Talking about, HIV differs from AIDS, emphasize the need to immediately, that these are two different diseases. They are interrelated and suppress the human immune system, but between them there is a significant difference, understanding which is able to extend the life of the patient. In this article, the reader will understand, What are the symptoms and features have these two diseases, how to distinguish between HIV and AIDS, and that take into account the.

Characterization of HIV disease AIDS
AIDS virus (HIV) It affects different groups of cells in the body, including blood leukocytes, lymph, sperm, Various isolation and even saliva (in minuscule degree). The virus is found in all body fluids, even in breast milk.
pathogen, getting into the body and blood of man, act swiftly, infecting blood cells and creating copies of itself. Of course, Immunity begins to actively resist the activity of the virus and produce antibodies, but the danger is HIV, that he can breed before, as a complete protection is built.
- The first symptoms manifest themselves in the form of fever in the first few weeks and months after the pathogen enters the body.
- Due to its modification variability, immunity ceases to recognize the disease, and comes asymptomatic phase.
It can last for a long time, order 10 years old; at this time the virus will destroy the body secretly. The protection system is destroyed gradually; immune cells are progressively affected and the infection gradually suppressed.
As a result, the person gets acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (SPID), which is the final stage of infection: the body is no longer able to protect themselves from any disease: even a simple ODS causes serious consequences and can lead to death.
Attention! The microorganism is very unstable in the environment, he can only live in the human body. After a few minutes of being outside the body, he dies.
The virus immediately dies from alcohol, antiseptics and solutions, chlorine.
by the way, Existing methods for detecting the virus in the body based on a blood test, and finding in it antibodies to infections. But since they are produced in a few months, immediately register the virus in the body is not possible.
Stages of development of HIV and AIDS education

Medicine highlights 5 stages of infection, which differ in their signs and symptoms.
- Introduction and incubation of HIV.
Herein lies the peculiarity of this disease - the virus infects the first cells, creating in them the clones and increasing the concentration of the pathogen in the blood. Immunity starts activation, It monitors the disease and produces protective antibodies, but this is too long - up to six months, During this time, HIV becomes volatility and spreads throughout the body.
Attention! Determine the presence of virus in the body is possible only towards the end of the period, when the analysis on AIDS will be antibodies.
We developed new methods of diagnosing, capable of detecting the first antibodies already 2-3 weeks after infection, but it is expensive procedures.
- Acute febrile infection.
At this stage the infected person can see the initial signs of the disease. At this time, the antibody developed, the body tries to fight the infection. Symptoms are pain in the body and mind, skin rash, increase in temperature (fever). Characterized by prolonged vomiting and diarrhea, adenopathy. These symptoms occur in half of infected, In some cases, HIV can go directly to the asymptomatic phase.
- The absence of symptoms.
The latent phase is long enough: 7-10 years or more, at this time the disease does not manifest itself. Work takes place at the micro level: the virus continues to evolve and destroy immune cells, no longer able to recognize the pathogen.
- Manifestation of opportunistic diseases.
These diseases are named thus, because they can occur only under conditions of reduced immunity. bacteria, constantly living in the body, with weak protection excite various diseases. Only when failure of immune cells to protect the body, these microorganisms manifest themselves as pathogens. There are many diseases: Tuberculosis and pneumonia to epilepsy and dementia.
Immunodeficiency Syndrome is the final step in the development of the virus. human immunity is completely destroyed at this time, the body can not protect against any disease. At this time, the ailing symptoms of cancer developing, various infections: bacterial, viral and fungal; opportunistic diseases can lead to death.
Attention! AIDS develops quickly, and this is the main difference from medlennotekuschey HIV.
Prevention and Treatment

To avoid contamination, need to know, how the pathogen is transmitted, and who is at risk. A person can be infected only during contact with the patient's blood. The most common ways:
- unprotected sex, including anal;
- people, with drug dependence, using the same syringe;
- during pregnancy from mother to baby in the womb through the placenta.
Respectively, if we consider it a point to HIV prevention activities (disuse of drugs, use of condoms, treatment during pregnancy), You can reduce the risk of infection in your body and the body of the child to a minimum.
At risk are the following categories of persons:
- person, have sex without protection;
- person, having multiple sexual partners;
- drug addicts, giving injections with unsterile needles, and their sexual partners;
- person, prostitutes;
- disease entity, Sexually Transmitted;
- pregnant women and their fetuses;
- doctors and health care providers during contact with the blood of the patient to the sharps medical instruments (carelessly).
At the moment, the medicine has been invented proven method of treatment for HIV. Research is carried out in Russia and abroad for many years, but so far without success. Developed a variety of drugs, which can slow down the progression of the disease; eg, in the body with a good immune virus can be successfully treated, medication can significantly extend the life of the patient, but only if, if the infection is in the analysis it will be registered in time. HIV danger lies in the fact, it is invisible.
Antiretroviral and other HIV medications are capable of supporting human immunity and eliminate the symptoms. This allows to reduce the concentration of active virus in blood. Antiretrovirals have their drawbacks, including brighter side symptoms, but their use is able to maximize the asymptomatic period and the development of AIDS.
Along with this you need to go for regular medical check-ups, where experts will assess the current health of the patient.
Responding to a question: "What is the difference between HIV and AIDS?», you can highlight the main points:
- HIV - the virus infection, AIDS - a syndrome, a vivid manifestation of the virus works;
- AIDS is the last stage of HIV;
- infection develops slowly, to 15 years old, but with the advent of AIDS, death occurs very quickly.
Largely related illnesses, HIV and AIDS have many differences. Immunodeficiency Virus allows you to continue living for a long time, of course, with certain restrictions. AIDS does not give the opportunity to live long. Understanding the differences will not give up and fight for your health. Nobody knows: possibly, cure this deadly disease has been found to be tomorrow.