatures peculiar to migration in the event of adverse conditions. flycatchers, compared with other similar arthropod, move very quickly, at a rate of 40 cm / sec. They are able to stay on steep surfaces, They have an excellent sense of smell and sight.
Flycatchers know how to hunt - they are waiting for the victim in the crevices, then jump and grab it through the clutches, simultaneously injecting poison. For humans or pets, this poison can be dangerous only if, if you are allergic to insect stings. Moreover, centipede hard to bite through the skin, and even try to do this it will be only for the purpose of self-defense. Finally, the effects of the bite, which is so difficult to get, will take place in a few hours.

How to get rid of flycatchers?
so, flytrap presents no danger to humans. Moreover, in any forum, you can read about, it is useful, and not harmful arthropod. That is why, seeing the house centipede, it is best to catch it with the help of banks and remove the street.
note. Flycatcher cope with cleaning the apartment from pests better, than any vacuum cleaner.
Usually people tend to learn, how to derive flycatchers, because they are afraid of the appearance of the arthropod. Also, due to the fact, that people are confused with centipedes earwigs. It is believed, that the latter are able to enter at night in the ears. In fact, neither, no other arthropods such is not engaged, and, of course, they can not gnaw through the tympanic membrane and reach the brain.
Although photo millipedes and troublesome, they do not bear any harm or danger. Moreover, houses and apartments are not for them a comfortable living environment, but because they are not bred there in large numbers. That is why the fight against Flycatchers enough to catch them in a jar and make the street.
However, if one is configured on the full disposal of these arthropods, it may simply transferring them or seek the assistance of insecticides. Few poisons flycatchers, but because they have no resistance to toxic agents. It works with almost any insecticide.

How to make flycatchers leave?
Not necessarily make yourself at home, and even centipedes use insecticides. You can do so, that flycatchers will decide to leave the apartment. Firstly, for this it is necessary to deprive them of potential food sources, that is necessary to clean the house from other insects.

Following, what is necessary to understand - humidity. Usually it develops in the bathroom, therefore it is necessary to thoroughly ventilate. If centipedes will be uncomfortable to live in the house, they leave. Finally, will not only give new Flycatchers climb inside. To do this, you need to caulk various cracks, put nets on the windows and ventilation openings.