Funds from the bites of mosquitoes and black flies for children and adults – medicines and traditional recipes

"Mosquito" season lasts from May to October. Bites of mosquitoes not only cause discomfort to man. In some cases, they are life-threatening. Therefore, you should know, a mosquito biting midges and is considered the most reliable.

После комариных укусов кожный покров чешется, на месте раздражение развивается отек и гиперемия
After a mosquito bites the skin itches, on-site irritation develops edema and hyperemia

general information

Human bites are not male, a female mosquito. In addition to saliva, insect releases anticoagulants. The bite turns red, swells, strongly itches. Combing increased severity of symptoms. Human well-being bitten often worsens. The hardest hit small children.

note! Bloodsucking insects carry pathogens transmissible pathologies.

Not less dangerous consequence is the appearance of allergic reactions. Against the background of bronchospasm, breathing may be difficult. Therefore, after being bitten by a mosquito or midge is recommended to treat the affected area by means of itching.

У комаров нет яда, но когда они кусают, в ранке остается особое вещество, которое не дает крови сворачиваться – антикоагулянт, именно за счет этого вещества комар может пить кровь. Но это вещество обладает, помимо основного эффекта, еще и массой побочных эффектов
There are no mosquito poison, but when they bite, in the wound is a special substance, which does not allow the blood to clot - anticoagulant, It is due to this substance gnat may drink blood

than to be treated

Stop after burning or mosquito bite of midges can be using:

  • lotions;
  • pencils;
  • ointments.

They contain herbal ingredients, which have antihistamine and anti-inflammatory effects.

Best pharmacy drugs

The most effective means should include:

  1. fenistil gel.
  2. Elokim.
  3. Baneocin.
  4. arnica.
  5. Nezulyn.
  6. Bepanten.
  7. Uniderm.
  8. Akriderm.

fenistil gel

One of the best remedies for itching after being bitten by blood-sucking insects. The drug prevents the entry of infection, relieves irritation. It is used only on small areas of the skin.


It has a stable effect of anti-inflammatory and antihistaminic. This powerful tool is not without flaws. The main disadvantage is the price. The cost of the drug varies from 300 to 400 p. It also has a large number of contraindications.


Effective synthetic antibiotic agent. Available in powder and cream. It has no contraindications, approved for use from birth. Judging by the reviews, symptoms disappear after 2-3 applications.


Powerful sedative, has antispasmodic, antimicrobial effect. Its use enhances the body's defenses and generating resistance to allergic reactions.


It is considered the best remedy against the bites of blood-sucking insects. It has antihistamine, sedative effect. Its use promotes bacterial destruction, reduce edema, inflammation, itching. The epidermis is regenerated quickly, its protective function gets better. The main drawback of assets - worth a lot of money. Today its price is 900 p.


The drug heals and moisturizes the skin, and suppresses the development of the inflammatory process. Active ingredient, dekspatenola, It contributes to a rapid effect. The result observed after 1 application.


sparing agent, quickly relieves itching, inflammation and swelling. Against the background of its use reduces the manifestation of rash. Well suited for the treatment of skin after a mosquito bites, bedbugs and mosquitoes.

The most inexpensive drugs

If you can not buy expensive funds, you can take advantage of their low-cost counterparts. Cheap drugs also have all the necessary properties to combat the effects of mosquito bites. The following tools are considered the most effective:

  • Rescuer;
  • Golden Star;
  • komarex;
  • hydrocortisone;
  • Floresan.


Only natural therapeutic ingredients are Its basis. Balm does not contain hormones and antibiotics. Against the background of this means the affected areas quickly regenerated. swelling decreases, background blisters cropped. The cost varies from 100 to 110 p.

При укусах жалящих насекомых эта мазь позволяет быстрее восстанавливать задетые воспалением ткани, но минимизировать все прочие симптомы не способна
Stings stinging insects this ointment can quickly restore hurt tissue inflammation, but to minimize all the other symptoms are not able to

Golden Star

Universal antiseptic medicine. Its use helps to heal the skin after bites of blood-sucking insects. As part of the drug has only natural ingredients. It has virtually no contraindications. Not recommended for people with individual intolerance.

Council! The drug is used not only for treatment, but also as a preventive measure. Pungent "flavor" means reliably repels mosquitoes.

The cost of the "Golden Star" - all 50 p.


Another cheap medicine. Used bites:

  • mošek;
  • mosquitoes;
  • horseflies;
  • mosquitoes;
  • mites.

Using promotes rapid healing of the skin lesions. During application it is important to ensure that, that it has not got to the mucous. The cost of the drug - 70 p.


hormonal drug. The active substance is hydrocortisone. Thanks to him, means relieves swelling, relieves itching, removes redness. It applied only to the prepurified integument. It is worth inexpensive drug - all 50 p.

