The flu shot 2017 – main contraindications. It is important to know

In high season, the incidence of the best way to protect against the virus is the flu shot, contraindications for adults and children on a doctor finds immediately prior to injection. Contraindications are divided into additional and relatively common preparation used for vaccination.

Прививка от гриппа - это лучшее средство для защиты от простуды
The flu shot - is the best way to protect against colds

General contraindications

The general condition referred contraindications, in which you may experience negative effects on the body after the application of any influenza vaccine:

  • Disruptions to the endocrine system;
  • Kidney and adrenal gland;
  • Respiratory disease and asthma;
  • Exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • Hypertonic disease;
  • High temperature and respiratory diseases;
  • Pathology and blood diseases;
  • Diseases of the cardiovascular and nervous system.

It is better not to vaccinate those people, who have had a previous flu shot hard. It means, that vaccination is contraindicated them in mind the individual characteristics of the organism.

Flu vaccine is contraindicated for people, who are allergic to chicken protein, tk. all kinds of influenza vaccination preparations are made based on chicken protein.

If a person feels even a slight indisposition and has any symptoms of the common cold (even a slight runny nose), by vaccination is to give. In acute and chronic conditions and vaccination is not carried out.

Если чувствуете в организме недомогание, это повод отказаться от вакцинации
If you feel discomfort in your body, it is an occasion to refuse vaccination

In any case, the decision on vaccination must be taken together with the doctor, that is to conduct a thorough examination of the patient prior to vaccination.

Important! If there are contraindications, doctor still insists on vaccinations, should take his medotvod or write a formal refusal of vaccination.

Conventionally, all general contraindications can be divided into two groups: relative and absolute.

Absolute contraindications are characterized by severe conditions and can pose a threat to human life. These include:

  • Severe reactions to the previous vaccinations: swelling, fever, a significant rise in temperature.
  • immunodeficiency states: after inoculation of mumps, rubella, peel, or arising in the background of AIDS.
  • Severe allergic reactions: anafilakticheskiy shock, collapse, encephalitis, convulsions.

The nature and consequences of force affects the quality of the drug, used at the time of vaccination. If there are a plurality of chemical components, when defective cleaning strongest possible allergic reactions.

Relative contraindications are temporary - after the improvement of the vaccination status allowed. These include:

  • with a temperature of Respiratory Diseases;
  • Blood transfusion with immunoglobulin;
  • Runny nose and a slight cough;
  • The disease in the acute phase.

There are also so-called "false" contra - their manifestations are far-fetched, and are not limited to vaccination. It - dysbiosis, diatyez, encephalopathy, anemic syndrome.

Ложные противопоказания не являются причиной для ограничений от прививки
False contraindications are not the reason for the restrictions on vaccination

additional contraindications

Additional contraindications vary depending on the particular drug, because are not absolute. If any should be easy to replace the vaccine to another.

vaccines, used for flu shots in the period 2016-2017, divided into the following groups:

  1. live. Vaccination is happening intranasally, intended for use in children and adults.
  2. inactivated whole virus. Children over seven years, the vaccine is administered intranasally, adults - subcutaneously and intranasally.
  3. Subunit and split vaccines. administered intramuscularly (hip, shoulder), application is permitted from 6 months of age.
  4. virosomal. Apply similarly split vaccines.

Based on the classification of vaccines, easier to navigate in the contraindications to drugs.

For live vaccines (influenza vaccine allantoic intranasal "Microgen") characterized by the contraindications:

  • Pregnancy;
  • Pathology of malignant nature (Cancer bias having);
  • rhinitis;
  • Immunodeficiency (congenital and acquired).

Tselnoverionnaya vaccine (Grippovak) It has the following contraindications:

  • congenital immunodeficiency;
  • Heavy connective tissue disorders;
  • malignancies (Oncology);
  • Diseases of the adrenal glands.

virosomal (inflection V), subunit (Grippol, Grippol Plus, influvac, Sovigripp, Ultriks, Agrippal) and Split vaccines (Vaksigrip, Fluarix, Begrivak) have the least amount of contraindications, which include allergic reactions to constituents of preparations.

Restrictions on the use of this type of vaccine may relate to the patient's age. for example, Sovigripp shown patients over 18 years - is recommended for use for older people and people, often ill with respiratory diseases. Vaccination against influenza and Grippol Grippol Plus solved already starting to use a 6- months of age, but it is also used, to instill a higher age.

Pregnant women are advised to be vaccinated after 13 week of pregnancy. Contraindications to the use of most vaccines is not pregnant, but the first 12 weeks of pregnancy are the most risky period, so better not at this time be vaccinated against influenza.

Беременным женщинам следует делать вакцинаю в более безопасный период для ребенка, после 13 недель
Pregnant women should do vaktsinayu in a safe period for a child, after 13 weeks

After the flu shot 2016-2017 grafting should refrain from bad habits: do not drink alcohol, reduce the number of cigarettes smoked (Alcohol should not be taken, and a few days before vaccination). The child should limit physical exertion, protect it at any time from visiting crowded places, enter into the diet of many vitamins.

In the absence of adverse effects and contraindications to vaccination is recommended to get vaccinated each year.