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What are the preparations of parasites?

any disease, caused by parasites, It requires an integrated approach, based on the reception of anthelmintics. Funds from helminths may be universal - that is to destroy all kinds of parasites, and individual – aimed at getting rid of certain species of helminths. Definitely call any means the best of parasites - can not, tk. the choice of drug depends on the type of parasite.

For antiparasitic treatment in recent years have been introduced into medical practice of a large number of synthetic steps anthelmintic drugs. Most of these are in addition to antiparasitic actions have on the body toxic effect, so have a number of contraindications, especially in pediatric practice. Therefore, for the treatment of intestinal worms is advisable to use traditional methods and herbal preparations, that have natural strength and do not cause significant harm to the body.

Choose the right tool will help the doctor - parasitologist or infectious diseases.

pharmacy drugs

More often than synthesized drugs are prescribed for the treatment of parasitic diseases, are selected individually, depending on the habitat in the body of parasites and their type:

  • In lyambliyah - Ornidazol, Makmirar;
  • In tenioze - niclosamide, Praziaventel;
  • Begnazarova askaridoze - Pirantel, levamizol;
  • When enterobioze - Pyrantel, Vermoks.

All these drugs have a very pronounced toxic effects, because to be the choice of the means to pay attention to side effects and contraindications.

Preparations are issued mainly in the form of Tableting. Most of the synthesized funds quickly eliminate parasites, but it has a relatively weak effect on the larvae of worms. Therefore, to achieve high results, administration of drugs is usually repeated over time.

Because of the large number of side effects and contraindications synthetic drugs are sometimes recommended to replace the tools of plant origin. On the basis of natural ingredients designed complexes fitotsidnye, which are optimally matched proportions medicinal plants most safe for the organism.

In addition to its medicinal properties, aimed at the expulsion of the parasites from the body, herbal preparations have a tonic and strengthening effect on the entire body. Because they often continue to be taken after treatment to make up for deficiency of vitamins, lifting the immunity, normalization of the gastrointestinal tract, and to prevent the emergence and development of parasites.

home remedies

Millions of years of all the animals on earth purified your body from parasites using a plant. Why not take advantage of many years of experience of intelligent mammals, applying pure natural means of parasites?

home remedies, devoid of toxic effects on the body and providing a "soft" action:

  • Raw pumpkin seeds (proven over the years by means of worms and giardia).
  • strawberries, viburnum, raspberry, strawberries (prevent and treat giardiasis, trihomonadы, intestinal parasitic diseases).
  • hot spices (Cayenne pepper, koriandr, dill, carnation, horseradish, ginger). We should be careful, tk. a large amount of hot spices can cause gastrointestinal irritation and aggravation of the pancreas.
  • In practice using anthelmintic plant: sagebrush, calamus root, Red clover, milfoil, dandelion root, fennel, thyme, calendula, tansy.

In spite of the natural origin of folk methods, treated them independently, without consulting a doctor - not safe. Some of them may have a negative impact on the work of other bodies: ZHKT, pancreas, heart, etc.. or cause allergic reactions.

Means of эktoparazitov

Ectoparasites live and breed on the outer human skin and cause diseases such, how pediculosis, chesotka, demodecosis.

scabies treatment is conducted using pharmaceutical drugs - Spregal, Medifoks and folk remedies (purity, Birch tar, et al.). Most means of mites are used topically as ointments and gels.

For the treatment of head lice (fairly common at the moment the disease) used synthetic and vegetable preparations, folk and natural remedies.

Drugs against parasites can be purchased at any pharmacy - they provided a fairly wide range and without a prescription. but, it is not necessary to self-medicate, as the wrong choice of the drug can only aggravate the situation, and not only did not get rid of parasites, but also cause serious harm to the body.