 Мазь снимает отек от укуса, плюс место укуса перестает чесаться, для эффекта достаточно наносить один раз в день, несколько дней
Ointment reduces edema bite, plus the bite stops itch, to effect sufficient to apply once a day, several days


Effective cream-balm, virtually no contraindications. It has a fast, sparing effect. Its use contributes to the relief of even severe itching. The cost varies from 120 to 150 rub.

Folk remedies

Not only drugs help get rid of the negative effects of bites of blood-sucking insects. With this task perfectly cope known since ancient times folk remedies.

How to relieve itching

Home treatment involves the use of:

  • bird cherry;
  • mint;
  • plantain;
  • parsley.

You can also apply to scheduled to blister chesnochinu, previously cut in half. A remarkable effect has onion juice. Scratches can be lubricated bulb, cut in half.

When the bite of blood-sucking insects painfully itch, It recommends the use of aloe juice. Good help ordinary dandelion, and lemon. This folk remedy after mosquito bites and midges, as a tincture of calendula, not only relieves itching, but also promotes the regeneration of skin.

Itching stopped by an ice cube.

How to relieve irritation

The affected area of ​​the skin can moisten a 3% solution of vinegar. Good effect allows to achieve common brilliant green. By outlines the blister will have to make cotton wool soaked in a solution.

Irritation easily removed mint toothpaste. This tool can be alternated with essential oils and fresh black tea leaves. If the hand is nothing more, it is permissible to use alcohol and alcohol-containing lotion or wipes.

How to help your child

How to be, If you are bitten by children? The most innocuous means, reduces or eliminates the effects of blood-sucking insects attack, Hydrogen peroxide is considered. This tool is able to quickly disinfect the bite site and protect from bacteria. Peroxide does not cause allergies.

To the kid is not combed wound, it is recommended to give him an antihistamine. The safest drug, which can be given to children, is Fenkarol. The maximum dosage - 1/3 Table / 24 h.. Also, the child can be given:

  1. Telfast.
  2. Claritin.
  3. Zirtek.
  4. Tavegil.

Council! children, not reached 12 months., these means it is better not to give.

Use of pharmaceutical preparations

The smear child? Pediatricians recommend using the following tools after bites:

  1. powder Fenkarol.
  2. Moustidose.
  3. Irikar.
  4. Fenistil gel.
  5. Psili Balm.
  6. Golden Star.

The most effective drugs in the list are considered Moustidose and Psili Balm.

Москидоз (Moustidose) Антикомариный» детский, препарат выпускается в виде крема или спрея, разрешен для малышей от 3 месяцев
Moskidoz (Moustidose) Antikomariny 'children, product produced in the form of a cream or a spray, allowed for kids from 3 months

Moustidose includes silver ions, and takzhe menthol and d-panthenol. The effects of these ingredients facilitates rapid removal effects bites. The drug has a mild, sparing effect.

Psili Balm is based on diphenhydramine. Its use facilitates relief of edema, inflammation removal, itching, redness.

Another good remedy after the mosquito bites for children - powder Fenkarol. It helps to stop the allergic reaction.

All of these tools are quite safe even for toddlers monthly. But they need to be applied only after consulting a pediatrician.

The use of folk remedies

According to Dr. Komarovsky, minor mosquito bites, not very reds, best process solution of soda and water. The affected area is wiped with a cotton dipped tamponchikom. This method helps to stop not only the severe itching, but the pain.

Great benefits to the body bitten child brings a warm bath of sea salt. They can be combined with the wiping soda solution.

It is also allowed to use:

  • plantain;
  • parsley;
  • chamomile;
  • aloe juice.

Smearing cream also gives good results.

If an insect snatched the baby in her lip, then to the patient area should make an ice cube and hold for a few seconds.

Если комар укусил в глазик, нужно промыть пораженное место водой и закапать противовоспалительное средство
If a mosquito bite in the eye, you need to wash the affected area with water and drip-inflammatory agent

First aid

The smaller baby, the higher the risk of swelling bitten portion. Therefore, immediately after insect attack is necessary to use hydrogen peroxide.

Stale wounds can be treated by means of, Relieves the spread of infection. The best preparation is Fenistil. You can also use any creams for children.

It will not harm the use antikomarinogo body spray. The best preparation is considered "Taiga". He sold at any pharmacy. Its value varies from 40 to 50 rub.

On a note. Leaving on nature, you should bring drugs, insect repellent. Use is possible as antikomarinye spiral, and special plates.

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