Medicine from chesotki – drugs for effective treatment

Scabies is a contagious skin disease, that causes mite, and in another Sarcoptes scabiei, It is easily passed from person to person. It looks like a small whitish point. Vital functions of the female mite lasts for one month, during which she makes moves under the skin and lays them on two or three eggs each day, from which larvae hatch. When they mature, they begin to get out on the skin surface, to mate. Males after mating die, while females continue their script, gnawing moves and putting their eggs in them.

After infection, the incubation period can last from one week to several months. Then itch, which is amplified at night, and itch moves. For the diagnosis of the disease should undergo microscopic examination, Apply special reagents, and the dermatologist can identify mange a simple visual inspection.

In our time, the itch becomes one of the most common diseases. The pharmacy chain is represented by a huge range of tools for its treatment. Cure Scabies may be in the form of an ointment, suspension, soap, aerosol, pills and injections. Regardless of the form of issue, the drug should detrimental effect on ticks and their larvae, does not cause side effects and be easy to use. Each drug has its own peculiarities, so they only need to apply prescribed by a doctor. Consider funds from mange more.

Cure for scabies local action

The most common treatments for scabies can be considered following:

  1. benzyl
    It is an effective remedy for scabies is the most popular and widespread. Its action is aimed not only at destroying the parasite, but also to reduce itching. This drug is available in two forms with different percent active ingredient. Suspension, containing 20% active substance, It is available for adults, with a cream 10% - for kids. Means rubbed on the night of pre-washed and steamed out of the body surface, paying special attention to affected areas, treatment is not less than five days,. At this time it is not recommended to wash the damaged skin, each time before applying the drug should be replaced bed and spend wet cleaning in the room. The best means for the treatment of scabies in humans, but it acts quite toxic to internal organs, and may cause dermatitis.
Самое популярное средство от чесотки
The most popular remedy for scabies
  1. Spregalь
    It is made in the form of an aerosol. Also occupies a leading position among the drugs to combat scabies. A significant advantage is that, that it should be applied only once. This is the only spray from scabies, is not prohibited for use in the position of women and newborns. It is applied to the entire surface of the body at night, then put on clean underwear, It is not recommended to take a period of twelve hours. After it is necessary to thoroughly wash with soap and put on clean clothes. Kids this agent is applied not only to the body, but also on the head. When, if the disease is accompanied by eczema, for 24 hours prior to the application means to smear the affected area glucocorticoid ointment.
Премущество этого средства в том, что наносится всего один раз
Premuschestvo this means that, that is applied only once

Council! In the treatment of the child at the time of spraying the spray it is necessary to cover his mouth and nose with a tissue. When changing diapers need to re-process the buttocks area. Protect your eyes from contact with them drugs, when, if this had happened in a matter of urgency, rinse them with water. That there was no re-infection, aerosol processed all clothing and bed.

  1. Peruanskyy balm
    The drug has a complicated structure and has serious side effects, wearing a local character, - the formation of eczema, allergic contact dermatitis and, may cause kidney failure.
  2. Sulfuric ointment
    As the name implies, This medicament active component is sulfur, which possesses antiparasitic activity. But now the drugs on the basis of sulfur lose their popularity as they are unpleasant smell, strongly stain clothes and causes allergic reactions.

Ointment is recommended to rub the body for about ten minutes until completely absorbed, treatment duration of at least five days. The advantage of this product is low cost.

Низкая цена и многофункциональность
Low price and versatility

note! Sulfuric ointment helps with scabies is not only the people, but cats and dogs.

  1. crotamiton
    This medicine is presented in the form of creams and lotions. The preparation is spread on a thoroughly cleansed skin, paying particular attention to folds and folds, at night. The next day, be sure to change clothes and bed. Application Procedure means is made every 24 o'clock.
  2. Pyermyetrin

This drug is available as a spray, lotion, Food and Drink. It is applied on the skin of all body body, excluding the head and face. With regular use of pathogens and symptoms disappear. In case of overdose can cause itching and burning and numbness of the places, which means applied in excess. Also, allergic reactions are possible.

  1. Hlororganicheskiy or insecticide Lindane
    Produced in a lotion or powder, having no color and smell. The powder is useful in hot climates, which causes increased sweating. It is applied once a day. Can not be used for dermatological diseases.
  2. Medyfoks
    The medicament copes with diseases such as scabies and pediculosis. It is produced in the form of emulsions. Contraindicated during lactation, children up to a year and people, sensitive to components of the drug.
  3. ointment Wilkinson
    This drug has antiseptic, antiparasitic, disinfectant and anti-inflammatory effect. Its action is aimed at the regeneration of damaged skin and improve blood circulation to tissues.

Methods scabies

There are general rules for the use of local prescribing, which must be observed:

  • Process means you need the whole body, and not only the affected areas;
  • Apply a thin layer preparation, paying special attention to places of accumulation of parasites - hands, the skin between the toes, armpits, scrotum and perineum;
  • Prohibited basic drug with other drugs used;
  • Means to exclude the possibility of contact with mucous membranes - mouth, nose, eyes;
  • affected skin areas are first processed When the complications of the disease.

Important! After passing through the full course of treatment, a person does not acquire immunity from the disease. Therefore, it is obligatory to carry out disinfection of the premises and personal belongings.

You can use the special anti-parasitic agents, a bed and clothing should be boiled. All these measures are needed to avoid the possibility of re-infection by ticks. People, who neglect their, can get sick for many years, painfully struggling with scabies.

Tablets scabies

If the applied local destination medicines is not possible, due to allergies or other contraindications, appointed pills from scabies.

  1. Ivermectin
    These pills are not represented in Russia, they can only be purchased on the internet, ordering from Europe or America. They are effective in the treatment of scabies and worms not only in humans, but also in domestic animals. The undoubted advantage of this drug is a small toxicity and good quality. Contraindications are: an allergic reaction to the constituent components, pregnancy, in asthma and weakened immunity, herbal therapy and Badami.

Side effects of these tablets: drowsiness, dizziness, decreased alertness, dizziness. They may be exacerbated by exposure to hot weather, alcoholic beverages, physical exertion.

For the course of treatment will be enough of one or two doses of the drug, the interval between doses one week. After therapy should be screened again, to exclude the presence of parasites.

  1. Butadion
    This pill, produced in our country. Prescribers rarely, if it is impossible to hold a topical treatment. They drink three or four times a day until improvement, then the dose is gradually reduced. Pills cause many negative consequences of the internal organs, It may also occur itching and swelling of the skin, until angioneurotic syndrome.

note! If itching remains after treatment for scabies, important to understand, that this and other symptoms can be confusing for even more than a week. Upon further preservation symptomatic treatment should be repeated.

After reading the article, you learned, what can cure scabies. Drugs on the pharmaceutical market there are many. Since each is unique in the human body, they will act with different efficiency and speed. Engage in self may be not only useless, but also dangerous. Therefore, the use of these drugs and the course should appoint dermatologist on the basis of studies.

It is also very important to respect the measures for prevention of the disease, These include washing hands with antibacterial soap immediately upon entering from the street, especially after contact with suspicious people.

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