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viruses, vermin, bacteria – invisible enemies of humans and animals

Widely known, that the top three most common causes of death included heart disease, oncology and heart attacks. But few people know, that fourth place in the "death list" occupy parasitic diseases.

Based on the weight of research has been done by scientists shocking discovery - 90% of all chronic disease is caused by parasites and viruses.

The human body in addition to the beneficial bacteria inhabited by harmful microorganisms weight: helminth, viruses, bacteria, Once inside the body due to poor personal hygiene or because of the deteriorating health situation. Currently secrete more 150 types of "malicious" beings, but their number is constantly growing, and species - mutate.

On average, 80% people live in the body for one to five species of parasites, but inside the person can get along, and more 20 species of parasite at the same time. Without knowing it, a person can be treated for years from chronic diseases, wasting time on drugs and walking on doctors, whereas the only way out again losing all health problems - to destroy parasites, taken possession of the body.

What is a parasite?

vermin (from the Greek parasites - parasite, freeloader) - is being, who live at the expense of their owners and are constantly (or temporarily) staying in an animal or human, due to which they eat. Viruses are parasites, bacteria and pathogens, parasitic protozoa and insects.

Localization harmful parasites varied. Contrary to popular belief, parasites that live mainly in the intestine, they can be found anywhere - in the muscles, joints, light, the brain, blood and even in the eyes!

Parasites feed on food, which is in the human digestive tract, as well as juices and even body tissue. In the evolution of the parasites to develop properties, increase the possibility of their penetration into the host organism, as well as the exceptional fertility of the most harmful, by which they very quickly spread throughout the body.

The most common and fastest way to getting the body of parasites - contaminated food, dirty and poorly processed foods, meat and fish.

Another common method of infection with parasites are pets, in the body which are often present several types of parasites. A person can easily become infected with the larvae of parasites from the pet, when stroking and kissing him. Because it is important to know the symptoms of infection by parasites in animals and how to cure the disease in a pet.

On our pages, we look at those kinds of parasites, which occur in humans often:

  1. viruses intracellular parasites. The most well-known to us: hepatitis viruses, flu, rabies, herpes, herpes, AIDS, etc.. They can "live" in the human body, without causing harmful effects on him, and may cause dangerous and fatal diseases. Viruses often penetrate into the human body through the skin and mucous membranes. Faster total body virus undergoes immunocompromised.
  2. elementary - mushrooms, bacteria. Pierce protozoa and microorganisms through mucous human skin, diseases causing unpleasant weight (toxoplasmosis, staphylococcus, salmonella, gonococcus, etc.). Willingly develop bacteria in those organisms, where there are appropriate conditions. for example, disturbance of acid-alkaline balance of the skin will provoke the appearance of fungi, violation of intestinal microflora will contribute to the development of colon bacillus, etc..
  3. parasitic worms (vermin) - worms, types are registered to date, more than 150 (ostritsы, askaridы, whipworm, bovine tapeworm, etc.). The number of species of helminths, both parasites in the human body, It can vary from one to twenty. Parasitic worms can be localized in any part of the body: of leather (drakunulez), in the digestive tract (ostritsы, askaridы), in the liver (Echinococcus). Worms eat food, digested human and begin to excrete toxic excrement, causing intoxication, parasites cause mechanical damage and inflict considerable damage throughout the body. Contribute to infection by helminths - failure to comply with basic hygiene and creation of conditions for rot in the stomach cavity.

The more dangerous parasites?

A larger number of parasites can cause a significant number of cases, some of which may result in fatal. Among such diseases:

  • Osteoporosis;
  • diabetes;
  • SPID;
  • anemia;
  • Cystitis;
  • cirrhosis;
  • Atopicheskiy dermatitis;
  • hepatitis;
  • Infertility;
  • Psoriasis;
  • Oncological diseases;
  • Cardiovascular disease, etc..

For parasite treatment should be approached comprehensively: first adjust the power, try to strengthen the immune system. At the same time used folk methods and worming preparations against parasites, which are selected depending on the type of parasite strictly on an individual basis.

Most often, the doctor - a narrow specialist can not time to determine the presence of parasites in the body, tk. parasitic infection symptoms are similar to other diseases. It is therefore necessary to have their own knowledge about parasites, able to dwell in the body, and be able to make their own arrangements for the disposal of these dangerous and unwanted "guests".