To get rid of cockroaches in the house, We need to examine the entire arsenal of available drugs for these insects and choose the most effective remedy for cockroaches, which will not only repel insects and to reduce their number, and permanently eliminate these pests.
At the moment, it is difficult to name the best remedy for cockroaches, with unique properties and versatile. For each individual case will be effective or that the means, tk. This largely depends on the degree of infestation, and the apartment itself from its owners needs.

How to choose the best remedy for cockroaches
Really powerful and effective means of cockroaches - a great many. This extensive range of shopping products for insects, and people's methods of dealing with cockroaches, proven for decades.
How to choose a really effective against cockroaches? When choosing to be guided by several important criteria:
- Efficiency - the main parameter selection means to combat cockroaches. The most affordable and easy-to-use tool makes no sense, if the effect of his actions will be minimal and cockroaches will continue to wander around the apartment. for example, Viewed today, ultrasonic repellents will not help to get rid of cockroaches forever, but only to resolve the problem for some time.
- speed of action. buyers often guided on the speed of impact means of cockroaches - because everyone wants to clean up the house as much as possible faster on these creatures. But high-speed tools are not always safe, and could pose a threat to others.
- Security. If the home has small children and animals, you should pay special attention to safety to choose the means. Highly toxic drugs are usually very effective, but deliver a lot of inconvenience - require caution in the application and thorough cleaning after removing cockroaches.
- Easy to use. Clever bait and trap insects to require a lot of time, that impatient buyers are not always willing to spend to get rid of cockroaches. It is much easier to quickly process a flat spray, than tinkering traps and bait to intruders.
- price. Cheap funds often do not give the desired effect, and the use of expensive drugs can cost as well, how to call pest service.
All of these criteria are not easy to find in the same vehicle, so before, how to choose the most effective method, We need to study the effects and characteristics of each method alone.
SHOP means of cockroaches
When selecting funds from the cockroaches, presented in a pretty extensive range, should consult with the sellers, implementing such products, explaining to them the specific situation: how many divorced insects, how long can not get rid of them, how quickly you want to display cockroaches etc..
Sellers are usually willing to pick the right tool for cockroaches in the apartment, but not to be trapped in the store, consider the most effective and popular means of cockroaches with their advantages and disadvantages and form the top 10 best-store products.

Aerosols and sprays
The main advantage of the use of sprays and aerosols - speed impact. They destroyed almost instantly pests, not allowing them to recover and escape from the poison. That is why sprays and aerosols are typically used in the arsenal of pest services.
- Do not have an unpleasant smell. modern aerosols (Unlike the usual dichlorvos, which is almost never used) They have a very pleasant aroma, or made completely odorless.
- Ease of use. For an aerosol spray, no additional equipment or special spray. Enough to spray the spray from the spray, of which he sold.
- Security. Good tool in the form of an aerosol (spray) usually quite safe, even in violation of the instructions for use is unlikely to cause severe poisoning.
Important! Aerosols and sprays - the best means of cockroaches in the case, when speed is required for disposal of insects.
In spite of the relative safety of aerosol sprays and conduct processing using them should be subject to certain rules:
- Pre withdraw from the room of people and animals.
- After treatment, leave the room closed on 2-3 o'clock.
- After the procedure thoroughly ventilate the apartment and spend wet cleaning.
The most popular means of: Raptor, raid, Kombat, Tetrix, Sinuzan, Get.
The most optimal combination of properties means against cockroaches are gels. They are made of special materials, whose smell attracts cockroaches. It should treat the surface of the gel, like cockroaches running up to the smell from all sides quickly, than crumbs. In this way, gel gets into the digestive tract of the insect and certain acts.
- Not harm to pets and children. The structure of the gels include special bitterness, which are not visible to the cockroaches, but contrary to the taste of children or animals.
- Easy to use. The gel is applied by dashed lines in place of the possible accumulation of insects. After that, as a means to do their job, its remnants easily removed with a wet cloth - gels do not leave greasy residue on the surface.
- When using the gel should not be removed from the premises of humans and animals.
Popular funds: Storm, cigarette butt, Global, given.
Each of the gel is composed of a certain insecticide, which determines the effect and efficiency of a means. If one gel was ineffective, you need to try another action, the benefit of the low price lets go through some types of, to choose the most powerful.
note! Gels are better to use in case, if the fight with cockroaches planned to lead gradually, without removing the occupants of the premises.
Less use of gels - with the help of this tool can not be an urgent disinfection of the house. The means will be effective on 2-3 day after the first application, and get rid of the insects will only be the second week of use.
Traps against cockroaches - the most accurate to use and soft to the action of insect repellent in the room.
The main advantage of the traps - absolute safety for others. But with their help to succeed is unlikely to get rid of a large number of cockroaches.
note! Traps are most commonly used in cases, When the apartment appear periodically in all 2-3 cockroach, Going from neighboring premises (ie. insects do not have a permanent shelter in the apartment).
There are several types of traps, the most popular of which are sticky - they attract cockroaches smell, and insects simply pasted after falling into the trap of the adhesive tape. Electronic traps allow destroying cockroaches using the effects of electric current, but they are very unprofitable, tk. have a high cost.

