How to apply a fungicide strobe? instruction, reviews

To fight garden pests and diseases developed pesticides. Because of the wide range of difficult to stop the choice on any one vehicle. However, many drugs have gained popularity among gardeners due to high efficiency and broad-spectrum. These tools include a fungicide strobe.

What is the drug?

Fungicide has received numerous positive reviews from agronomists Eastern Europe and Russia due to different antifungal properties. The product is superior in quality to many publicized means to fight garden pests, but it is worth much less.

Available means in the form of brownish granules, which are perfectly soluble in water. In the standard plastic package contains 200 g substance. Also, the product is made in bags, weight 100 g.

Фунгицид Строби приобрел популярность у садоводов за счет высокой эффективности и широкого спектра действия
Fungicide strobe gained popularity among gardeners due to high efficiency and broad-spectrum

STROBE is made in Europe and the US, but in Russia the most popular fungicide famous Belarusian and Ukrainian production. The main purpose of the use of substances - to prevent the defeat of the garden and some species of domestic plants from fungal etiology pests. Also it is being used in the struggle against existing illnesses.

STROBE is considered to be an effective drug against:

  • powdery mildew;
  • fusariosis;
  • Phytophthora;
  • monolioza;
  • scab;
  • milky sheen;
  • bacterial invasions.

The tool does not pose a threat to human and animal use, provided competent. Also, the drug has no negative effects on the birds and the bees. Due to this property of the strobe is authorized for the treatment of fruit trees and vegetables.

Important! It is necessary to avoid direct contact with the fungicide strobe, in spite of its relative safety. Also, do not eat fruits and berries, recently treated with the drug.

advantages of funds

Gardeners note the following benefits of the drug to other means, intended for the treatment of plants against fungal pests:

  • even the possibility of spraying the plants in the flowering period;
  • no harm to people and animals;
  • the stability agent to low temperature regime (to -4 degrees);
  • duration of action;
  • impact on a wide range of pests;
  • rapid disintegration in contact with the soil;
  • the possibility of processing after the rain;
  • resistance means to precipitation;
  • penetration of active substances into the epithelium leaf fungicide.

Duration of action strobe depends on the degree of destruction of culture. When the average degree of infection of the effect of the use of the product is maintained throughout 10 days. If the plant is in a state of neglect, then it means the validity period is increased to a maximum of 14 days.


Timing processing horticultural crops against pests agronomist determines each independently. Strobe for grapes can be used at any time of the year, especially if it is a protected ground. The maximum effect of the procedure can be reached in the spring-summer period and during fruiting. At this time, the grapes are most susceptible to infection by fungal pathogens.

To increase processing performance should also make preparations, which include:

  1. Circumcision is the removal of dead plants, leaves and twigs. Also eliminates broken twigs and shoots, because in these areas often settles mildew and pathogenic mycelium.
  2. The solution is to do in the ratio of grapes 5 d substances 10 l warm liquid.
  3. solution processing is performed within 2 hours, otherwise its effectiveness will be reduced.

should know! It can not be unchecked to process horticultural crops fungicides. In fungi there is addiction to chemical. For treating crops against infection is better to use other pesticides or wait for the next season.

Instructions for use

How to use a fungicide strobe? applying rules will depend upon such, some horticultural crops is treated. The main disease of grapes, which fights drug, can be attributed: black spot, gray and white rot, oidium, Anthracnose.

Фунгицид Строби позволяет быстро и эффективно справится с признаками грибкового поражения на ранних стадиях
Fungicide strobe allows you to quickly and effectively deal with the symptoms of fungal infections in the early stages

Spraying is carried out in order to prevent destruction of young shoots. The substance allows you to quickly and effectively cope with the symptoms of fungal infections in the early stages.

Processing of grapes

For the culture solution is prepared on the basis of 1 ch.l. bucket of water. Spraying can be carried out at all times of culture vegetation. Solution moistened leaves, fruit, trunks and root zone. The multiplicity of procedures - 2 times during the 7 or 10 days. Last spraying is performed for 1 month before the gathering of berries.

