Getting rid of mildew on gooseberries?

Gooseberry - sweet and sour berry, received special popularity among gardeners. It is not always possible to grow rich and a large crop, since bushes plants susceptible to various pests and diseases. One of these diseases - powdery mildew. Over time, it destroys not only the fruits, but they themselves gooseberry bushes, its roots.

Кусты крыжовника чувствительны к различным вредителям и заболеваниям
Gooseberry bushes susceptible to various pests and diseases

What is a disease?

gooseberries contain a large amount of vitamin C.. Because of this, they are a favorite delicacy of microscopic fungal spores. Transferred to the pathogen with the birds and the wind. Defeat exposed as currant bushes and raspberry, Jost.

Признаки заболевания крыжовника обнаруживаются в мае, когда на зеленых кустах культур образуется светлый налет
Symptoms of the disease are detected gooseberry in May, when green light is formed bush crops plaque

Powdery mildew is originally from America and another called sferotekoy. Symptoms of the disease are found in May, when green light is formed bush crops plaque. That it is recognized by mildew in the initial stages. Spores actively proliferate under conditions of heat and moisture, and, in front of, reduce their activity during the cold season. However, they can survive in cold weather. For this reason, a light coating can be found on plants, infected by fungus since last year. The spread of the microorganism in this case starts from the bottom of the bush.

After a certain period of time covered by the fungus on the leaves and fruits, giving to an unattractive appearance of the bush. Mold with the fruit surface poorly cleaned. it also becomes a cause of death of young shoots of emergency.

Signs of gooseberry mildew in stages:

  • the formation of plaque on the young shoots, ovaries and fruits;
  • mold change color from light brown to;
  • and desiccation curvature affected microorganisms shoots;
  • gradual twisting of leaves and crumbling at the slightest touch to the bush;
  • fruits of growth arrest in size;
  • lack of berry ripening.

Infected fruit gooseberry until crack, as the time to ripen. When the bush will die untimely treatment through 2-3 years after infection by microscopic spores.

factors, influencing the development of the fungus

Pathogen mildew especially multiplies rapidly in conditions of high humidity and heat. The best conditions for the spread of the causative agent - the moisture level more 90% and temperature 18-25 degrees. In the hot season, when the temperature rises to 27-28 degrees, fungus suspends reproduction.

If the year is hot and there is little rain, the activity of the fungus dies. Vacationers in this case will be able to enjoy rich and quality crop gooseberry. It should be noted, and other factors, conditions affecting the spread of the microorganism:

  • the density of the landing of the bushes in the area;
  • the use of certain types of soil baking powder;
  • excessive watering shrubs;
  • disposition gooseberry.

Powdery mildew quickly affects those bushes, which are located on the shady areas and understated. The soil is breathing worse, and humidity rates are much higher. These are ideal conditions for the breeding of powdery mildew.

Provoke the death of the bush can themselves gardeners. Poor growth and development of shrubs affected by the use of dark mulch as fertilizer. Cause an gooseberry can and insects, who devour the leaves of plants. These sections of the bush become more vulnerable to pathogenic fungi.

Resistant varieties of gooseberries

It should be noted gooseberry varieties, characterized by an increased resistance to the disease in question.

  1. Grushenka. Bush has sredneroslye size, and the branches are not observed characteristic of gooseberries spines.

    Грушенька - сорт крыжовника, отличающийся повышенной устойчивостью к рассматриваемому заболеванию
    Grushenka - grade gooseberry, characterized by increased resistance to the disease in question

  2. Uralian
  3. Komandor
  4. Salute
  5. African

Prevent the development of sferoteki allow regular routine inspections and competent actions of the bushes care. Only when time begun treatment may complete eradication of the pathogen.

Chemical means to combat the disease

On agrotechnical market sold a lot of drugs. to combat powdery mildew. To the list of the most popular tools include chemical:

  1. nitrofen. For the treatment of cultivated plants 200 g of the powder was dissolved in a bucket of water. The treatment is performed prior to bud break, otherwise sluche bush may perish.
  2. Fungitsidы (tilt, Vectra, Topaz, etc.). Treatment substances recommended 2 times a year - in spring and autumn.
  3. Tools based on copper (Hloroks, raw, bluestone). They dissolve in water so, as indicated in the instructions for use.
  4. colloidal sulfur. The substance affects the mycelium of the fungus. Depriving it of oxygen and essential nutrients. Sulfur dissolved in water from the relationship 30 d of 5 liters respectively. Ready solution should be used immediately, because after the storage can not be used for the treatment of plants. Colloidal sulfur is not recommended to mix with other drugs to enhance the processing efficiency. Apply the solution you need in the event, when the temperature does not exceed 25 degrees. Otherwise, a burn may occur on the bushes.

