Powdery mildew on currant - a fungal disease, which not only cause damage to fruit crops, but also can cause plant death. The causative agent is experiencing winter in the apical bud currant, and in the spring resumes its life cycle. To get rid of mildew or prevent its development, use special drugs for the treatment of hives, and resorted to some popular ways.
General characteristics of the disease and its causative agent

Powdery mildew - a fungal disease, which affects fruit and berry crops. Its manifestations can often be seen on the black currants. As a pathological process often affects red currants.
The disease covers leaves, shoot tips, buds and berries.
The causative agent of this disease is a fungal microorganism acts sferoteka. He penetrated into the territory of Russia from America in the early twentieth century. This parasite is activated by spring. In April and May, fungus spores are carried by wind. After that, the surface of the leaves, and ovaries develop mycelium. It takes place in June, under conditions of high temperature and high humidity.
From the American powdery mildew of currant, or pathology of powdery mildew (this way is called a disease), We need to fight, as the fungus infects the ground part of the plant tissue and destroys it. Affected bushes stop development, Young shoots wither.

note! If time does not begin treatment plants affected by fungus sferoteka, by the end of the summer, it usually dies. The death may also occur in a few years.
The reasons
The development of this disease is caused by factors such:
- entering spores per fruit bushes by wind or insects transference;
- soil glut, which grow bushes, nitrogen fertilizers;
- improper pruning shrubs;
- Irrigation water currant, which penetrated fungus spores.
The factors, which increase the risk of fungus, are elevated levels of humidity and low temperatures, the presence in the garden of a large number of sucking insects, speakers vector control, plant density, poor irrigation.
Black currants are much more prone to powdery mildew disease: if untreated fungus causes loss 80% harvest. Red currant is more resistant to this disease.
Important! A person can also "infect" plant, if it comes to health hives hands after contact with infected plants.
In order to recognize the disease and free from mildew currants, you must have an idea, as manifested externally.
Oidium expressed in the following:
- the appearance of white spots on the lower leaf surface, the young shoots of the ovaries and shrubs. Plaque becomes progressively dense, it is virtually impossible to remove;
- twisting infected leaves. Gradually they lose color, and their shape resembles a boat;
- if there were fruit on the bushes, they are also covered with brown patina;
- appearance transparent droplets on the leaves.
Infected parts of the bushes are deformed and dry. There is a strong backlog of plant growth. Besides, frost bush is substantially reduced. therefore, if the plant does not die from the disease, it is not able to move and stop the development of winter.
note! Fruit, affected by fungus, In no case can not be eaten: they are potential allergens for people, body which is particularly susceptible to pathogenic microorganisms.
currant varieties, disease resistance

There are varieties of currants, resistant to mildew. it:
- exotics;
- Dachnica;
- Charm;
- Kupalinka;
- vernissage;
- riddle.
currant varieties, resistant to powdery mildew, resistant to fungal diseases, but neglect the preventive measures we should not.
Methods of treatment
How to deal with mildew currants on? This can be done in different ways.
The most reliable method - the use of special preparations. When mildew following means used:
- Trihodermin. The drug belongs to a group of Chemical fertilizers - natural remedies, whose action is directed at destroying pathogens. Trichoderma suppresses the mycelial growth of pathogenic fungi and enriches the soil nutrients. This preparation is used for treatment of seedlings, and watering the bushes and soil. Means effective only in the initial stages of the disease;
- Topaz. This means is a chemical preparation. The result of processing - the cessation of the growth of fungal spores, and the process of their reproduction. Topaz can be used for prevention, and treatment;
- Fitosporin M. The drug has a bacterial basis. Fitosporin-M of powdery mildew on currants stops the reproduction and development of the fungus. It should be used at the first signs of the American powdery mildew.
- Fundazol. Spraying infested plants such drug helps to suppress pathogenic fungi. Means to prevent the further spread of infection. Spraying fundazol recommended before, as the flower buds bloom, and after collecting berries.

You can also use traditional methods to control powdery mildew on currants. For effective treatment include the following:
- processing currants bushes serum. This should be done only in dry weather. The serum should be diluted with water in a ratio 1:1 Spray on and bushes. Repeat procedure should be twice a week;
- soda and soap solution. It is necessary to prepare the composition of the 30 g soda, 10 g grated soap 3 liters of water. All components mix thoroughly and treat the affected currant bushes;
- ash solution. This is another effective tool to combat. We must take a kilogram of ash and dissolve it in 10 liters of water. This composition should be insisted for a week. Periodically, you need to shake the composition. After this period the liquid separated from the sludge, pour into a separate container, we add a bit of liquid soap. The resulting solution was sprayed upper portion blackcurrant bushes. The separated ash is diluted with water and pour this compound under the affected plants. This will significantly speed up the healing process;
- hot shower in a period of intense snowmelt. This method allows to destroy pathogenic fungi overwintered. It is necessary to heat water up to 90 degrees and pour it all currant bushes.
It is also necessary to comply with such requirements:
- avoid excess moisture;
- do not water the bushes on top;
- did not compact the currant ranks, sajaya gooseberries. Near impossible to plant cucumbers.
note! Besides, It is recommended in the autumn to remove and destroy the shoot tips, as well as to collect and burn fallen leaves and berries. Only then can you dig the soil between the rows and under bushes.
ways to prevent
Prevention of mildew on the currant bushes helps protect against fungal diseases and save the crop.
The main preventive measures include the following:
- landing currant varieties, which exhibit resistance to the pathogen of powdery mildew;
- the selection and planting of healthy seedlings;
- removing all spring sprouts, who amazed the fungus;
- the use of potash and phosphate fertilizing, which increase resistance to diseases bushes;
- the use of herbal decoctions, which prevent the development of fungal diseases. Well suited to the horsetail decoctions or tansy;
- conduct sanitary pruning shrubs;
- implementation of irrigation only after complete drying of the topsoil.
Powdery mildew on currant - a fungal disease, which affects the leaves and shoots of shrubs. Fight it is possible by means of biological and chemical agents, and folk methods. Prevention of disease - compliance with all the requirements of farming and processing of currant bushes special trains. It is also an effective method of prevention is the landing of sorts, resistant to fungal diseases.