Important! As a result of studies found, that the strobe has no toxic effects on soil. The substance decomposes in the surface layers of the soil and does not penetrate into the groundwater. In case of contact fungicide in the water also decomposes to acidic condition.

Fruit trees and bushes

trees treatment is best done in calm weather using a sprayer. STROBE is considered the safest drug for the prevention and treatment of this group of plants from fungus.

When spraying pay special attention to affected areas visible. Initially, the substance kills fungus spores, and then - its mycelium.

Препарат Строби достаточно безопасен для профилактики и лечения плодово-ягодных деревьев от грибка
Strobe drug is safe enough for the prevention and treatment of fruit trees from the fungus

The solution was prepared as follows:: 2 g substance dissolved in 8 liters of water. spraying is performed 2 times per season: after flowering period, and 30 days before harvest. Possible to carry out more 3 treatments, but between treatments must be at least 3 weeks. If additional processing of trees, it is better to use other types of drugs:

  • Borodino mixture;
  • score;
  • Cumulus DF.


Flowers are mainly affected by leaf rust and powdery mildew. Spray liquor prepared from the calculation of colors 5 g dry matter 10 liters of water. If the plant is observed growing season, the spraying is best done using the spray gun 3 once a month.

Are processed not only bushes and flower leaves, but also soil around it. For processing procedure multiplicity garden roses can be reduced - up 2 once a month. The procedure is performed with the period of July to, as roses will be sheltered for the winter.

For the treatment of fungal infections of the flowers from the strobe should be used in conjunction with other solutions. Pick up drugs from the impact mechanism, otlichayushtimsya of fungitsidov. In the second year of treatment with pesticides colors do not spend.


The instructions to the drug mentioned, that produce vegetables processing required during the growing season. Optimal solution: 2d substances 10 liters of water. Effects of the drug on the vegetables preserved by 2 hours before 2 days.

Томаты опрыскивают за 10 дней до сбора урожая, огурцы – за 2 дня, тепличные помидоры – за 5 дней
Tomatoes are sprayed for 10 days before harvest, Cucumbers - for 2 day, greenhouse tomatoes - for 5 days

For spraying vegetable crops strobe combined with other agents:

  • Kvadris;
  • Agiba Peak;

make a break between the regular procedures - 3-7 days. the latest processing time depends on the type of crop. for example, tomatoes are sprayed for 10 days before harvest, Cucumbers - for 2 day, greenhouse tomatoes - for 5 days.

Using a strobe with other drugs

The fungicide is allowed to use with other substances for the prevention of fungal infections of crops. The product is compatible with insecticides and other fungicides. Spraying is performed in the evening or morning hours.

Precautions for use

As a result of drug tests on cereals and grapes showed no toxic effects. In fruits treated trees also was found harmful elements on the expiration of the waiting period.

Fungicide dangerous to humans only by direct contact. For, to minimize the risks in the treatment of cultures, cottagers must adhere to the following rules:

  • wire processing gloves, safety glasses and clothing;
  • gently use solution, avoiding its contact with the exposed areas;
  • remove dirty shoes and clothes after the procedure;
  • well wash your hands with soap and water after spraying.

If a portion of the drug gets on the skin, you should wash the area with plenty of soap. If the substance has got into eyes, then they are washed with clean running water. Then you need to rinse your mouth, to prevent the chemical inside. When the deterioration of the call for a doctor, who will prescribe symptomatic treatment.

The drug can be purchased in a specialized online store. Price fungicide depends on the shape and weight of the release of the pack. Average 1 kg packing cost 8400 rubles.

scientifically proven, fungicide that strobe is classified as moderately hazardous pesticides. That is, it can cause harm to humans only when improperly using, or by direct contact. Subject to any rules, these instructions, minimal risk of getting poisoned. Strobe has a relatively complex action of fungi and plants increases the immunity to pathogens. The drug allows to cottagers to get a great quality crop.

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