Why currant treatment against pests and diseases is carried out so early?
Processing currant spring from diseases carried in the prophylaxis of colds during the retreat, as soon as the snow melts, before waking up red currant bushes, gooseberry and black currant after hibernation.
This event is very important, because the processing currant against diseases and pests, carried out in early spring, It is the basis for a good harvest in the coming season. In no case can not be put off such an event, as the first spring processing currant and gooseberry from pests, because as the bud many of the methods of effective treatment are already available.
During flowering and berry crops in the period after flowering, in May and June, It is generally very difficult to find a drug, acting strongly enough, to overcome serious illness data shrubs. Will be available only folk remedies and mild medicines, therefore responsible gardeners always treated their holdings in advance, in early spring, earlier, than the bloom buds and awaken hibernating in the soil insect pests. Processed bushes in advance will be protected all season, and chemicals by the time the harvest already will have time to withdraw from plants.

Processing currant bushes and gooseberry provides for the formation and protection of plants from pests, and from diseases - fungal, viral and bacterial. Treating their planting currants and gooseberries spring from pests, before bud swell, gardeners destroy overwintering larvae in the soil, without fear of damaging the delicate buds of shrubs and herbs first. Processing black currants, red currants and gooseberries carried out by the same procedures.
Important! Deliverance plants from damaged disease bethwei, loosening, perekapyvanie land and fertilizer, and, of course, direct spraying themselves bushes - all gives currant to cope with her enemies.
Where to start and what to do next?
Spring for conscientious gardeners should always begin with a thorough inspection of the land. Delete old dried plant parts and vymerzshie, last year's foliage and other debris. Immediately after harvest should start treatment and prevention.
activity, which recommended to:
- Treatment with boiling water currant. Not all gardening enthusiasts believe, that in the spring of boiling water currant treatment is really effective. However, It has proven the effectiveness of this method, especially in the fight against aphids and other currant aphid species. Even before, as the snow come down, tie up the bushes and, boil them a bucket of water, drench the plants from a watering can. It does not hurt either black and red currants, nor gooseberries - because their kidneys will be dormant.
- Spraying shrubs drugs to choose from (with increasing temperature). To protect the fruit trees and shrubs , including valuable currants, experts recommended to carry out preventive spraying prior to the entry into an active phase of pests and pathogens.
Pretreatment in early spring are excellent solutions "soon" and the good old "Malathion". They protect the shrubs, not only against fungal diseases, but also from bacteria, mite and many other ailments. Bud mite you do not leave any chances, and this is very important, it's tiny creature is capable of a relatively short time to completely destroy all your green friends. At recommended dosages these drugs is dissolved in a bucket of water and produce processing.
note! There are two possible options:
- The only treatment is performed in the case, if the plants last year were healthy or amazed marginally. FIRSTand I treatment will protect the shrubs from most attacks common diseases and other injuries: mites of various kinds, American muchnistOh Russians, tlher.
- SGoynaya processing (with two weeks break) is then, when plants last year wasand greatly impressed.
Also currant bushes treated with ammonia - ammonia is diluted at the rate of 40 ml of liquid agent on a water bucket with the addition of 40 g liquid tar or grated soap. Ammonia is harmful for a variety of ailments plant pathogens, especially for aphids, Besides, it saturates the soil with nitrogen, which benefits the plants and increases their productivity.
Equally popular among gardeners processing currant copper sulfate (copper sulfate), but, it is not as safe and should be used strictly according to instructions.
Treatment is usually baking soda (it is a safe means of diluted concentration 60 and c 10 liters of water) currants protect against mildew, rot, aphids and other problems, while shrubs enhance productivity, but will need to produce processing standard.
- the event's Skin: treatment and tillage seeding the land with ash space near the bushes, top-dressing (eg, humus), pruning bushes.
- Inspection and where necessary additional scrap and treatments (preparation is selected depending on several factors).
Treatment is usually baking soda to protect from mildew currants, rot, aphids and other problems
Tools for processing of bushes
To the delight of gardeners, all become increasingly popular in recent years sparing, more narrowly focused and Biologicals. Of course, It is still common to use and "heavy artillery", but, for personal plots, most gardeners do not use it.

of funds, which are quite the running, you can note:
- bluestone (for treatments use it 3% solution);
- inkstone (low-concentration, 5% solution of the drug);
- Bordeaux mixture (very weak, 1% solution);
- zolu (100 g wood ash is dissolved in 1 l of water and for 3 day insist, then the solution is necessary to filter and with water to bring its volume up to 4 l). At the height of the spring can be included in its arsenal a completely safe handling of ash solution;
- means "Topaz" - is applied according to the instructions;
- urea (urea granules).
Council! If in the previous year, your green wards were attacked by pests and were amazed by any disease - is not limited to a single processing, Swipe it again, or even commercially, but strictly in accordance with recommendations for the use of the selected drug.

processing Example:
- After melting snow fallen leaves and debris is removed from the area, the soil around the bush loose and sprayed with a type of vitriols.
- In the period before the budding bushes sprayed 3% Bordeaux mixture.
note! In some sources it is recommended carrying out treatments of iron sulphate and Bordeaux fluid in the evening twice a half-hour intervals.
- After harvesting, spraying Bordeaux mixture concentration is repeated in a similar.

shrubs treatment - perhaps the most important stage of care for plants in the garden. Correct selection of drugs, and mandatory compliance with all the rules on their use will help to save the bush even under heavy defeat, prevent the spread of the disease and get a good crop of tasty berries.
Important! If you are going to spray bushes after the start of flowering, then choose the drug carefully, focusing on recommendations for its implementation. Some chemical toxins can persist long enough in the tissues of plants, including fruits accumulate in.
Diagnosis - Treatment
- If powdery mildew on the leaves of plants appears plaque light gray or white, shoots become smaller, there is distortion of leaves and change their color. This fungal disease, wherein pathogenic spores can overwinter on the bush as a, and in fallen leaves. Therefore, after the binding processing is carried out sanitization "fundazol" (100 d of 10 l) or copper sulfate (15 ml per bucket). Thoroughly spray the plant itself and watered the earth around it.
- Aphids - small, the well-known and quite dangerous insect, tolerable often ordinary ants. Deal with it will help a preventive treatment karbofosom, bluestone, Tanrek and means Intavir. Will be effective and early spring treatment with boiling water and drug furanone.
- With the defeat of the bush anthracnose (brownish spots, blisters on the leaves) - to cope with the insidious fungus also help drug Intavir.

Inspect plants carefully, because in the period of leafing find it is quite difficult.