TOP- 6 the best means of cockroaches
As the customer reviews, the most effective means of combating cockroaches following:
- Globol (average price - 300 rub.) - German cockroaches paste. Absolutely safe for people and takes effect within a few hours after being hit in the stomach poison cockroach. It does not create addiction in insects.
- regent (average price of 30 rub.) - a remedy for the Colorado potato beetle, but very effective displays cockroaches. The capsule is diluted in water and sprayed with a syringe in locations where the appearance of cockroaches. Leaves no residue, no odor, fast acting, but the composition of funds is very toxic and can be dangerous to others.
- Get (average price - 700 rub.). Aerosol fast action - not toxic, safe for the, no odor.
- Dohloks (The average price - from 45 rub.). The gel acts on the nervous system of the cockroach, followed by rapid death occurs. It has a fast action, low toxicity and affordable price. Disadvantage - insects quickly become accustomed to the drug.
- Combat Super bytes (the average cost of 300 rub.). The most effective trap for cockroaches - simple, a safe and effective means. The only drawback - is used only for a small number of insects.
- Masha (the average cost - from 40 rub.). Chalk by contact action cockroaches. It has worked well - easy to use, safe for the, takes effect on the cockroaches have during the day after poisoning.
If cockroaches are not so much, and they wound up recently, then we can deal with them using traps, crayons or gels. If the number of pests reached an impressive size, It should be used more powerful drugs - a means of cockroaches Global or the Regent or insecticide sprays.

Folk remedies against cockroaches
In addition to chemical drugs store, There are folk remedies for cockroaches, which have proven themselves over many decades. On the effectiveness of any home remedy is inferior insecticides, but it helps to save money and protect yourself and others from the effects of chemicals
How to get rid of cockroaches folk remedies:
- Boric acid. Remedy for cockroaches with boric acid on the right holds a leading position in the elimination of these insects in the home. Of boric acid can be done using the poison of raw eggs and boiled potatoes, all these ingredients are mixed and laid out in places where cockroaches. You can also simply sprinkle boric acid powder space of possible occurrence of cockroaches. The advantage - low cost and absolute safety for others.
- storm. This substance derived from boric acid and having a similar effect on the cockroaches. It applies analogously boric acid.
- pyrethrum. This powder, obtained by grinding of camomile inflorescence. Chamomile flowers are crushed, and the resulting powder is scattered in the most frequented places of cockroaches. Absolutely safe for humans.
- Ammonia. Cockroaches such means will not destroy, but for a long time scare. It suffices to wash the floor with sal ammoniac water solution. This home remedy has a significant disadvantage - ammonia has a pungent smell and quite disinsection better, pre-evacuating all home.
- homemade traps. The usual half-liter jar you need to drop a little beer or honey, pre-greased with sunflower oil bank. Bank left overnight at places, where cockroaches may appear. Wash in the morning to catch a cockroach in the toilet. Another way to the house - on a piece of cardboard mold double sided tape, and in the center of paperboard dripping honey. After, scotch prikleevshimisya to it by insects emit.
- Geranium. Numerous comments and observations show, that apartment, where the blooms usual geraniums on the windowsill, cockroaches sidestep.
It should be remembered, cockroaches very quickly able to adapt to different conditions. To bring them required a lot of effort, but it does not mean, that should be used at the same time a lot of toxic assets. Insects quickly develop immunity to them, and then bring the insects will be very difficult. The funds from the cockroaches should be alternated at home, not forgetting to keep the apartment clean and comply with sanitary regulations.