fungicide Horus – instructions for use against pests

For the treatment and prevention of infectious diseases of fruit plants used fungicide Horus. The preparation is suitable for pome and stone plants, and also helps fight fungal diseases, which grapes are most often affected. In order to get maximum results from the tools, it is necessary to properly prepare and use.

Специалисты рекомендуют применять Фунгицид Хорус исключительно для молодых растений
Experts recommend the use of fungicide Chorus exclusively for young plants

Description and action

Fungicide Chorus - a drug, which can be used in therapeutic and protective purposes. The solution contains an active substance called cyprodinil, belonging to the group aminopyrimidines. Action tool is based on the, that the main pathogenic agent penetrates into microorganisms and spores and inhibits the synthesis of amino acids. Cyprodinil kills adult fungal organisms, and their spores in a hibernation step. After treatment the plants with a solution of, about a couple of weeks, active substance decomposes at not harmful components. Therefore, even a drug can be used for spraying the fruit during maturation. On the other hand, low activity of the substance does not give the desired effect when working with the already grown plants. The reason is, that the substance does not penetrate sufficiently inside adults sheets. Experts recommend the use of a means exclusively for young plants. Optimally to spray at low temperatures (+3*WITH), but at high temperatures (+30*WITH) agent loses its effectiveness.

Chorus is packed in capsules dispersed volume 1,3, 15 gram, and 1 kilogram.

The drug helps to combat such diseases, as:

  • gray mold;
  • scab;
  • Klyasterosporyoz;
  • Alternaria;
  • fruit rot;
  • leaf curl;
  • White and brown spot;
  • flour dew;
  • Moniliozny burn stone and pome fruit plants;
  • blotch.

benefits of the drug

The use of fungicides Horus has a number of positive aspects, who appreciated the gardeners:

  • Due to the high velocity of penetration of the drug into the leaves (about 2 o'clock) It can be cured plant pretty quickly;
  • The main ingredient of the drug is not easy to tolerate exposure to high temperatures and can be used even in winter;
  • Multi-functional and multi-tasking drug plant: treatment, prevention, Protection of fruit and the like against infection;
  • Means absolutely safe and not toxic, it can be used even for fruit;
  • In comparison with other fungicidal agents Horus spent quite economical;
  • The substance does not penetrate into the ground water and does not poison the soil;
  • It has a good interaction with other pesticides.

lack of funds

By cons, which is the drug, It should include the following features:

  • It has a local action and can not penetrate all leaf tissue;
  • Means achieves maximum efficiency at an average ambient temperature;
  • It works best on young leaves, and for adults - useless.

application rules

Usage Horus instruction contains the following information regarding a medicament for plants:

  1. To treat the trees require to spray his crown. The procedure is done in two stages. In the beginning it is necessary to process the tree just before flowering, and then - during the growing season (after flowering).
  2. The therapeutic solution is prepared as follows:: 3-4 grams of a fungicidal agent to dissolve in 10 liters of water. This amount of solution sufficient to treat a ground weave.
  3. Must be thoroughly mixed the drug with water, so that it is readily soluble. Thus it is necessary first to pour the water sprayer, and then add a fungicide. Upon completion of the processing procedure itself sprayer should be thoroughly washed with clean water.
  4. To spray one big tree will require about 2-4 liters of solution.

    Удобная форма препарата и упаковки облегчает дозировку и его применение
    A convenient form of product and packaging facilitates dosage and its application

  5. Spraying should be done in calm weather, when there is no rain.
  6. During processing, it must be ensured, each sheet to rehydrate. Because the substance acts locally and can not independently distributed throughout the plant.
  7. The ideal temperature for working with these fungicides - +3 - + 10 * C. High temperatures (bole + 25 * S) reduce the effectiveness of substance.
  8. The protective effect lasts for 7-10 days, then you need to re-use, if necessary.
  9. these berries, like grapes, Strawberry, and strawberries suitable food week after processing means. eat apples, pears and plums are best in a month after the spraying Horus.

