For the treatment and long-term protection of fruit, berries, vegetables and cereal fungicide use Sprint. This drug helps to combat fungal diseases in the shortest possible time. Due to no toxicity for, fungicidal agent can be used in any stages of plant growth, which makes it very popular among gardeners. How to work with the drug? From what diseases helps fight the enemy?
Description and action
Casting - a pin, systemic fungicide, which is used to kill parasitic fungi. It means produced in the form of powder, which should be diluted with water before use. Drug sold in the form of liquid emulsion, packaged in an ampoule. During the connection of such a solution the entire volume of water is colored whitish turbid liquid.

Using fungicides Speed advisable under the following plant diseases:
- scab;
- Muchnistaya dew;
- gray mold;
- blotch;
- Klyasterosporyoz;
- leaf curl;
- Kokkomykoz;
- Alternaria;
- Fitoftoroz;
- septoriosis;
- rust brown;
- musty seeds;
- beet Tserkosporioz;
- root rot.
The drug was well copes with grape treatment for such lesions as the powdery mildew, fomopsis, rubella, black rot. It will also soon be used to treat all indoor, and garden flowers and plants. But if the causative agent of the pathological already formed spores, the tool becomes effective.

The components of the drug can penetrate into all tissues of plants, where photosynthesis takes place. This makes it possible to suppress the pathogen by inhibiting its development and functioning. In this case, the therapeutic effect can be obtained, if the process plant on the third or fourth day after infection. If the spore formation and a fairly large mass, fungicidal agent then this group may not be effective.
Within two hours after treatment, you can see the result, It is indicating its rapid action. The substance penetrates the plant and helps them independently to fight infection. If the disease only appeared, then enough to handle the plants once a 12 days, at advance - cut the gap to one week.
The use of fungicides has a positive effect on the growth of the seed (they sprout a few days earlier).
Important! At a constant treatment of pome and stone fruit crops (more 3 time) can develop resistant forms of diseases, therefore recommended to alternate the drug with other fungicides.
Advantages and disadvantages of the means
The advantages of fungicides Speed, It should include such things:
- Not toxicity and lack of ability to accumulate in the fruit;
- The action is not dependent on weather conditions (rain, Wind or elevated temperatures;
- It enables the rapid growth of shoots and leaves, and extends the shelf life of the crop;
- It prevents the formation of mold in the seeds;
- It has prolonged effect on pathogens.
By cons tools include the following features:
- In advanced stage of the disease the drug is not effective;
- Pathogens can get used to the substance and make the tool useless, so it must be combined with other fungicides;
- Expected results can be about 21 day;
- Most consumables, and thus not economical.
Important! If you want to maximize full use of the drug from the plastic ampule, then recommend the capacity to put immediately into a bucket of water and carefully to prevent the liquid to a complete dissolution of the fungicide.
How to breed
It must be remembered, that the solution is prepared directly during spraying plants. Thus it is necessary to dissolve the drug in a small amount of liquid until it dissolves, and only then pour the right amount of water. Means to achieve the efficiency can only be in strict compliance with the recommendations, which comprises instructions for use:
- Water for solution should be at room temperature;
- As a preventive measure tool can be used once before flowering and then at intervals of 20 days;
- For the treatment process should be carried out no more than four times (once in 7-10 days);
- Means use not later, than three weeks before the planned assembly harvest.
Application and dosage Skoura in various diseases of the following:
- Parsha and muchnistaya dew. Prepare a solution of 10 liters of water 2 ml formulation. Number of sprays no more 3 time. It is recommended to do the treatment before and after flowering. the result of the waiting time is about 20 days, but in most cases the effect is seen within a week after spraying.
- Klasterosporioz, kokkomykoz. The solution with proportions 2 ml / 10 l to use about three times a week with a break.
- Gray mold on raspberries, strawberries and vineyards. 4 ml dilute fungicidal agents in 10 liters of warm water. Up to two treatments with a break in 10 days.
- Alternaria and cercospora blight. A solution of 3,5 10 ml / l. under the scheme, above.

grape (powdery mildew and blackspot) suitable solution, made from 5 ml and Skora 10 liters of water. vines and leaves of processing should be done up to three times, every 10 day. Wherein the first time to be sprayed with the plant during the formation of buds.
What is the rate of application for this tool? Solution Fungicide Skor, which is prepared by specified doses, quite enough for processing 100 squares. Thus on one plant should not go more than one liter of liquid.
Precautionary measures
Despite, Speed fungicide that is not toxic and does not harm the plants, fruits and man, should strictly adhere to the dosage. In some people, the substance can provoke allergic reaction, Therefore, when spraying plants is recommended to wear a protective mask on his face and gloves on hands. While it is impossible to eat, drink water or smoke. Children and pregnant women, it is desirable to be more 15 meters away from the spray. Since the fish preparation is toxic due to their ability to accumulation of harmful substances, the need to use the enemy away from water bodies. Optimally to spray the plants in the morning or evening hours, but not at night. In this case, the wind should not be greater 6 MS.
After contact means of the mucous membranes requires a rapid rinsing with water. If the drug was inside, it is necessary to cause vomiting and stomach wash.
The drug undiluted can be stored in a cool place for up to three years unopened. If the product is already disclosed, it must be used before the end of the season. In the form of the enemy is not stored solution, and undiluted.
Casting has good compatibility with other fungicides:
- Topaz;
- Karate;
- aktellik;
- Falcon;
- Fufanon.
It is also allowed to add a soap solution, to improve the effect of the drug.
Important! It should be remembered, that the enemy can not be mixed with alkaline agents.
Casting can be replaced by other antifungal drugs, which have the same effect:
- Tiovit;
- Horus;
Fungicide Horus drug is an analogue of the enemy and advantageously eliminates any manifestations of infectious diseases of plants - strobe;
- Revus Top;
- Tiovit;
- Chistotsvet.
Purchase Speed drug (volume 2 ml) will cost 30 rubles. If you want to buy more tools, eg, bottle at 1 liter, you will need to pay for it 2800 rubles. Buying in large quantities can be a bit cheaper, but this amount is usually necessary to farmers.
Today buy Sprint drug is not a problem. It fungicidal agent is very popular with many gardeners. It can be used to treat and protect stone and pome fruit trees, as well as ornamental plants and flowers. Good help fungicide to combat scab and powdery mildew on apple, Vishnu, Grus, strawberries.

Casting solution is often used to eliminate the rot in the vineyards. Many farmers use formulation for seed treatment, to prolong their shelf life and improve the similarity. In some cases, growers say, that there is addiction to the drug, which is manifested by powdery mildew. In this case the only option is the joint application together with another fungicidal agent, but from a different group.