Important! Preparations based on copper is used only for the prevention of infection. Withdraw existing disease, they are not able to. This is due to the fact, that copper components are not able to penetrate the cells gooseberry, where is the mycelium of the fungus. Copper kills only his controversy, located on the surface.


To combat the fungal infection on gooseberries and other crop plants used biologics. List of the most effective and affordable means:

  1. Gaupsin. Available as a concentrate. before applying 1 the powder is dissolved in 10 liters of water.
  2. Fiotosporin. It can be produced in several forms: powder, pasta, solution.
  3. Baktofit. It affects a wide range of fungal pathogens.
  4. Triholdermin. The preparation is diluted in water from the relationship 10 g of powder 5 liters of fluid.

Important! The use of biologics is, that they do not harm the plants and humans. To spray them at any time of day and year.

Folk remedies

Can cope with the problem and with the help of folk remedies. Long-term experiments showed Truckers, natural ingredients that are not less effective in controlling powdery mildew, than chemicals and biological products.

Народные средства не менее эффективны в борьбе с мучнистой росой, чем химические средства и биопрепараты
Folk remedies are not less effective in controlling powdery mildew, than chemicals and biological products

List of effective recipes for the treatment of gooseberry bushes from fungi:

  1. soda solution. Prepare means follows: 1 st.l. soda mixed with 80 g soap and 15 liters of water. Initially prepared soap solution, and then added thereto soda. Means treated stems and the root system of a gooseberry. The procedure is performed by watering, equipped with a nozzle - strainer. The treatment is carried out 1-2 times a week.
  2. ash solution: 1,5 kg dry matter was dissolved in 5 liters of hot water and insist 1 day. Infusion is used for processing the bushes after straining. The procedure is performed 2 times a year - in the period before and after flowering bush.
  3. urine solution: 300 ml diluted urine 5 liters of water. Means used to treat culture after flowering. The procedure is repeated 3-4 times through 7-8 days.
  4. A solution of potassium permanganate. Suitable for controlling powdery mildew in the initial stages of the disease. On 10 liters of water is added no more than 1,5 g dry matter. shrubs Gooseberry damage may occur when exceeding a specified number. It is important to mix well means, that there was no potassium permanganate grains.
  5. The solution mullein: ingredient is mixed with water in the ratio 1:3 respectively. Means for processing the bushes insist 3 day, and then again diluted with water in a proportion of 1:3. For watering the plants use a broom. Important, to all the branches and stems of bushes were carefully crafted, otherwise it will not completely eliminate the fungi powdery mildew. More of the drug should be applied to the leaves of gooseberry.

Prevention of defeat gooseberry

The best way to protect the American gooseberry bushes flour dew - compliance with the rules of prevention. Help prevent infection spring pruning plants and removal of damaged shoots. Infected parts can not be left in the bush garden plot. It is recommended to burn away from the growing cultures. Otherwise microspores extend to healthy plants through the soil and the wind flow. Should be removed in the course of the year and the affected leaves. They concentrated a large number of mildew disputes.

Зараженные части кустарника нельзя оставлять на садовом участке, вот почему их рекомендуют сжигать в отдалении от растущих культур
Infected parts can not be left in the bush garden plot, which is why they are recommended to burn away from growing crops

After the autumn leaf fall cottagers are encouraged to collect all the leaves from the area. Infected parts bush rot, and disputes, disposed on the surface thereof, infect the soil. In the spring, up period kidney swelling should gooseberry pour boiling water to prevent powdery mildew and other diseases of fungal origin.

Fertilize advisable dressings shrubs, containing phosphorus and potassium. Desirably refuse substances, nitrogen-containing. The last type of drug inhibits ripening gooseberry fruit. It is desirable to integrate all prevention items for, to get a quality crop.

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