Important! Not to harm the health of the plant and should be thoroughly read the instructions and follow all recommendations.

Processing various fruit trees

The manual describes in detail the fungicide Chorus, how to treat a peach, apple, cherries, cherry and pear in various diseases:

  • Klyasterosporioz or cherry leaf spot. must be dissolved 3,5 grams of the drug in ten liters of water. First time to spray the plants during the growing season, and then every 10 days.
  • When moniliosis enough to use 2-3 gram of substance. The treatment must spend immediately after manifestation of the disease symptoms. Later recommended spray the leaves every two weeks (if necessary).
  • fruit rot. Prepare a solution of 3-4 gram and means 10 liters of water. Suffice it to two processing: during the growing season and a few weeks before harvesting.

    Фунгицид Хорус с одинаковой эффективностью действует и летом и весной, при этом его распыление может проводиться сразу после окончания заморозков
    Fungicide Horus operates with the same efficiency both in summer and spring, with its spraying may take place immediately after the frost

  • scab, muchnistaya dew, alternaria. Solution (2 g / 10L) sprayed during flowering crown, and then every 10 days.

Strawberries and strawberry during a fungal disease is treated as follows::

  • The first spraying gardener should do before flowering. The solution is prepared from 3 g and fungicides 5 liters of water.
  • Post-processing is carried out every week. concentration of the solution is a little changed - 2 d of 5 liters of water.
  • You need to complete the processing for the week prior to the planned harvesting.

Processing of grapes

With regard to the application instructions for grapes, here indicated, that the fungicide Chorus helps get rid of such diseases, like powdery mildew, mildew, gray mold and other.

Если фунгицидное опрыскивание винограда производится незадолго до срезания зрелых гроздей, процедура улучшает сохранность урожая
If the fungicide spraying grapes produced shortly before the cutting of mature grapes, procedure improves the safety of the crop

To process one hundred square meters will require dissolve 2 grams of the drug in two liters of water. Spray will need to be in three phases: at the time of the formation of flower buds, the formation of berries and grapes, as well as during the fruit coloring. At the same time sprayed with vines and leaves themselves.

Compatibility with other products

Fungicide Horus well combined with other fungicides and pesticides. In particular practice simultaneous treatment with insecticide Atara, aktellik 500 and so on. To check, the plant will react to such treatment is necessary to mix drugs in a small amount and to process the number of leaves. If no adverse effects are not observed, then you can safely prepare a new batch of solution.

Security measures

Despite, Fungicide that Horus is safe for human, plants, and the bees, recommend to follow some rules for dealing with drug:

  • While working with the solution can not drink, there is, smoke;
  • Pregnant women and children should not be in the area 15 meters away from the work area;
  • If the tool has got on the mucous membranes and the eyes, you should immediately wash them under running water;
  • After using the drug hands should be washed thoroughly with soap and water;
  • Keep the packaging of not more than three years in a dry and cool place;
  • If there were signs of poisoning or sickness, then you need to drink a glass of water and activated carbon. After some time, induce vomiting.


There are a number of drugs, which have the same effect as fungicides Horus. These drugs include:

  • insecticide Эnzhio;
  • Preparation Connect;
  • fungicide Champion.

Before you buy analogues Fungicide Horus, should be clarified, what dosages should be followed when using them.

Price of the drug is 80-130 dollars for 1 kg means.


According to many gardeners Horus effectively cope with infectious diseases of plants, than some insecticides. It is necessary to make a very small amount of the drug, which affects the safety and efficiency.

С высокой эффективностью Хорус срабатывает именно в сырую прохладную погоду, и это свойство выгодно отличает фунгицид от его аналогов
With high efficiency Horus operates exactly in cool weather crude, and this property distinguishes fungicide from his peers

Tool increasingly used for the treatment of cherries, plums, apple. Horus the perfect drug, which not only helps cure fungal diseases of grapes, but also to protect the fruit from the negative effects of pathogenic microorganisms.

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